HIP NEWS January 27th 2014

HIP NEWS January 27th 2014

Election of the HIP staff representative in the HIP Board
The election days are at CERN 14.2. (Suomi -office at 10-12)
and in Kumpula 17.2. (in room A311 at 13-15). Please
check at the notice board, if you are entitled to vote.
Mail voting is also possible. Contact Mikko with any questions.

The 2014 European School of High-Energy Physics
Garderen, the Netherlands, 18.6.-1.7.2014
Application dead-line 14.2.2014, see

Wednesday 29. January 14:15
Seminar in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) at Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Chemicum (A. I. Virtasen aukio 1)

J. Härkönen, Applications of ALD thin films on radiation detectors

Wednesday 29 January 2013 at 14.15 in A315
Massimiliano Rinaldi (Trento)
When Higgs met Einstein

The recent discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN triggered a great interest also in the cosmology and astrophysics community. In particular, a model of inflation based on the Higgs boson was recently proposed by Shaposhnkov and collaborators. Generally speaking, the (non minimal) coupling of the Higgs boson with a gravitational field generates interesting effects not only during inflation. In this seminar, I will show, for example, that classical “Higgs monopoles” may exist. These are stable and non singular particle-like solution of the field equation. I will also show that, under similar hypothesis, it is possible to explain the current accelerated expansion of the Universe.

HIP Annual Report
Please send your contributions to the HIP Annual Report
to christina.helminen@helsinki.fi asap.

TUHAT database
Please check in the TUHAT database the status of your publications. Conference papers and scientific activities you are expected to feed in yourself. The refereed articles are taken care of by the library.

A. Bytsenko 17.1. – 28.1. (AT)
M. Rinaldi 28.1. – 31.1. (SN)
S. Yokoyama 24.2. – 7.3. (KE)
R. Zhang 29.1. – 31.1. (AT)

Posted in Weekly Newsflash.