Kasia Wrzosek-Lipska and Pawel Napiorkowski handing the award to Janne Pakarinen.

HIP Project Leader Janne Pakarinen receives Tomek Czosnyka Honorary Award

“The Tomek Czosnyka Honorary Prize has been awarded to physicist Janne Pakarinen from the Department of Physics at the University of Jyväskylä. The prize is awarded to physicists who have successfully contributed to the fields of science represented by Czosnyka. Pakarinen has been a distinguished leader in the development of the SPEDE spectrometer. ”

See the original post here (University of Jyväskylä website). The included photo is from the original post.

Fabiola Gianotti

CERN Director General Fabiola Gianotti to be conferred an honorary doctorate of the University of Helsinki

Photo: CERN, Beutler, Christian

The Conferment Jubilee of the University of Helsinki commences on 20 March 2023 with the announcement of the University’s new honorary doctors. In the spring, the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Law will celebrate the conferral of degrees.

More information:


Fabiola Gianotti, PhD, Director General of CERN will be conferred by the Faculty of Philosophy on 26 May 2023.

Katri Huitu continues as Director of HIP

Katri Huitu giving presentation at the SAB Meeting 30.8.2022 (photo Juha Aaltonen)

More information (https://flamma.helsinki.fi/s/mXqYs):

Katri Huitu appointed director of Helsinki Institute Physics.

The board of Institute proposed Katri Huitu to continue as the Director of HIP for a five year period starting on 1.2.2023.

The call was open and five people applied for the position.

Warm congratulations!”

CLOUD-project: Nitric acid may influence the formation of aerosol particles in the upper troposphere

The chamber at CERN where measurements were conducted (Image: Hanna Manninen)

A new mechanism was discovered in a study published in the journal Nature, which suggests that nitric acid, sulphuric acid and ammonia can together form aerosol particles and ice nuclei much more efficiently than previously understood. This mechanism is thought to be particularly significant in the cold environments.

More information at https://www.helsinki.fi/en/news/mathematics-and-science/nitric-acid-may-influence-formation-aerosol-particles-upper-troposphere

HIP project leader Aleksi Vuorinen receives the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation science prize

Professor Aleksi Vuorinen. (Image: Veikko Somerpuro)

Aleksi Vuorinen, HIP project leader (High Energy Phenomenology) and professor of theoretical physics from the University of Helsinki was presented the award (prize sum €20,000) by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation for his successful research on the application of Quantum Chromodynamics to quark matter of finite density or temperature.

More details here: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/news/space/aleksi-vuorinen-receives-magnus-ehrnrooth-foundation-science-prize

LHC Restart 2022

Large Hadron Collider restarts. Beams of protons are again circulating around the collider’s 27-kilometre ring …

(The LHC tunnel at point 1. Image: CERN)

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator has restarted after a break of more than three years for maintenance, consolidation, and upgrade work. Today, 22 April, afternoon two beams of protons circulated in opposite directions around the Large Hadron Collider’s 27-kilometre ring at their injection energy of 450 billion electronvolts (450 GeV).

More information:


See also the full media updates:

News and Press Releases, University of Helsinki
In English: Large Hadron Collider restarts | University of Helsinki
In Finnish: LHC-kiihdytin käynnistettiin uudelleen | Helsingin yliopisto (helsinki.fi)

ERC Consolidator Grant to HIP project leader Mikko Voutilainen

(Image: screen capture from the video posted in European Research Council’s YouTube channel)

Professor Tuuli Toivonen and Associate Professor Mikko Voutilainen from Kumpula Campus and Associate Professor Pekka Katajisto from Viikki Campus were granted competitive ERC Consolidator Grants in the 2021 call.

More information here:


https://flamma.helsinki.fi/s/DFq6V (intranet, requires login)