HIP NEWS December 5th 2016

HIP NEWS December 5th 2016

Thursday 8 December 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Henning Kirschenmann (CERN)
Searches of new physics at CMS

Abstract: We discuss direct and indirect new physics searches at CMS, directly looking for SUSY and indirectly placing constraints on the new physics with the top quark mass. The main experimental limitations come from reconstruction of jets and tail in missing-ET. We review current results and discuss future improvements with up to 100 fb-1 of data to be collected by 2018.

Wednesday 7 December 2016 at 14.15 in A315
Angelo Ricciardone (Stavanger)
Probing Inflation with LISA Gravitational Wave Detector

Abstract: Primordial Gravitational Waves (GWs) represent a key test of inflation and they are a unique tool to explore the physics and the microphysics of the early Universe. After the recent GW detection by the advanced LIGO (aLIGO) detector the next target of modern cosmology is the detection of primordial GWs. Even if the main probe of primordial GWs is the Cosmic Microwave Background, we will see in this talk how we can extract information about primordial GWs at smaller scale. In particular the space-borne LISA interferometer, in addiction to detection and characterization of GWs of astrophysical origin, will give compelling information about possible sources of GWs in the early Universe. In this talk I will briefly review the physics of primordial gravitational waves and then I will mainly discuss on the promise of LISA measurements for giving information about the physics of inflationary well motivated scenarios.

Thursday 8 December 2016 at 14.15 in D112
Yohei Ema (Tokyo)
Dynamics of Higgs during preheating epoch

Abstract: In the first part, I will discuss the implication of the electroweak (EW) vacuum metastability during the preheating epoch. The EW vacuum may be metastable in light of the current experimental data, and it may have a tension with high-scale inflation. In order to overcome this problem, Higgs-inflaton/-curvature couplings are often introduced. However, after inflation, the additional interaction term oscillates, and it may destabilize the EW vacuum via resonant production of Higgs. In this talk, I will study whether the Higgs-inflaton/-curvature coupling can save the EW vacuum by taking account of Higgs production during the preheating stage. In particular, I will put upper bounds on the Higgs-inflaton/-curvature coupling.
In the second part, I will discuss the preheating dynamics of the Higgs inflation model. I will find that the Higgs dynamics possesses a very fast time scale during the inflaton oscillation regime, and the preheating dynamics can be much more violent than previously thought due to this time scale. In particular, possibility of unitarity violation will be discussed.

Helsinki Higgs Forum, 14-16 December 2016, Physicum, Kumpula campus
The aim of the Forum is to bring together Higgs physics experts representing its different facets: phenomenology, cosmology and experiment, and create a productive atmosphere for exchange of ideas across the fields.
The Forum is also expected to engage local students and staff providing them with the state of the art in Higgs physics. The format of the meeting assumes plenary talks only as well as a young scientist forum.

Registration is open.
Further information and registration at: http://www.hip.fifi/hhf

The organizing committee
Oleg Lebedev, Katri Huitu, Paula Eerola, Kari Enqvist.

Funding opportunities
Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation.
Application deadline is 9.12.2016.
More information: http://www.magnusehrnroothinsaatio.fi/

The Foundations’ Post Doc Pool.
The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland.
The Spring application round will be open from 15 Dec 2016 until 15 Jan 2017

Open position
Postdoc position in thermal QCD in HIP/Department of Physics, University of Helsinki.
The deadline for applications is 14 December 2016.
The details can be found in http://hep.physics.helsinki.fi/postdoc-position-in-thermal-qcd/

Academy of Finland: Propose topics for new Academy Programmes
Academy Programmes are research programmes funded by the Academy of Finland. They are science-driven, thematic and target-oriented bodies of research projects that are aimed at supporting scientific regeneration and increasing scientific and societal impact. More information about the Academy of Finland’s ongoing and planned Academy Programmes is available at www.aka.fi/programmes .

Now, the Academy of Finland is inviting researchers and research teams to propose topics for new Academy Programmes.

Proposal submission is open until 31 December 2016 at www.webropolsurveys.com/S/D21D3018CA63EB31.par.

P. Dendooven 7.11. – 9.12.
Y. Ema 27.11. – 24.12. (OL)
T. Graf 11.12. – 14.12. (AV)
M. Hindmarsh 7.12. – 18.12. (KR)

Posted in Weekly Newsflash.