HIP NEWS August 26th 2013

HIP NEWS August 26th 2013

The 2013 Physics Prize of the High Energy and Particle Physics Board of the European Physical Society was presented in July in the International EPS HEP Conference in Stockholm:

The High Energy and Particle Physics Prize 2013

ATLAS collaboration (CERN, CH)
CMS collaboration (CERN, CH)

For the discovery of a Higgs boson as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism

Michel Della Negra (CERN, now at Imperial College London, UK)
Peter Jenni (CERN, now at Freiburg University, DE)
Tejinder Virdee (Imperial College London, UK)

For their pioneering and outstanding leadership rôles in the making of the ATLAS and CMS experiments.

The Finnish CMS Teams have been part of the CMS Collaboration from the beginning, contributing to the conception, design, and construction of the CMS detector as well as its analysis software and computing. Since 2009 the HIP CMS team has actively participated in the physics analysis of the data collected in the LHC runs.

For more information, see:


Academy´s ASK & APPLY ROADSHOW at the Kumpula Campus
Registration: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/43447/lomake.html

Time: Wednesday 28 August at 13-16
Place: Exactum, lecture hall B123

PROGRAMME (all in English)

13.15-14.30 Academy’s Science Advisors present:
– current matters in the September Call
– how to write a good application
– basics of the budgeting

14.45-16.00 Workshops on the following funding instruments:
– Academy Project
– Postdoctoral Researchers
– Academy Research Fellow
according to last year’s experience, these workshops were especially

MORE INFO: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/suomenakatemia

Invitation, 175th Anniversary Symposium
On 2-4 September 2013 the cross-disciplinary symposium “Randomness and order in the exact sciences” will take place in Säätytalo, Helsinki. The symposium is part of the 175th Anniversary of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters. Young researchers are especially welcome. Due to the limited size of the auditorium participants are asked to register using the form available at the website of the symposium, http://www.helsinki.fi/~hoyer/symp13/index.html . There is no registration fee.

With our best regards,
Paul Hoyer
Stig-Olof Londén
Heikki Tenhu
Mia von Knorring (secr.)

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Details and registration in

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
A particle/astro PhD school, Copenhagen
on supersymmetry, October 28-November 1st


Posted in Weekly Newsflash.