HIP NEWS, 17 June 2024


HIP NEWS, 17 June 2024



Helsinki Astrophysics Seminar

Monday 17 June 2024 at 14.15, Physicum A315 (Note the unusual time and room)

Antti Rantala (MPA Garching)

“Hierarchical star cluster assembly boosts massive black hole seed formation”

Abstract: Observations and high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations indicate that massive star clusters assemble hierarchically from sub-clusters with a universal power-law cluster mass function. We study the consequences of such an assembly for the formation of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) at low metallicities with our updated N-body code BIFROST based on the hierarchical fourth-order forward integrator. BIFROST integrates few-body systems using secular and regularized techniques including post-Newtonian equations of motion up to order PN3.5 and gravitational-wave recoil kicks for merging BHs. Single stellar evolution is treated using the fast population synthesis code SEVN. We evolve three cluster assembly regions with up to 2.4 million stars following a realistic IMF in ~1000 sub-clusters for 50 Myr. IMBHs with masses up to Mbh ~ 2200 Msun form rapidly mainly via the collapse of very massive stars assembled through repeated collisions of massive stars followed by growth through tidal disruption events and BH mergers. No IMBHs originate from the stars in the initially most massive clusters due to suppression of hard massive star binary formation at high velocity dispersions and the competition between core collapse and massive star life-times. Later the IMBHs form subsystems resulting in gravitational-wave mergers with a 1000 Msun gravitational-wave detection being the observable prediction.”


Alfred Kordelin Foundation´s Application for Yearly grants 1–15 August 2024 and Grants Info in August

The Foundation awards grants for scientific work in various scientific fields. Working grants for private individuals for finalizing Ph.D. theses, and for research visits related to Ph.D. thesis work in various fields of science.

  • Apurahainfot elokuussa (suomeksi): Maanantai 5.8.2024 klo 13–14. Ilmoittaudu tästä Mukaan mahtuu enintään 150 osallistujaa.
  • Grants Info in August (in english): Tuesday August 6, 2024, at 9am–10am in Finnish time. Register here  A maximum of 150 participants can attend.

Application period: 1.–15. August 2024

Decision: November 2024

More information: https://kordelin.fi/en/application-for-yearly-grants-1-15-august-2024-and-grants-info-in-august , https://kordelin.fi/en/grants-info-in-august-2024-register-now



Preliminary information of the Cooperation in research, innovation and higher education: Maupertuis programme

Launching period: end of August to end of October

The French Institute in Helsinki, the French Embassy to Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in partnership with the Finnish Society for Science and Letters and the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters open a call for projects, under the seed funding programme, to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of science, innovation and higher education in areas of interest to both countries.

  1. Short Mobility of Researchers (SMR)
  2. Education, Research and Innovation Workshops (ERI-W)

For any further question, contact mathieu.girerd [at] france.fi

Further details can be found at https://www.france.fi/en/science-and-universities/cooperation-in-research-innovation-and-higher-education/maupertuis-programme/#/



(In Finnish) Suomen tietokirjailijat ry: Syksyn apurahat

Suomen tietokirjailijat ry julistaa syyskuussa haettavaksi työskentelyapurahoja oppi- ja tietokirjailijoille luovaan tietokirjalliseen työskentelyyn.

Syksyn apuraha voidaan myöntää hakijalle, joka on aiemmin kirjoittanut yksin tai ryhmän jäsenenä tietoteoksen. Väitöskirja luetaan tietoteokseksi.

Syksyn 2024 apurahahaku alkaa 2.9.2024 ja päättyy 30.9.2024 klo 16.00.

Hakuohjeita päivitetään elokuussa.

Lue lisää ” Kenelle ja mihin käyttötarkoitukseen apuraha voidaan myöntää?” https://www.suomentietokirjailijat.fi/kirjailijalle/apurahat/syksyn-apurahat.html




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year. There are no separate application times.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Matti Lassas (matti.lassas [at] helsinki.fi ).



(In Finnish) Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö

Säätiön tehtävänä on tukea tieteellistä sekä soveltavaa tutkimusta ja kehitystyötä myöntämällä apurahoja hankkeiden toteuttajille. Säätiö tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia yksittäisille tutkijoille ja kehittäjille sekä tutkimus-/ kehittäjäryhmille. Haasteena on ruokkia nimenomaan sellaista kehitystä, jolla olisi elinympäristömme kannalta positiivista vaikutusta pitkällä tähtäimellä. Apurahojen hakuaika on jatkuva.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.

  • Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen
  • Stipendier i första hand för kortare forskningsvistelser



EDUFI Fellowship

The EDUFI Fellowship is intended, particularly, for providing initial funding to carry out research for a doctoral thesis in Finland.

Applicant: a Finnish university department

Who: a doctoral student or a young researcher from outside Finland

Purpose: initial funding for completing a doctoral research project in Finland, completion of a double degree or a study visit on exceptionally compelling reasons

Application deadline: rolling deadline. You should apply for the grant five months before the start of the fellowship.

Duration of fellowship: 3–12 months, visits 3–6 months



The Sigrid Jusélius Foundation: Visiting professor (3–12 months)

Application period 01.11.–30.11.2024 at 23:59.

The Visiting professor -grant is targeted for foreign senior medical researchers (“visiting professors”) to enable working in a Finnish research institution.



Posted in Weekly Newsflash.