HIP NEWS May 26th 2014
May 30-31, 2014
University of Helsinki, Physicum, auditorium E204.
An international workshop to celebrate the occasion of Professor Kari Enqvist’s 60th birthday. The topics of the workshop include cosmological inflation, curvaton models, inhomogeneities and alternative theories of gravitation.
For a detailed program and schedule consult the conference web page
Seminar: How to utilize new CSC computing resources in your research
Monday, 26.05.2014, at 10 a.m.
Room Kvantti (Physicum C208), Kumpula campus, University of Helsinki, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a, Helsinki.
The 2nd phase of the CSC’s supercomputer (Sisu) and supercluster
(Taito) expected to be available for the researchers in Summer/Autumn
2014, are opening new possibilities for Finnish researchers – they will
increase the available computing capacity 5-fold.
Moreover, the activities of CSC have expanded during the last few years
from supercomputing to several new fields, like data management and cloud computing.
The CSC resources and services available to researchers will be presented, so that they can benefit from them from day 1. CSC will also collect feedback for configuring the systems according to the researchers’ needs.
Seminar program and Registration:
Tuesday 27 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Jacek Dobaczewski (Fidipro professor, Jyväskylä)
Nuclear density functional theory
In the condensed-matter, atomic, and molecular physics, density functional theory (DFT) is a universal approach to compute ground state and excited configurations of many-electron systems. At present, the DFT strategy is also intensely studied and applied in the area of nuclear structure. The nuclear energy density functional (EDF) – a natural extension of the self-consistent mean-field theory – is a tool of choice for computations of ground-state properties and low-lying excitations of medium-mass and heavy nuclei. Over the past thirty-odd years, a lot of experience was accumulated in implementing, adjusting, and using the EDF methods in nuclei, and this research direction is still actively pursued. In particular, current developments concentrate on (i) attempts to improve the performance and precision delivered by the nuclear EDF methods, (ii) derivations of density functionals from first principles rooted in the low-energy chromodynamics and effective theories, and (iii) including effects of low-energy correlations and symmetry restoration. The seminar will give an overview of foundations and recent achievements gained within the nuclear EDF methods.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Mariana Frank (Montreal)
Charginos and neutralinos beyond MSSM
Abstract: After the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the LHC is poised to reopen, operating at centre of mass energy of 13 TeV, and to look for signals of physics beyond the Standard Model. Supersymmetry remains the favourite scenario, and if valid, it is likely to manifest itself in observations of signals coming from the production and decays of charginos and neutralinos. I analyse these in two models beyond the minimal scenario, one with extra higgsinos (fermionic partners of Higgs bosons), and one with extra gauginos (fermionic partners of gauge bosons), and show that the production is likely to be enhanced, and the decay modes altered. Investigating the final signal (into one, two, and three or more leptons) is likely to yield distinguishing signals for the models and offer indications of the extended gauge structure.
May 28 (Wed), 14:15 in A315
Federico Urban (Bruxelles)
Bubble observers in Bubbland
Inflation typically produces exponentially too many bubbles.
Having access to only one Hubble horizon, we (may) experience a bias
in cosmological observations, because modes whose wavelengths are
beyond our causal horizon today can have a distinct, quantitative as
well as structural, effect on observables. Nonetheless, despite our
local patch being only a limited sample of Bubbland, we are still
able to infer definite statistical predictions from within our
Hubble Bubble.
Sommarfest för personal och doktorander 11.6.2014
Anmälan till Unis svenska sommarfest har öppnats!
Hjärtligt välkommen – sydämellisesti tervetuloa, önskar Unis enhet för svenska ärenden!
C. Bennett 6.6. (H.K-S)
M. Frank 18.5. – 31.5. (KH)
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
T. Koivisto 21.5. – 4.6. (KE)
B. Mukhopadhyaya 14.5. – 29.5. (KH)
S.K. Rai 28.5. – 19.6. (KH)
O. Taanila 26.5. – 30.5. (AV)
F. Urban 28.5. – 30.5. (SN)