HIP NEWS March 30th 2015

HIP NEWS March 30th 2015

HIP Staff News
Professor Peter Dendooven (Groningen) has been appointed Professor (FiDiPro) at HIP for the period 1.3.2015 – 28.2.2019. He will be working on the Tekes funded project NINS3.

Tuesday 7 April 2015 at 10.15 in A315
A. Rebhan (Wien)
Top-down holographic glueballs and their decay patterns

Abstract: I report recent results on the spectrum and the decay patterns of scalar and tensor glueballs in the top-down holographic Witten-Sakai Sugimoto model. This model, which has only one free dimensionless parameter, gives semi-quantitative predictions for the vector meson spectrum, their decay widths, and also a gluon condensate in agreement with SVZ sum rules. The predictions for glueball decay are compared with experimental data for some of the widely discussed gluon candidates in the meson spectrum.

The 2015 CERN-JINR European School of High-Energy Physics
The 2015 European School of High-Energy Physics will take place in
Bansko, Bulgaria, 2 – 15 September 2015

The deadline for applications is 8 May 2015.
Further details are available here:

Finnish working culture
The course is targeted for all new international employees of the Helsinki University
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)

V. Keränen 30.3. – 10.4. (EK-V)
A. Rebhan 6.4. – 9.4. (AV)
S. Stricker 9.4. – 13.4. (AV)

HIP NEWS March 23rd 2015

HIP NEWS March 23rd 2015

Thursday 26 March 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Laszlo Jenkovszky (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Ac. Sc. of Ukraine)
Regge factorization and diffraction dissociation at the LHC

Abstract: At the LHC, for the first time the nearly forward elastic scattering amplitude is completely determined by vacuum (Pomeron) exchange in the t-channel, making possible the full use of Regge factorization. Based on a simple Regge (Pomeron) pole exchange, different diffractive processes, including single, double proton dissociation as well as central production are related and compared with the existing LHC measurements.

Wednesday 25 March 2015 at 14:15 in A315
Tomo Takahashi (University of Saga, Japan)

L. Jenkovsky 25.3. – 27.3. (RO)
T. Takahashi 23.3. – 27.3. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS March 16th 2015

HIP NEWS March 16th 2015

Friday 20 March 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Miklos Långvik (Marseille)
Applications of conformal SU(2,2) transformations to spinfoams and spin-networks

Abstract: We construct the the cotangent bundle of SU(2,2) as a symplectic manifold and study different applications of it to spinfoam models and spin-networks. Most notably, the concept of a particle in a Poincaré invariant spacetime is discussed. Additionally, the geometrical interpretation of the full SU(2,2) phase-space in a possible spinfoam context is clarified. The talk will include a brief introduction to spinfoam models and especially a short review of how to include fermions into spinfoams.

Finnish working culture
The course is targeted for all new international employees of the Helsinki University
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)

T. Takahashi 21.3. – 28.3. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS March 9th 2015

HIP NEWS March 9th 2015

Tuesday 10 March 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Olli Taanila (Nikhef)
Analytical models of holographic thermalization

Abstract: AdS/CFT is one of the very few tools we have to study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of strongly coupled systems. I present several different analytical models of gravitational collapse which are dual to the thermalization of a strongly coupled field theory. The time evolution of several different observables are computed in these backgrounds, such as two point functions and entaglement entropy.

Now open for applications: travel grants for doctoral students
Further information please check Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY335107&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view

HIP NEWS March 2nd 2015

HIP NEWS March 2nd 2015

Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 16.00 (note time!) in A315
Matti Kalliokoski (CERN)
Beam Loss Monitoring and Machine Protection of the LHC for Run 2

Abstract: During Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) a series of modifications and updates to the LHC was made. These were done to allow the accelerator to reach 7 TeV and to improve the machine safety. One main part of the machine protection of the LHC is the Beam Loss Monitoring system (BLM). It consists of about 4000 monitors that have the task to prevent the superconducting magnets from quenching and protect the machine components from damage, as a result of critical beam losses. In this talk, modifications to the LHC Beam Instrumentation during the LS1, especially to the BLM system, are discussed.

Wednesday 4 March at 14:15 in A315
David Alonso (University of Oxford)
The challenges of HI Intensity Mapping

Abstract: In the last years a novel observational technique in radio astronomy, labelled “Intensity mapping”, has gained relevance as a potentially very efficient cosmological tool due to its ability to map the density field on large scales over huge volumes. In this talk I will briefly review the current status of intensity mapping both regarding current observations and forecasts for future experiments. In particular I will focus on some of the practical challenges that intensity mapping must tackle before it can become a competitive observational technique.

Now open for applications: travel grants for doctoral students
Further information please check Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY335107&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view

D. Alonso 1.3. – 5.3. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS February 23rd 2015

HIP NEWS February 23rd 2015

Now open for applications: travel grants for doctoral students
Further information please check Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY335107&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view

Crowdfunding for researchers and projects
Further information please check Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/fh?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=content&contentId=HY335266&lang=en&_pageLabel=view

Occupational health nurse at Kumpula campus
Please check https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/fh?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=content&contentId=HY334797&lang=en&_pageLabel=view

T. Koivisto 23.2. – 27.2. (KE)

HIP NEWS February 9th 2015

HIP NEWS February 9th 2015

HIP Staff News
Former HIP Director Dan-Olof Riska has been elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Cyprus Institute (www.cyi.ac.cy). The Cyprus Institute is a research oriented university in Nicosia.

Tuesday 10 February 2015 at 10.15 in A315
K. Kajantie (Helsinki)
Phases and phase transitions of hot QCD with lots of massless quarks

Abstract: For this talk QCD has Nc=3 colors and we want to study what happens when the number of quarks, assumed to be massless, grows, Nf=0,3,6,… We pretend that these numbers are so big that we can use holography, solve the equation of state from a 5-dimensional gravity model. The chirally symmetric quark-gluon plasma phase then is straightforward: temperature and entropy are those of a classical gravity black hole solution. However, at low T there are hadrons, but there is no classical solution giving their hadron gas thermodynamics – there is a T=0 solution from which masses of low-lying states can be computed. So we approach the problem phenomenologically and put in an ansatz for the hadron spectrum. Because of chiral symmetry breaking there at low T are at least Nf^2 massless Goldstone bosons, further there is a partly calculable Hagedorn spectrum of massive states. We try to see how the properties of the chiral phase transition constrain the hadron gas model and show explicitly how the equation of state looks like for a third order phase transition. These phenomenological constructions can be interpreted as 1-loop or even stringy corrections to the classical gravity dual. The final word on phase transition properties lies with lattice Monte Carlo, but imposing zero quark masses is very difficult on the lattice.

Thursday 12 February at 10:15 in E205
Jun’ichi Yokoyama (University of Tokyo)
Magnetogenesis and Schwinger effects in inflationary universe

Abstract: It has been claimed that cosmological magnetic field is ubiquitous even in void regions. Such a maganetic field may have been generated during inflation in the early Universe by breaking the conformal invariance of the gauge field. But in order to avoid the strong coupling problem, one may end up with a larger electric field than the magnetic field. This motivates us to study the Schwinger effect during inflation or in de Sitter space. Making use of a simple model we calculate how Schwinger effect may operate in de Sitter background and discuss its possible implication to inflationary magnetogenesis.

Thursday 12 February at 14:15 in A311
Francesco Montanari (University of Geneva)
Relativistic galaxy number counts: spectrum and bispectrum

Abstract: The fully relativistic expression for galaxy number counts is considered up to second order in perturbation theory. We propose to determine the truly observed galaxy spectrum and bispectrum as function of angles and redshifts. We show that neglecting integrated relativistic terms may bring significant bias on cosmological parameter constraints for future large-scale and deep-redshift galaxy surveys.

New tax cards valid as of 1 February 2015
Old employees: No need to submit your tax card to the employer if your tax information has not changed.
New employees: Submit your tax card to the employer
Please check Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/notifications/new-tax-cards-valid-as-of-1-february-2015

F. Montanari 9.2. – 13.2. (KE,SN)
J. Yokoyama 10.2. – 13.2. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS February 2nd 2015

HIP NEWS February 2nd 2015

Tuesday 3 February 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Sven Heinemeyer (Santander)
Higgs and Supersymmetry

Abstract: The particle discovered in the Higgs boson searches at the LHC in 2012 can be interpreted as the lightest Higgs boson of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), in perfect agreement with predictions {\em before} the discovery. We briefly review the relevant phenomenology of the Higgs sector of the MSSM and the implication of the Higgs discovery for the model. We discuss possibilities for searches for the manifestation of Supersymmetry in the Higgs sector, including deviations from the Standard Model predictions as well as the search for additional Higgs bosons.

Wednesday 4 February 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Katherine Freese (Nordita, Stockholm)
The dark side of the Universe

Abstract: What is the Universe made of? This question is the longest outstanding problem in all of modern physics, and it is the most important research topic in cosmology and particle physics today. The reason for the excitement is clear: the bulk of the mass in the Universe consists of a new kind of dark matter particle, and most of us believe its discovery is imminent. I’ll start by discussing the evidence for the existence of dark matter in galaxies, and then show how it fits into a big picture of the Universe containing 5% atoms, 25% dark matter, and 70% dark energy. Probably the best dark matter candidates are WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). There are three approaches to experimental searches for WIMPS: at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva; in underground laboratory experiments; and with astrophysical searches for dark matter annihilation products. Currently there are claimed detections in multiple experiments — but they cannot possibly all be right. Excitement is building but the answer is still unclear. At the end of the talk I’ll turn to dark energy and its effect on the fate of the Universe.

Thursday 5 February 2015 at 10.15 in A315
James Pinfold (Edmonton)
The MoEDAL Experiment at the LHC – a New Light on the High Energy Frontier

Abstract: In 2010 the MoEDAL experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was unanimously approved by CERN’s Research Board to start data taking in 2015. MoEDAL is a pioneering experiment designed to search for highly ionizing avatars of new physics such as magnetic monopoles or massive (pseudo-)stable charged particles. Its groundbreaking physics program defines over 30 scenarios that yield potentially revolutionary insights into such foundational questions as: are there extra dimensions or new symmetries; what is the mechanism for the generation of mass; does magnetic charge exist; what is the nature of dark matter; and, how did the big-bang develop. MoEDAL’s purpose is to meet such far-reaching challenges at the frontier of the field.
The innovative MoEDAL detector employs unconventional methodologies tuned to the prospect of discovery physics. The largely passive MoEDAL detector, deployed at Point 8 on the LHC ring, has a dual nature. First, it acts like a giant camera, comprised of nuclear track detectors – analyzed offline by ultra fast scanning microscopes – sensitive only to new physics. Second, it is uniquely able to trap the particle messengers of physics beyond the Standard Model for further study. MoEDAL’s radiation environment is monitored by a state-of-the-art real-time TimePix pixel detector array. I shall also briefly discuss a new proposal to include a new active MoEDAL sub-detector to search for millicharged particles.

Wednesday 4 February at 14:15 in A315
Pierre Fleury(IAP Paris)
Interpreting cosmological observations in a clumpy universe

Abstract: In the standard cosmological framework, observations are interpreted as if light propagated through a smooth, fluid-filled universe. However, the typical light beams involved in astronomical observations—such as supernovae—are extremely narrow, and thus probe the Universe at scales where the fluid description should no longer be valid. In this talk, I will explain how the clumpiness of the distribution of matter can affect light propagation through the cosmos, and thus the interpretation of our observations.

New tax cards valid as of 1 February 2015
Old employees: No need to submit your tax card to the employer if your tax information has not changed.
New employees: Submit your tax card to the employer
Please check Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/notifications/new-tax-cards-valid-as-of-1-february-2015

P. Fleury 3.2. – 7.2. (KE,SN)
K. Freese 4.2. (KH)
J. Yokoyama 10.2. – 13.2. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS January 26th 2015

HIP NEWS January 26th 2015

Wednesday 28 January at 14:15 in A315
Elisabetta Majerotto (University of Madrid)

Helsinki Documentary Film Festival
At the Helsinki DocPoint film festival, there is now movie about CERN
on Sunday, February 1st:


Notice that this is a different movie than the famous “Particle
Fever”, which was presented at Kumpula and in Heureka.

Sunday 01.02.2015 at 17.30. Length: 1 h 15 min. Show ends at 18:45.
Finnkino cinema Maxim (Kluuvikatu 1, 00100 Helsinki), Helsinki (sali 1)
Regular (Regular price): 8,00 €

Occupational health
Please visit https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/fh?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=view&contentId=HY332304

ALUMNI DAY January 29th
The event is free to those registered with Campus Alumni and to members of the Alumni Association.
Please visit https://university.helsinki.fi/en/alumni-day

Join Alumnikampus
All of the University’s current and former students, researchers and staff are considered alumni.

Narrow Escape form
Due to winter conditions, please check Narrow Escape form in Flamma

P. Fleury 3.2. – 7.2. (KE,SN)
T. Koivisto 26.1. – 30.1. (KE,SN)
E. Majerotto 27.1. – 31.1. (KE,SN)
D. Mulryne 18.1. – 30.1. (KE,SN)
J. Yokoyama 10.2. – 13.2. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS January 19th 2015

HIP NEWS January 19th 2015

Tuesday 20 January 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Alfonso Ramallo (Santiago de Compostela)
Cold holographic matter

Abstract: After a brief review of the Landau Fermi liquid theory, we will discuss a holographic modeling of cold matter in terms of D-brane intersections. We will analyze the different regimes of these systems as a function of the temperature and, in particular, their zero-sound and diffusion modes.

Wednesday 21 January at 14:15 in A315
David Mulryne (Queen Mary U. of London)

ALUMNI DAY January 29th
The event is free to those registered with Campus Alumni and to members of the Alumni Association.
Please visit https://university.helsinki.fi/en/alumni-day

Join Alumnikampus
All of the University’s current and former students, researchers and staff are considered alumni.

D. Alonso 1.3. – 5.3. (KE,SN)
P. Fleury 3.2. – 7.2. (KE,SN)
D. Mulryne 18.1. – 30.1. (KE,SN)
A. Ramallo 19.1. – 23.1. (NJ)
J. Yokoyama 10.2. – 13.2. (KE,SN)