HIP NEWS, 21 February 2022   

HIP NEWS, 21 February 2022   


Nordic HET seminar

Tuesday 22 February 2022 at 15.15

Rodolfo Panerai (Uppsala)

“Exact TTbar-deformation of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory”



Thursday 24 February 2022 at 14.00 via Zoom

Milla Kalliokoski (University of Helsinki): “Outer radiation belt electron response to sheath regions of coronal mass ejections”


Astrophysics seminar

Friday 25 February 2022 at 10.15

Alejandro Benitez-Llambay (University of Durham)

“Dark and late-forming galaxies: probing ΛCDM at the edge of galaxy formation”



Virtual Celebration of International Women’s Day March 8th at 15:00-17:30

Welcome to the Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics Virtual Conference in Celebration of International Women’s Day March 8th at 15:00-17:30 (EET). Keynote speakers Dr. Meytal Eran Jona, Weizman Institute of Science: “Career of Women in Physics” and Dr. Jane Rigby, NASA: “The James Webb Telescope (JWST), launch, commissioning, and getting ready for science”. More information: https://www.norndip.net/conference/virtual-conference-to-celebrate-international-womens-day.



OPEN POSITION: PhD positions in SMARTHEP European Training Network (ETN)

The HIP CMS Experiment group and network partners from all over Europe invite applications for


starting from 1st October 2022 (or as agreed). Synergies between Machine learning, Real-Time analysis and Hybrid architectures for efficient Event Processing and decision making (SMARTHEP) is an ETN bringing together the four major LHC experiments and multiple industry partners.

For all positions, there is an employment contract for 36 months according to (very competitive) MSCA conditions (plus possibly local contracts for PhD programs with longer duration).

The deadline for applications is 28.02.2022.

For more information: https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/CERN/743999800982580-12-phd-positions-in-particle-physics-and-computer-science-eu-project-smarthep

and for specific questions on the Helsinki/CMS position: henning.kirschenmann [at] helsinki.fi and mikko.voutilainen [at] helsinki.fi


Vacancy in the Monte Carlo simulation project POSEIDON

The POSEIDON project (Position-sensitive detectors for nuclear fuel imaging) is a collaboration between the Helsinki Insitute of Physics at the University of Helsinki and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Uppsala University.

We are looking for an expert in Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations to join a feasibility study of passive gamma emission tomography (PGET) using 3D position-sensitive semiconductor detectors. We aim to hire someone at the postdoc level, but advanced PhD students will be considered as well. More information can be found here.



Call for early career researchers: Apply for membership in Young Academy Finland

Young Academy Finland (established in 2017) is a multidisciplinary organization for young researchers, which aims to promote research and strengthen the status of science and scholarship in society.

So far the members have been invited to join the organization, but this year it is also possible to apply for a membership.


The instructions can be found here . The applications should be sent by February 28th. The list of new members will be public in the summer of 2022.

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/s/0L4ix



OPRA: The Association for Advancement of Research on Open Problems in Nuclear & Particle Physics

The OPRA Association seeks to fund researchers who wish to investigate the discrepancies between existing theories and experimental findings, and the mathematical consistency of physical theories.

The upcoming application deadline is 14 April 2022. Please send the form with all attachments to grants [at] oprassn.org

More information on https://oprassn.org/grants/



The purpose of the Pioneer Innovator Grant is to accelerate commercialization of research findings and development of novel technologies within the health sciences. The Pioneer Innovator Grant seeks to
support novel academic science-based discoveries with a commercial potential. The grant aims to stimulate the evaluation of ideas and to support experiments and activities leading to proof-of-concept.

Deadline (DL): 09 Mar 2022, 2PM (CET)

More information on https://novonordiskfonden.dk/da/grants/pioneer-innovator-grant-2/



The purpose of the Distinguished Innovator Grant is to accelerate commercialization of research findings and development of novel technologies. The Distinguished Innovator Grant is aimed for senior Faculty members or researchers with a proven track record within innovation, i.e., previous experience of academic innovation projects and experience with establishing patents and spinouts from the academia.

Deadline (DL):  09 Mar 2022, 2pm (CET)

More information on  https://novonordiskfonden.dk/da/grants/distinguished-innovator-grant-2/


(In Finnish) Helsingin pitkäkestoinen terveysalan hautomo-ohjelma hakee lupaavia startupeja, 7.2.–13.3.2022

Health Incubator Helsinki on yrityshautomo-ohjelma, joka tukee terveysinnovaatioiden, tutkimushankkeiden ja -osaamisen kehittämistä kansainväliseksi liiketoiminnaksi ja houkuttelee osaajia ja yrityksiä Helsinkiin. Kyseessä on Pohjoismaiden ainoa terveyteen keskittyvä pitkäkestoinen, jopa kolmevuotinen, hautomo-ohjelma.

Haussa (7.2.–13.3.2022) uraauurtavia innovaatioita ja sinnikkäitä tiimejä.

Lisätietoja ja hakulomake löytyvät https://www.hel.fi/uutiset/fi/kaupunginkanslia/helsingin-pitkakestoinen-terveysalan-hautomo-ohjelma-hakee-lupaavia-startupeja


Health Incubator Helsinki is open for applications from 7 February until 13 March, 2022.

Health Incubator Helsinki is a comprehensive incubator program for research-based, early-stage teams and startups operating in the health sector.

Health Incubator Helsinki is open for applications from 7 February until 13 March, 2022. After the selection process, approximately 10-12 teams will be chosen for the program that starts in April, 2022.

More information and application form can be found https://healthincubatorhelsinki.com/new-idea/



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year. There are no separate application times.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio [at] helsinki.fi).


(In Finnish) Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö

Säätiön tehtävänä on tukea tieteellistä sekä soveltavaa tutkimusta ja kehitystyötä myöntämällä apurahoja hankkeiden toteuttajille. Säätiö tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia yksittäisille tutkijoille ja kehittäjille sekä tutkimus-/ kehittäjäryhmille. Haasteena on ruokkia nimenomaan sellaista kehitystä, jolla olisi elinympäristömme kannalta positiivista vaikutusta pitkällä tähtäimellä. Apurahojen hakuaika on jatkuva.


(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



EDUFI Fellowship

The EDUFI Fellowship is intended, particularly, for providing initial funding to carry out research for a doctoral thesis in Finland.

Applicant: a Finnish university department

Who: a doctoral student or a young researcher from outside Finland

Purpose: initial funding for completing a doctoral research project in Finland, completion of a double degree or a study visit on exceptionally compelling reasons

Application deadline: rolling deadline. You should apply for the grant five months before the start of the fellowship.

Duration of fellowship: 3–12 months, visits 3–6 months



På svenska) Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse

Stiftelsens ändamål är att genom stipendier, belöningar och understöd åt enskilda finska medborgare eller i Finland verksamma samfund, föreningar och institutioner befordra vetenskaplig forskning samt belöna medborgerlig, fosterländsk och/eller kulturell gärning och att understöda socialt eller vetenskapligt inriktad verksamhet.

Ansökningar riktade till stiftelsen indelas i två huvudkategorier, “Vetenskapliga” och “Allmänna”, vilka behandlas av två skilda beredningsnämnder inom stiftelsen. Forskningsunderstöd beviljas enbart för postgradual forskning. Ansökningstiden utgår årligen den 15 mars.


(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten.

Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2. – 28.2.2022.



Posted in Weekly Newsflash.