HIP NEWS, 24 March 2025
Thursday 17 April 2025 at 10:15 in A315 and using Zoom
Jacopo Ghiglieri (Nantes)
Abstract: https://www.hip.fi/seminars/
Research Council of Finland: The call documents for the spring call have been published.
The Research Council of Finland (RCF) will open a series of thematic funding calls as part of the RCF’s spring call 2025. You can submit your application starting on 2 April. The deadline is either 7 May or 14 May, depending on the funding scheme.
The Research Council of Finland (RCF) https://www.aka.fi/en/about-us/whats-new/press-releases/2025/rcf-publishes-call-documents-and-review-guidelines-for-spring-call/
Register for Ask & Apply webinars
The Research Council of Finland will organise Ask & Apply webinars about the 2025 april calls. After registration, you will receive the webinar link by email.
Webinar schedule
- Climate Synergy: Finnish Forest Biomass and Sustainable Energy Solutions of the Future: 27 March at 9.00–10.30.
Programme and Registration form can be found at https://www.aka.fi/en/research-funding/apply-for-funding/how-to-apply-for-funding/ask–apply/
The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation
The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year. There are no separate application times.
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund
There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Tuomo Kuusi (tuomo.kuusi [at] helsinki.fi).
(In Finnish) Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö
Säätiön tehtävänä on tukea tieteellistä sekä soveltavaa tutkimusta ja kehitystyötä myöntämällä apurahoja hankkeiden toteuttajille. Säätiö tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia yksittäisille tutkijoille ja kehittäjille sekä tutkimus-/ kehittäjäryhmille. Haasteena on ruokkia nimenomaan sellaista kehitystä, jolla olisi elinympäristömme kannalta positiivista vaikutusta pitkällä tähtäimellä. Apurahojen hakuaika on jatkuva.
(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)
Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.
- Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen
- Stipendier i första hand för kortare forskningsvistelser
EDUFI Fellowship
The EDUFI Fellowship is intended, particularly, for providing initial funding to carry out research for a doctoral thesis in Finland.
Applicant: a Finnish university department
Who: a doctoral student or a young researcher from outside Finland
Purpose: initial funding for completing a doctoral research project in Finland, completion of a double degree or a study visit on exceptionally compelling reasons
Application deadline: rolling deadline. You should apply for the grant five months before the start of the fellowship.
Duration of fellowship: 3–12 months, visits 3–6 months
PoDoCo Spring 2025 Application Round
PoDoCo is established to create new jobs for postdocs. The aim of the PoDoCo program is to promote academic research supporting long term competitiveness and strategic renewal of Finnish companies, and the employment of young doctors in industry. Join us for the PoDoCo webinars to learn more about the program and get answers to any questions you might have. The webinars will take place every Thursday from 23.1.2025 to 10.4.2025, from 14:30 to 15:00. Link to the webinar, which is a Teams meeting.
PoDoCo application rounds are open annually from 1 March to 15 April.
Sigrid Jusélius Foundation / Fellowship and Senior Fellowship
We support cutting-edge medical research in Finland.
Fellowship (1–3 years): Researchers who have defended their doctoral theses, for medical research abroad.
Application period: 15.03.–15.04.2025
Senior Fellowship (6–12 months): Senior-level researchers for medical research abroad.
Application period: 15.03.–15.04.2025
Otto A. Malm Foundation
In 2025, the Otto A. Malm Foundation will distribute grants for popular education and general welfare. The 2025 grants will not be awarded for scientific research projects, such as doctoral theses.
The application categories for 2025 are:
- Artistic work and Cultural projects
- Citizen and association activity
- Science communication and popular education
A list of awarded grants will be published on the foundation’s website on July 1, 2025. Grants recipients will be notified by email.
Next application time 1.-30.4.2025.
Public information grants (TJNK)
The Committee for Public Information (TJNK) awards public information grants to individuals or members of working groups (but not to associations or societies) to implement work plans that contribute to public information, mainly as a form of compensation for creative work.
Grants may be awarded for non-fiction books, radio and TV programmes, articles in periodicals, information products published in electronic form or other information products that popularise information.
The application service opens on 1 May and closes at 4pm on the last working day of May. Note that when the application service has closed, applications can no longer be saved or confirmed (submitted).