HIP NEWS September 22nd 2014

HIP NEWS September 22nd 2014

Upcoming events in Finland: CERN´s 60th anniversary
See the link http://www.hip.fifi/?page_id=1963

Campus info sessions
on the new occupational health care agreement in November
Sign up through Henkka.

Networking – Strategic Theme of the Year:
Networking competencies
Sign up through Henkka.

A. Golovnev 17.9. – 10.10. (MK)
L. Laperashvili 23.9. – 14.10. (AT)

HIP NEWS September 15th 2014

HIP NEWS September 15th 2014

Upcoming events in Finland: CERN´s 60th anniversary
See the link http://www.hip.fifi/?page_id=1963

A. Golovnev 17.9. – 10.10.

HIP NEWS September 8th 2014

HIP NEWS September 8th 2014

Upcoming events in Finland: CERN´s 60th anniversary
See the link http://www.hip.fifi/?page_id=1963

Tuesday 9 September 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Bhupal Dev (Univ. of Manchester)
Naturally Aligned Two Higgs Doublet Model and its Collider Signatures

Abstract: We show that the lightest Higgs sector resulting from a Maximally Symmetric Two Higgs Doublet Model (MS-2HDM) based on the SO(5)-symmetry becomes naturally aligned with that of the Standard Model (SM), independently of the charged Higgs boson mass and \tan\beta. Nevertheless, renormalization group effects due to the hypercharge gauge coupling and third-generation Yukawa couplings may break sizably this SM alignment, along with the custodial symmetry inherited by the SO(5) group. Using the current Higgs signal strength data from the LHC, which disfavor large deviations from the SM alignment limit, we derive lower mass bounds on the heavy Higgs sector as a function of \tan\beta, which can be stronger than the existing limits for a wide range of parameters. Finally, we propose new collider signals involving third-generation quarks to directly probe the heavy Higgs sector of the MS-2HDM during the run-II phase of the LHC.

Wednesday 10 Sep 2014 at 14:15 in A315
Chris Haines (DAS, University of Chile)
Understanding the SF-density relation in a Lambda-CDM universe where massive clusters are still being assembled

The evolution and star-formation activity of galaxies depends
strongly on their environment, the strongest impacts being seen in massive clusters. To understand the processes transforming cluster galaxies, we use cosmological simulations which follow the growth and assembly of massive clusters, and the orbits of galaxies as they are accreted into clusters and transformed. We compare these simulations to results from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) of 30 massive clusters at z~0.2, combining Spitzer 24um imaging and extensive spectroscopy of cluster members, to provide strong constraints for the efficiency and time-scales required to quench star-formation in recently accreted cluster galaxies. We see that clusters are still being assembled, by finding numerous infalling X-ray groups, providing sites for galaxies to be pre-processed prior to their arrival into the clusters themselves, as required to explain the shortfall of star-forming galaxies at large cluster-centric radii.

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun

F. Hehl 18.8. – 12.9. (AT)

HIP NEWS September 1st 2014

HIP NEWS September 1st 2014

Tuesday 2 September 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Gero von Gersdorff (Sao Paulo)
New Physics Effects in Anomalous Gauge Boson Vertices

Abstract: TBA

September call 2014 / Academy’s Ask & Apply info
Please check for more detailed programme and registration:

Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Väisälä Foundation fellowships open for application during 15.8.-26.9.2014, see www.acadsci.fi.

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014
Tekes, the Finnish technology funding agency, has several calls for research funding and workshops for information and networking in fall 2014. Some of the headlines are in Finnish only.
Please ask more information from Maarit Haataja. You can also find additional information on Flamma pages.

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun

F. Hehl 18.8. – 12.9. (AT)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)

HIP NEWS August 25th 2014

HIP NEWS August 25th 2014

Tuesday 26 August 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Mikko Laine (Bern)
Towards first principles in particle cosmology

Abstract: Some of the important issues in particle cosmology (such as the existence of a matter-antimatter asymmetry) can be faithfully addressed in terms of interactions probed at terrestrial experiments, only if we know how to compute reliably with relativistic thermal quantum field theories. After outlining a few of the conceptual and technical challenges involved, I illustrate the status of the field with the example of the right-handed neutrino production rate in a very early universe. The role that this quantity plays in practical matter-antimatter asymmetry computations is briefly sketched.

September call 2014 / Academy’s Ask & Apply info
Please check for more detailed programme and registration:

Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Väisälä Foundation fellowships open for application during 15.8.-26.9.2014, see www.acadsci.fi.

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun

F. Hehl 18.8. – 12.9. (AT)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)

HIP NEWS August 18th 2014

HIP NEWS August 18th 2014

Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Väisälä Foundation fellowships open for application during 15.8.-26.9.2014, see www.acadsci.fi.

Tuesday 19 August 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Tommi Markkanen (Helsinki)
Spacetime curvature and the Higgs stability during inflation

Abstract: It is currently widely accepted that for a high scale of inflation the EW Higgs vacuum is unstable due to large fluctuations of order H. However, this conclusion is reached by neglecting potentially significant effects induced by the spacetime curvature. In this talk I review the derivation of a one-loop SM Higgs effective potential in curved space and discuss its implications. In particular I will show that generally a large curvature mass is generated which can stabilize the potential against fluctuations induced by inflation.

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014
Tekes, the Finnish technology funding agency, has several calls for research funding and workshops for information and networking in fall 2014. Some of the headlines are in Finnish only.
Please ask more information from Maarit Haataja. You can also find additional information on Flamma pages.

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun
Register in advance by 11 August.

F. Hehl 18.8. – 12.9. (AT)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)
T. Koivisto 18.8. – 22.8. (KR, KE)
Y. Tada 19.8. – 22.8. (KE)

HIP NEWS August 11th 2014

HIP NEWS August 11th 2014

Thursday 14 August 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Timo Alho (Jyväskylä)
Thermodynamics of holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit

Abstract: We have studied the thermodynamics of a class of holographic bottom-up models for QCD in the limit where both Nc and Nf go to infinity such that their ratio is finite. These Veneziano QCD -models incorporate a gravity-dilaton system to model the glue dynamics and a scalar tachyon for the fermion degrees of freedom. We have solved the system with full backreaction at finite temperature and finite chemical potential, allowing a determination of the chiral and deconfining transitions. I will also discuss ongoing work in modeling the low-temperature hadron gas phase.

Thursday 14 August 2014 at 14.15 in A315
Matthias Ihl (Porto)
Holographic Bilayer/Monolayer Phase Transitions

Abstract: In the present talk, I will discuss the phase structure of bilayer and monolayer phases in the (2+1)-dimensional defect field theory whose gravity dual is obtained by embedding D5/anti-D5 probe flavour branes in the singular conifold. We study in detail the embedding equations and compare the free energies of the resulting
configurations at non-zero temperature and external magnetic field perpendicular to the defects. Moreover, we analyse the meson spectrum and confirm the stability of the single bilayer solution.

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014
Tekes, the Finnish technology funding agency, has several calls for research funding and workshops for information and networking in fall 2014. Some of the headlines are in Finnish only.
Please ask more information from Maarit Haataja. You can also find additional information on Flamma pages.

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun
Register in advance by 11 August.

D. Bödeker 13.8. – 16.8. (KR)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)
Y. Tada 19.8. – 24.8. (KE)
A. Tranberg 14.8. – 16.8. (KR)

HIP NEWS August 4th 2014

HIP NEWS August 4th 2014

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun
Register in advance by 11 August.

D. Bödeker 13.8. – 16.8. (KR)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)
Y. Tada 19.8. – 24.8. (KE)

HIP NEWS June 23rd 2014

HIP NEWS June 23rd 2014

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun

J.S. Kim 24.6. – 28.6. (OL)