Arguably the most anticipated result from the Planck satellite is the
measurement of non-Gaussianity of the primordial curvature perturbation
\zeta. Apart from the possibility of detecting the non-linearity
parameter fNL, it will be equally exciting to learn what the data can
tell us about its angular modulation, i.e. the statistical anisotropy.
If detected, it may provide the first insight into the gauge field
content of the beyond standard model physics at energy scales relevant
for inflation.
In this talk I will discuss two possible scenarios. First, I will show
that a contribution from vector fields with axial couplings generates
parity violating \zeta, which can be detected by measuring the shape
of fNL and its angular modulation. Second, I will present a model in
which \zeta is generated solely by vector fields, without a direct
contribution from scalar fields and without violating observational
constraints on the anisotropy in the spectrum of \zeta.