Research Highlights

Development of a non-destructive method with micron precision to measure the internal shape of the CLIC accelerating structure disk stack using Fourier Domain Short Coherence Interferometry (FDSCI). Demonstration of the micron precision of FDSCI for thickness measurements of standardized samples. Significant progress throughout 2014 for the calibration of the thickness measurement as well as for the mechanical design of probe head (performed in the frame work of MeChanICs in summer 2014). A journal article on the calibration and the verification is in progress and first shape measurements of copper discs are planned in spring 2015.

Development of a rapid ultralow pressure manometer to dynamically measure the outgassing from a RF loaded structure during one RF pulse. Sensitivity to 10E-5 – 10E-6 mbar copper partial pressures in single pass measurements was obtained with a dedicated test setup in Kumpula’s Accelerator Laboratory. The absolute manometer calibration is well on its way and a journal article on the calibration is in preparation.

Assembly of the fully functional CLIC module for installation and beam operation in CLEX. This task was successfully accomplished and the module saw first beam in late 2014. First results were presented on the CLIC workshop in January 2015.