HIP NEWS, 30 September 2019

HIP NEWS, 30 September 2019



Tuesday 1 October 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Graham White (Triumf, Canada)

Electroweak baryogenesis, experimental status, progress and extensions


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/



On Friday 4 October 2019 at 14.00, the Kumpula Physics Colloquium group organizes a special colloquium on “High Performance Computing Applications” in Exactum A111, with speakers including Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen, Prof. Ilpo Vattulainen, Prof. Minna Palmroth and Academy Prof. Kari Rummukainen. Cocktails will be served after the colloquium at 15.00.



The NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Science Applications in Helsinki from 25 to 27 November 2019 is organized within the NUSPRASEN work package of ENSAR2, the integrating activity for European research in Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions and Applications of Nuclear Science (www.ensarfp7.eu, www.nusprasen.net).

Invited speakers will set the stage for sessions on nuclear science applications in medicine, heritage science, nuclear safety, security and safequards, and collaboration with and the needs of industry. Contributed presentations will be selected from the abstracts submitted before October 14.

Detailed information is available from https://indico.gsi.de/event/9181/


Local Organizing Committee:

Peter Dendooven (Univ. Groningen & Univ. Helsinki)

Paul Greenlees (Univ. Jyväskylä)

Ari Jokinen (Univ. Jyväskylä)

Timo Sajavaara (Univ. Jyväskylä)



Representatives of all genders are welcome to submit an abstract on either physical sciences or diversity/equality work in the field of physics. Special focus of the conference is implicit bias. The maximum length of the abstract is 3000 characters (approximately one A4 with a 12 pt font).

Registration closes on Tuesday 15 October 2019.

Local organisers: Eija Tuominen, Hanna Vehkamäki, Katja Lauri

More information: https://norndip.com/norndip-2019/



You are warmly invited to attend an information meeting about the Athena SWAN and Project Juno equality and diversity initiatives, to be held in Physicum E207 from 9.30-12.00 on 11.10.2019.


These UK schemes seek to put processes that improve equality and diversity on a more firm footing within academic departments, and have seen very widespread adoption. With growing interest in similar schemes in Finland, we have invited some experts to continue the discussion.


Gary Loke from Advance HE will introduce the Athena SWAN scheme which covers all disciplines, while the physics-specific Project Juno scheme will be presented by Professor Nicola Wilkin, University of Birmingham and chair of the Juno Panel. Their presentations will be followed a panel discussion including Mark Hindmarsh, Department of Physics, and time for networking.


For more information, a detailed timetable, and to register, please visit:


(registration is non-binding, and only to gauge interest)


Queries can be directed to Eija Tuominen, Hanna Vehkamäki or David Weir.




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



Erkki Paasikivi Foundation

The foundation promotes education and research in water technology, housing solutions and business economics.

Application period for the grants is 1.8.2019 – 25.10.2019



(In Finnish) Riitta ja Jorma J. Takasen säätiö sr

Elinkeinoelämän ja erityisesti teknologiateollisuuden sekä teknologisen osaamisen kehittäminen, kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn tukeminen ja edistäminen sekä Keski- ja Pohjois-Suomessa.

Syksyn 2019 apurahojen hakeminen 1.9. – 31.10.2019



PoDoCo Fall 2019 Application Round

PoDoCo is a matchmaking program supporting long term competitiveness and strategic renewal of companies and the employment of young doctors in the private sector.

PoDoCo Autumn 2019 Application Round 15.9.-31.10.2019.

More details on https://www.podoco.fi/about/


The Runar Bäckström Foundation

The aim of the Runar Bäckström foundation is to encourage and support inventions that are beneficial to Finnish businesses and thereby strengthen their global competitiveness.

Application period for the 2019-2020 grants opens 1 October 2019 and is open until 13 December 2019.

More details http://www.runarbackstrominsaatio.fi/en/


Sigrid Juselius Foundation / 1-3 YEAR GRANTS

The grants are designed for senior researchers and young team leaders looking to set up their own research team.

The application period for autumn 2019 is 28.10. – 28.11.



(In Finnish) Avoimet julkaisuväylät Helsingin yliopistossa -tilaisuus

Pe 4.10.2019 klo 10-11, Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston Kaisa-salissa (7062)

Tilaisuudessa kerrotaan kolmesta avoimen julkaisemisen palvelusta: julkaisuarkisto Heldasta, tiedekustantamo Helsinki University Pressistä (HUP) ja avoimien lehtien julkaisualusta Editorista.

Tervetuloa paikan päälle kuulemaan lisää! Tilaisuutta voi seurata live-streaminä: https://connect.funet.fi/hulib_tutki/

Lisätietoja flammasta https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/group/ajankohtaista/uutinen/-/uutinen/avoimet-julkaisuvaylat-helsingin-yliopistossa-tilaisuus-4-10-/5806553


HIP NEWS, 23 September 2019

HIP NEWS, 23 September 2019



The Research Assessment of the University of Helsinki (RAUH) has been published (406 pages, 2.5 MB):



The department of Physics and the Helsinki part of HIP were evaluated together.

The PHYSICS/HIP specific part, pages 253-261 of the full report, can also be found separately in Flamma




On Friday 4 October 2019 at 14.00, the Kumpula Physics Colloquium group organizes a special colloquium on “High Performance Computing Applications” in Exactum A111, with speakers including Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen, Prof. Ilpo Vattulainen, Prof. Minna Palmroth and Academy Prof. Kari Rummukainen. Cocktails will be served after the colloquium at 15.00.



The NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Science Applications in Helsinki from 25 to 27 November 2019 is organized within the NUSPRASEN work package of ENSAR2, the integrating activity for European research in Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions and Applications of Nuclear Science (www.ensarfp7.eu, www.nusprasen.net).

Invited speakers will set the stage for sessions on nuclear science applications in medicine, heritage science, nuclear safety, security and safequards, and collaboration with and the needs of industry. Contributed presentations will be selected from the abstracts submitted before October 14.

Detailed information is available from https://indico.gsi.de/event/9181/


Local Organizing Committee:

Peter Dendooven (Univ. Groningen & Univ. Helsinki)

Paul Greenlees (Univ. Jyväskylä)

Ari Jokinen (Univ. Jyväskylä)

Timo Sajavaara (Univ. Jyväskylä)



Representatives of all genders are welcome to submit an abstract on either physical sciences or diversity/equality work in the field of physics. Special focus of the conference is implicit bias. The maximum length of the abstract is 3000 characters (approximately one A4 with a 12 pt font).

Registration closes on Tuesday 15 October 2019.

Local organisers: Eija Tuominen, Hanna Vehkamäki, Katja Lauri

More information: https://norndip.com/norndip-2019/


Researchers’ Night Friday 27 September 2019

The European Researchers’ Night is held at the same time in around 300 cities across Europe on the last Friday of September (27 Sep 2019).


HIP organizes a workshop “Particles in the universe” at 17.00 – 20.00, Observatory.

More details on




Tampere University https://events.tuni.fi/researchersnight2019/

University of Jyväskylä https://www.jyu.fi/en/academic-events/researchers-night

Lahti University Campus  https://www.facebook.com/events/270295160112620/


The Alumni Association’s events and programs for the autumn of 2019

Wednesday 9 October – Thursday 10 October 2019, Think Corner, Yliopistonkatu 4

Nordic Business Forum  2019

Sign up for the event https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Alumniyhdistys_Nordic_Business_Forum_alumneille_2019_0488/en

Buy the Alumni Ambassador lunch http://www.alumnikauppa.fi/tuote/lounaslippu-nbf-tiedekulmassa-2019/

The whole program of the Alumni Association on the Finnish website https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/alumniyhdistys/ohjelma



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.





HIP NEWS, 16 September 2019

HIP NEWS, 16 September 2019




On Friday 4 October 2019 at 14.00, the Kumpula Physics Colloquium group organizes a special colloquium on “High Performance Computing Applications” in Exactum A111, with speakers including Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen, Prof. Ilpo Vattulainen, Prof. Minna Palmroth and Academy Prof. Kari Rummukainen. Cocktails will be served after the colloquium at 15.00.



An algorithm developed in a collaborative project of mathematicians and physicists from the University of Helsinki won second place in a challenge organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in which solutions were sought for interpreting gamma radiation originating in spent nuclear fuel assemblies.





Researchers’ Night Friday 27 September 2019

The European Researchers’ Night is held at the same time in around 300 cities across Europe on the last Friday of September (27 Sep 2019).


HIP organizes a workshop “Particles in the universe” at 17.00 – 20.00.

More details on




Tampere University https://events.tuni.fi/researchersnight2019/

University of Jyväskylä https://www.jyu.fi/en/academic-events/researchers-night

Lahti University Campus  https://www.facebook.com/events/270295160112620/




Representatives of all genders are welcome to submit an abstract on either physical sciences or diversity/equality work in the field of physics. Special focus of the conference is implicit bias. The maximum length of the abstract is 3000 characters (approximately one A4 with a 12 pt font).

Registration closes on Tuesday 15 October 2019.

Local organisers: Eija Tuominen, Hanna Vehkamäki, Katja Lauri

More information: https://norndip.com/norndip-2019/



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.





HIP NEWS, 9 September 2019


HIP NEWS, 9 September 2019



Tuesday 10 September 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Javier Subils (Barcelona)

Mass gap without confinement


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.




HIP NEWS, 2 September 2019

HIP NEWS, 2 September 2019



RDM and DMP courses in autumn

Data Support at the University of Helsinki provides lectures and workshops in data management on all campuses from August to December.


Data Management Plan workshop, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Wed 4.9. 13-15


Enroll to the courses at Suffeli (SAP SuccessFactors).

If you have any problems with enrollment, please contact datasupport@helsinki.fi.


Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/group/ajankohtaista/uutinen/-/uutinen/tarvitsetko-opastusta-datanhallinnassa-tutustu-syksyn-rdm-ja-dmp-kursseihin-/3922046




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



The Instrumentarium Science Foundation: Call for grants 2020

The Instrumentarium Science Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate the anniversary year, the Foundation has allocated 2 million Euros to support medical research, medical technology and related science and economics research. Silmu is a new form of grant designed for promoting business research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

The Foundation’s grants for the year 2020 are available from 10th of June to 9th of September 2019.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.




HIP NEWS, 26 August 2019


HIP NEWS, 26 August 2019


Filip Tuomisto, HIP Technology program director, has been appointed as professor at the University of Helsinki. Previously Filip was professor at the Aalto University.

Flyura Djurabekova, HIP Accelerator technology: materials project leader, has been appointed as professor at the University of Helsinki.

Panja Luukka, HIP CMS Upgrade project leader, has been appointed as professor (tenured) at the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT.

David Weir has been appointed as associate professor at the University of Helsinki.







Tuesday 27 August 2019 at 10.15 in A315:

Tommi Tenkanen (Johns Hopkins University)

Spectator Dark Matter


Tuesday 27 August 2019 at 14.15 in A315

Tiina Naaranoja (University of Helsinki)

Diamond Time-of-Flight Detectors and their Radiation Tolerance


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/





The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



The Instrumentarium Science Foundation: Call for grants 2020

The Instrumentarium Science Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate the anniversary year, the Foundation has allocated 2 million Euros to support medical research, medical technology and related science and economics research. Silmu is a new form of grant designed for promoting business research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

The Foundation’s grants for the year 2020 are available from 10th of June to 9th of September 2019.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.




Nokia Foundation Scholarship and Jorma Ollila grant application calls

Nokia Foundation has calls open for applications for Nokia Scholarships, Jorma Ollila grants, and Nokia Visiting Professor grants.


Nokia Scholarship is intended to encourage efficient, fast-progressing postgraduate studies. The scholarship can be granted for post-graduate studies in a Finnish university, or to a Finnish applicant for post-graduate studies abroad.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Jorma Ollila Grant is targeted towards recently graduated doctors to further develop their research career. Personal grants are awarded for gaining international experience for a period of 1-3 years.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Nokia Visiting Professor and Centennial

Grants for Nokia Visiting Professors are given to distinguished foreign professors to work in Finland, or to deserving Finnish professors working at respected foreign universities.


Nokia Foundation Board will make decisions quarterly.

Applications Sent By: Board Decision available:
August 5, 2019 August 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 October 30, 2019


HIP NEWS, 19 August 2019

HIP NEWS, 19 August 2019




Tuesday 20 August 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Hamid Mehdipour (Islamic Azan University, Lahijan branch)

Noncommutative Hayward Black holes


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/



RDM and DMP courses in autumn

Data Support at the University of Helsinki provides lectures and workshops in data management on all campuses from August to December.


Kumpula Campus

RDM Basics, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Tue 27.8. 10-12


Data Management Plan workshop, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Wed 28.8. 13-15

Wed 4.9. 13-15


Enroll to the courses at Suffeli (SAP SuccessFactors).

If you have any problems with enrollment, please contact datasupport@helsinki.fi.


Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/group/ajankohtaista/uutinen/-/uutinen/tarvitsetko-opastusta-datanhallinnassa-tutustu-syksyn-rdm-ja-dmp-kursseihin-/3922046




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



The Instrumentarium Science Foundation: Call for grants 2020

The Instrumentarium Science Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate the anniversary year, the Foundation has allocated 2 million Euros to support medical research, medical technology and related science and economics research. Silmu is a new form of grant designed for promoting business research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

The Foundation’s grants for the year 2020 are available from 10th of June to 9th of September 2019.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.



(In Finnish) Tieteen tiedotus ry:n rahoitushaku 2019

Tieteen tiedotus ry julistaa haettavaksi rahoitusta tieteellisen tutkimuksen tuloksista tiedottamiseen ja saattamiseen yleisön tietoisuuteen. Kirjahankkeet ja tieteellinen tutkimus eivät kuulu apurahoituksen piiriin. Hakijana voi olla yksityinen henkilö, työryhmä tai rekisteröity yhteisö. Rahoitus osoitetaan rekisteröidylle taustayhteisölle.


Jaettavana on 200 000 euroa, josta yhdistys rahoittaa 1–4 hanketta.


Vapaamuotoiset (max. 3 sivua A4) aiehakemukset tulee toimittaa sähköpostitse yhtenä pdf-tiedostona (tieteentiedotus@gmail.com) 23.8.2019 mennessä. Aiehakemuksessa on kuvattava hankkeen tausta, tavoitteet, karkea budjetti, toteutus ja vastuullinen toteuttaja yhteystietoineen.


Aiehakemusten perusteella jatkoon pääsevät hankkeet valitaan syyskuussa, ja näitä pyydetään toimittamaan varsinainen hakemus myöhemmin. Rahoituspäätökset tehdään marraskuun aikana. Tiedustelut: tieteentiedotus@gmail.com


Tieteen tiedotus ry:n tarkoituksena on tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen tuloksista tiedottaminen. Yhdistys julkaisee Tiede-lehteä ja osallistuu Hyvä terveys-lehden julkaisemiseen. Lisätietoja: www.tieteentiedotus.fi

Ilmoitus Yliopisto-lehti .Y/05/19 http://docs.unigrafia.fi/yliopisto-lehti/05_2019/#/article/66/page/1-1



Nokia Foundation Scholarship and Jorma Ollila grant application calls

Nokia Foundation has calls open for applications for Nokia Scholarships, Jorma Ollila grants, and Nokia Visiting Professor grants.


Nokia Scholarship is intended to encourage efficient, fast-progressing postgraduate studies. The scholarship can be granted for post-graduate studies in a Finnish university, or to a Finnish applicant for post-graduate studies abroad.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Jorma Ollila Grant is targeted towards recently graduated doctors to further develop their research career. Personal grants are awarded for gaining international experience for a period of 1-3 years.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Nokia Visiting Professor and Centennial

Grants for Nokia Visiting Professors are given to distinguished foreign professors to work in Finland, or to deserving Finnish professors working at respected foreign universities.


Nokia Foundation Board will make decisions quarterly.

Applications Sent By: Board Decision available:
August 5, 2019 August 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 October 30, 2019







HIP NEWS, 12 August 2019


HIP NEWS, 12 August 2019





Tuesday 13 August 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Philipp Schicho (Bern)

3-Loop Gauge Coupling in Hot QCD


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/






29.7- 16.8.2019 MORNINGS 8:00-11:00; CLOSED on Wednesdays

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2019 onwards

Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12:00, 14:00-16:00; CLOSED on Wednesdays


Kumpula Campus IN HELSINKI

Gustaf Hällströminkatu 2, Physicum (P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki)

24.6. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 15:30


Pietari Kalmin katu 5, Ex­actum (P.O. Box 68, 00014 University of Helsinki)

29.7. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 20:00, Friday 8:00 – 15:30


A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, Chemicum (P.O. Box 55, 00014 University of Helsinki)

17.6. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 15:30



Kumpula Campus Library

5.8. – 25.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 16:00, customer service 10:00 – 16:00


Keep in mind that the e-library is open 24/7, also in the summer!







RDM and DMP courses in autumn

Data Support at the University of Helsinki provides lectures and workshops in data management on all campuses from August to December.


Kumpula Campus

RDM Basics, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Tue 27.8. 10-12


Data Management Plan workshop, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Wed 28.8. 13-15

Wed 4.9. 13-15


Enroll to the courses at Suffeli (SAP SuccessFactors).

If you have any problems with enrollment, please contact datasupport@helsinki.fi.


Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/group/ajankohtaista/uutinen/-/uutinen/tarvitsetko-opastusta-datanhallinnassa-tutustu-syksyn-rdm-ja-dmp-kursseihin-/3922046




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



The Instrumentarium Science Foundation: Call for grants 2020

The Instrumentarium Science Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate the anniversary year, the Foundation has allocated 2 million Euros to support medical research, medical technology and related science and economics research. Silmu is a new form of grant designed for promoting business research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

The Foundation’s grants for the year 2020 are available from 10th of June to 9th of September 2019.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Alfred Kordelin Foundation

Grants are awarded to private individuals for Ph.D. work in various sciences, postdoctoral research, travelling to congresses that deal with the topic of research, and work as a visiting scholar.

Application period: 1. to 15. August 2019.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.



(In Finnish) Tieteen tiedotus ry:n rahoitushaku 2019

Tieteen tiedotus ry julistaa haettavaksi rahoitusta tieteellisen tutkimuksen tuloksista tiedottamiseen ja saattamiseen yleisön tietoisuuteen. Kirjahankkeet ja tieteellinen tutkimus eivät kuulu apurahoituksen piiriin. Hakijana voi olla yksityinen henkilö, työryhmä tai rekisteröity yhteisö. Rahoitus osoitetaan rekisteröidylle taustayhteisölle.


Jaettavana on 200 000 euroa, josta yhdistys rahoittaa 1–4 hanketta.


Vapaamuotoiset (max. 3 sivua A4) aiehakemukset tulee toimittaa sähköpostitse yhtenä pdf-tiedostona (tieteentiedotus@gmail.com) 23.8.2019 mennessä. Aiehakemuksessa on kuvattava hankkeen tausta, tavoitteet, karkea budjetti, toteutus ja vastuullinen toteuttaja yhteystietoineen.


Aiehakemusten perusteella jatkoon pääsevät hankkeet valitaan syyskuussa, ja näitä pyydetään toimittamaan varsinainen hakemus myöhemmin. Rahoituspäätökset tehdään marraskuun aikana. Tiedustelut: tieteentiedotus@gmail.com


Tieteen tiedotus ry:n tarkoituksena on tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen tuloksista tiedottaminen. Yhdistys julkaisee Tiede-lehteä ja osallistuu Hyvä terveys-lehden julkaisemiseen. Lisätietoja: www.tieteentiedotus.fi

Ilmoitus Yliopisto-lehti .Y/05/19 http://docs.unigrafia.fi/yliopisto-lehti/05_2019/#/article/66/page/1-1



Nokia Foundation Scholarship and Jorma Ollila grant application calls

Nokia Foundation has calls open for applications for Nokia Scholarships, Jorma Ollila grants, and Nokia Visiting Professor grants.


Nokia Scholarship is intended to encourage efficient, fast-progressing postgraduate studies. The scholarship can be granted for post-graduate studies in a Finnish university, or to a Finnish applicant for post-graduate studies abroad.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Jorma Ollila Grant is targeted towards recently graduated doctors to further develop their research career. Personal grants are awarded for gaining international experience for a period of 1-3 years.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Nokia Visiting Professor and Centennial

Grants for Nokia Visiting Professors are given to distinguished foreign professors to work in Finland, or to deserving Finnish professors working at respected foreign universities.


Nokia Foundation Board will make decisions quarterly.

Applications Sent By: Board Decision available:
August 5, 2019 August 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 October 30, 2019



HIP NEWS, 5 August 2019

HIP NEWS, 5 August 2019




Tuesday 6 August 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Jacob Sonnenschein (Tel Aviv)

Recent result of the HISH ( Holography inspired stringy hadron) model


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/





Kumpula Campus IN HELSINKI

Gustaf Hällströminkatu 2, Physicum (P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki)

24.6. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 15:30


Pietari Kalmin katu 5, Ex­actum (P.O. Box 68, 00014 University of Helsinki)

29.7. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 20:00, Friday 8:00 – 15:30


A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, Chemicum (P.O. Box 55, 00014 University of Helsinki)

17.6. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 15:30



Kumpula Campus Library

5.8. – 25.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 16:00, customer service 10:00 – 16:00


Keep in mind that the e-library is open 24/7, also in the summer!




RDM and DMP courses in autumn

Data Support at the University of Helsinki provides lectures and workshops in data management on all campuses from August to December.


Kumpula Campus

RDM Basics, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Tue 27.8. 10-12


Data Management Plan workshop, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Wed 28.8. 13-15

Wed 4.9. 13-15


Enroll to the courses at Suffeli (SAP SuccessFactors).

If you have any problems with enrollment, please contact datasupport@helsinki.fi.


Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/group/ajankohtaista/uutinen/-/uutinen/tarvitsetko-opastusta-datanhallinnassa-tutustu-syksyn-rdm-ja-dmp-kursseihin-/3922046




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



The Instrumentarium Science Foundation: Call for grants 2020

The Instrumentarium Science Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate the anniversary year, the Foundation has allocated 2 million Euros to support medical research, medical technology and related science and economics research. Silmu is a new form of grant designed for promoting business research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

The Foundation’s grants for the year 2020 are available from 10th of June to 9th of September 2019.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Alfred Kordelin Foundation

Grants are awarded to private individuals for Ph.D. work in various sciences, postdoctoral research, travelling to congresses that deal with the topic of research, and work as a visiting scholar.

Application period: 1. to 15. August 2019.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.



(In Finnish) Tieteen tiedotus ry:n rahoitushaku 2019

Tieteen tiedotus ry julistaa haettavaksi rahoitusta tieteellisen tutkimuksen tuloksista tiedottamiseen ja saattamiseen yleisön tietoisuuteen. Kirjahankkeet ja tieteellinen tutkimus eivät kuulu apurahoituksen piiriin. Hakijana voi olla yksityinen henkilö, työryhmä tai rekisteröity yhteisö. Rahoitus osoitetaan rekisteröidylle taustayhteisölle.


Jaettavana on 200 000 euroa, josta yhdistys rahoittaa 1–4 hanketta.


Vapaamuotoiset (max. 3 sivua A4) aiehakemukset tulee toimittaa sähköpostitse yhtenä pdf-tiedostona (tieteentiedotus@gmail.com) 23.8.2019 mennessä. Aiehakemuksessa on kuvattava hankkeen tausta, tavoitteet, karkea budjetti, toteutus ja vastuullinen toteuttaja yhteystietoineen.


Aiehakemusten perusteella jatkoon pääsevät hankkeet valitaan syyskuussa, ja näitä pyydetään toimittamaan varsinainen hakemus myöhemmin. Rahoituspäätökset tehdään marraskuun aikana. Tiedustelut: tieteentiedotus@gmail.com


Tieteen tiedotus ry:n tarkoituksena on tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen tuloksista tiedottaminen. Yhdistys julkaisee Tiede-lehteä ja osallistuu Hyvä terveys-lehden julkaisemiseen. Lisätietoja: www.tieteentiedotus.fi

Ilmoitus Yliopisto-lehti .Y/05/19 http://docs.unigrafia.fi/yliopisto-lehti/05_2019/#/article/66/page/1-1



Nokia Foundation Scholarship and Jorma Ollila grant application calls

Nokia Foundation has calls open for applications for Nokia Scholarships, Jorma Ollila grants, and Nokia Visiting Professor grants.


Nokia Scholarship is intended to encourage efficient, fast-progressing postgraduate studies. The scholarship can be granted for post-graduate studies in a Finnish university, or to a Finnish applicant for post-graduate studies abroad.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Jorma Ollila Grant is targeted towards recently graduated doctors to further develop their research career. Personal grants are awarded for gaining international experience for a period of 1-3 years.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Nokia Visiting Professor and Centennial

Grants for Nokia Visiting Professors are given to distinguished foreign professors to work in Finland, or to deserving Finnish professors working at respected foreign universities.


Nokia Foundation Board will make decisions quarterly.

Applications Sent By: Board Decision available:
August 5, 2019 August 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 October 30, 2019



Plan and contact them early !  researchfunding-services@helsinki.fi

Flamma  https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/Tutkimusrahoitus-Tutkimusasiat/expert-services


HIP NEWS, 1 July 2019

HIP NEWS, 1 July 2019



Tuesday 30 July 2019 at 14.15 in A315

Stan Brodsky (SLAC)

Meson/Baryon/Tetraquark Supersymmetry from Superconformal Algebra and Light-Front Holography


More details on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/





Kumpula Campus IN HELSINKI

Gustaf Hällströminkatu 2, Physicum (P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki)

3.6 – 23.6.2019: Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 18:00, Friday 8:30 – 15:30 (on 20.6. we close at 15.30)

24.6. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 15:30


Pietari Kalmin katu 5, Ex­actum (P.O. Box 68, 00014 University of Helsinki)

  1. – 28.6.2019: Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 19:00, Friday 8:00 – 15:30 (on 20.6. we close at 15.30)

1.7. – 26.7.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 -15:30

29.7. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 20:00, Friday 8:00 – 15:30


A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, Chemicum (P.O. Box 55, 00014 University of Helsinki)

  1. – 14.6.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 18:00

17.6. – 23.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 15:30



Kumpula Campus Library

20.5. – 20.6.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 16:00, customer service 10:00 – 16:00

21.6. – 4.8.2019: closed

5.8. – 25.8.2019: Monday-Friday 8:00 – 16:00, customer service 10:00 – 16:00


Keep in mind that the e-library is open 24/7, also in the summer!



 RDM and DMP courses in autumn

Data Support at the University of Helsinki provides lectures and workshops in data management on all campuses from August to December.


Kumpula Campus

RDM Basics, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Tue 27.8. 10-12


Data Management Plan workshop, Physicum IT-classroom G108b

Wed 28.8. 13-15

Wed 4.9. 13-15


Enroll to the courses at Suffeli (SAP SuccessFactors).

If you have any problems with enrollment, please contact datasupport@helsinki.fi.


Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/group/ajankohtaista/uutinen/-/uutinen/tarvitsetko-opastusta-datanhallinnassa-tutustu-syksyn-rdm-ja-dmp-kursseihin-/3922046




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund.

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio@helsinki.fi).



The Instrumentarium Science Foundation: Call for grants 2020

The Instrumentarium Science Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate the anniversary year, the Foundation has allocated 2 million Euros to support medical research, medical technology and related science and economics research. Silmu is a new form of grant designed for promoting business research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

The Foundation’s grants for the year 2020 are available from 10th of June to 9th of September 2019.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Alfred Kordelin Foundation

Grants are awarded to private individuals for Ph.D. work in various sciences, postdoctoral research, travelling to congresses that deal with the topic of research, and work as a visiting scholar.

Application period: 1. to 15. August 2019.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2020

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2019.



Nessling Foundation

The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

General call is open 12.8.-13.9.2019.



(In Finnish) Väisälän rahasto

Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

The call for applications for the Väisälä Fund is open from August 14 to September 25.

More details in Finnish  https://www.acadsci.fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/haettavat-apurahat/vaisalan-rahasto.html


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool.

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2019.



Kone Foundation

Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts.

The annual grant call will be open between 1 and 15 September, 2019.



Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9.

Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) distributes subsidies granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to scientific societies for their publishing and international activities. Subsidies may also be granted to general scientific societies and science policy associations to cover the costs of high-quality publishing activities.

The annual application period is 1–30 September.



(In Finnish) Tieteen tiedotus ry:n rahoitushaku 2019

Tieteen tiedotus ry julistaa haettavaksi rahoitusta tieteellisen tutkimuksen tuloksista tiedottamiseen ja saattamiseen yleisön tietoisuuteen. Kirjahankkeet ja tieteellinen tutkimus eivät kuulu apurahoituksen piiriin. Hakijana voi olla yksityinen henkilö, työryhmä tai rekisteröity yhteisö. Rahoitus osoitetaan rekisteröidylle taustayhteisölle.


Jaettavana on 200 000 euroa, josta yhdistys rahoittaa 1–4 hanketta.


Vapaamuotoiset (max. 3 sivua A4) aiehakemukset tulee toimittaa sähköpostitse yhtenä pdf-tiedostona (tieteentiedotus@gmail.com) 23.8.2019 mennessä. Aiehakemuksessa on kuvattava hankkeen tausta, tavoitteet, karkea budjetti, toteutus ja vastuullinen toteuttaja yhteystietoineen.


Aiehakemusten perusteella jatkoon pääsevät hankkeet valitaan syyskuussa, ja näitä pyydetään toimittamaan varsinainen hakemus myöhemmin. Rahoituspäätökset tehdään marraskuun aikana. Tiedustelut: tieteentiedotus@gmail.com


Tieteen tiedotus ry:n tarkoituksena on tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen tuloksista tiedottaminen. Yhdistys julkaisee Tiede-lehteä ja osallistuu Hyvä terveys-lehden julkaisemiseen. Lisätietoja: www.tieteentiedotus.fi

Ilmoitus Yliopisto-lehti .Y/05/19 http://docs.unigrafia.fi/yliopisto-lehti/05_2019/#/article/66/page/1-1



Nokia Foundation Scholarship and Jorma Ollila grant application calls

Nokia Foundation has calls open for applications for Nokia Scholarships, Jorma Ollila grants, and Nokia Visiting Professor grants.


Nokia Scholarship is intended to encourage efficient, fast-progressing postgraduate studies. The scholarship can be granted for post-graduate studies in a Finnish university, or to a Finnish applicant for post-graduate studies abroad.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Jorma Ollila Grant is targeted towards recently graduated doctors to further develop their research career. Personal grants are awarded for gaining international experience for a period of 1-3 years.

Application time: 1.8. – 30.9.2019



Nokia Visiting Professor and Centennial

Grants for Nokia Visiting Professors are given to distinguished foreign professors to work in Finland, or to deserving Finnish professors working at respected foreign universities.


Nokia Foundation Board will make decisions quarterly.

Applications Sent By: Board Decision available:
August 5, 2019 August 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 October 30, 2019
