HIP NEWS, 4 March  2019

HIP NEWS, 4 March  2019


IKBest5-the 5th international workshop on in-kind best practice
Big science facilities like CERN, ESA, ESS and European-XFEL are working more closely together in exchanging knowledge and resources. At IKBest5, we are going to have a close look at the pros and cons of international Big Science and models for co-operative research.

We will have a session dedicated to practical solutions for late-stage project management, installation and life-cycle management; and
We will have a session to develop concepts for an in-kind future of smaller and more flexible mobile devices post-AGATA and Euroball vis-à-vis large and monolithic facilities.
This is the fifth of a cycle of workshops initiated by the European Spallation Source (ESS) and resumed by GSI, FAIR and the EU horizon2020 project IDEAAL.

Registration deadline: 04 March 2019

You are welcome to join and register through the website: https://indico.gsi.de/event/7805/



The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) will take place from 13-17 May 2019 and will be hosted by ESA. The school sessions will be held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

ESI, organised by the EIROforum – the top 8 European intergovernmental research organizations: CERN, EUROfusion, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL, XFEL – Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 is Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer.

For more information: https://www.eiroforum.org/esi2019



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



(På svenska) Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse

Stiftelsens ändamål är att genom stipendier, belöningar och understöd åt enskilda finska medborgare eller i Finland verksamma samfund, föreningar och institutioner befordra vetenskaplig forskning samt belöna medborgerlig, fosterländsk och/eller kulturell gärning och att understöda socialt eller vetenskapligt inriktad verksamhet.

Ansökningar riktade till stiftelsen indelas i två huvudkategorier, “Vetenskapliga” och “Allmänna”, vilka behandlas av två skilda beredningsnämnder inom stiftelsen. Forskningsunderstöd beviljas enbart för postgradual forskning. Ansökningstiden utgår årligen den 15 mars.

Ansökningsblanketter, mm: Katariina Sulander e-post: katariina.sulander@nordea.com



Sigrid Jusélius Foundation / Fellowship and Senior Fellowship

Promoting Finnish and international medical research.

Fellowship grants are designed for postdoctoral researchers taking part in medical research projects abroad (1–2 years). Fellowship grants cannot be awarded to researchers who already work abroad.

Senior Fellowship grants are designed for senior researchers wishing to take part in medical research projects abroad (6–12 months).

The spring 2019 application period runs from 15 March until 16 April.




Jenny and Antti Wihuri foundation

The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation is a non-profit cultural foundation that supports activities of a broad spectrum.

The Foundation fulfills its purpose by distributing grants and prizes in the fields of science, art and other societal activity.

Application periods starts 6.5 and application deadline is 31.5.



Osk. Huttusen säätiön apurahat tieteellisiin jatko-opintoihin ulkomailla / Apurahat väitöskirjatyöhön

Osk. Huttusen säätiö, jonka tarkoituksena on suomalaisen kulttuurin tukeminen, julistaa haettavaksi apurahoja tohtorin tutkintoon johtavien tieteellisten jatko-opintojen ja tutkimustyön suorittamiseksi ulkomaisissa yliopistoissa.

Jatko-opiskeluapurahat on tarkoitettu ylemmän yliopistotutkinnon suorittaneille suomalaisille, joiden ikä hakuajan päättyessä on enintään 26 vuotta.

Hakuaika on 15.5. – 15.6.2019.

Lisätietoja http://www.oskhuttusensaatio.net/ilmoitus.html


Osk. Huttusen säätiön apurahat tieteellisiin jatko-opintoihin ulkomailla / Post doc -apurahat

Osk. Huttusen säätiö, jonka tarkoituksena on suomalaisen kulttuurin tukeminen, julistaa haettavaksi apurahoja tohtorin tutkintoon johtavien tieteellisten jatko-opintojen ja tutkimustyön suorittamiseksi ulkomaisissa yliopistoissa.

Post doc -apuraha on tarkoitettu tohtorin tutkinnon suorittaneiden, enintään 35 vuotta täyttäneiden päärahoituslähteeksi (henkilökohtainen apuraha sekä matkakulut) keskimäärin vuoden mittaisessa työskentelyssä ulkomaisessa yliopistossa tai tutkimuslaitoksessa.

Hakuaika on 15.5. – 15.6.2019.

Lisätietoja http://www.oskhuttusensaatio.net/ilmoitus.html


 Maikki Friberg equality award 2019!

The Maikki Friberg Award is granted annually for notable work towards the promotion of equality at the University of Helsinki. All members of the University community may suggest a candidate. Communities and units may also propose themselves for the award.

Suggest a candidate for the Maikki Friberg equality award 2019! Submit your suggestions by 5th April 2019. Please read more on Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360853


HULib News: Make good use of Oxford University Press e-books now

All Oxford Scholarship Online e-books are available to the students and staff of the University until 31st March 2019.

The most popular books will be acquired permanently to the library’s collection in the spring 2019. (Further information on the acquisition model ->)

You can send feedback by e-mail: e-library@helsinki.fi




The end of the negotiations means that access to Taylor & Francis journals has terminated on 1 February 2019.

The library is doing its best to help researchers to find alternative ways to access articles. The latest information about the negotiations and alternative access can be found on the library´s website.

Negotiations with Wiley are still ongoing for the time being. Access to Wiley journals will continue until 18 February 2019.

Any questions, please contact: e-library@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379988


Publish Open Access, Free of Charge in Copernicus Publications’ journals

The researchers of the Helsinki University including HU Central Hospital have the possibility to publish their articles free of charge in journals by open access publisher Copernicus Publications. The charges are covered by the Helsinki University Library’s agreement. Article is accepted for publishing after 1.12.2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact us: hulib-apc@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379112









HIP NEWS, 25 February 2019


HIP NEWS, 25 February 2019


Maikki Friberg equality award 2019!

The Maikki Friberg Award is granted annually for notable work towards the promotion of equality at the University of Helsinki. All members of the University community may suggest a candidate. Communities and units may also propose themselves for the award.

Suggest a candidate for the Maikki Friberg equality award 2019! Please read more on Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360853


IKBest5-the 5th international workshop on in-kind best practice
Big science facilities like CERN, ESA, ESS and European-XFEL are working more closely together in exchanging knowledge and resources. At IKBest5, we are going to have a close look at the pros and cons of international Big Science and models for co-operative research.

We will have a session dedicated to practical solutions for late-stage project management, installation and life-cycle management; and
We will have a session to develop concepts for an in-kind future of smaller and more flexible mobile devices post-AGATA and Euroball vis-à-vis large and monolithic facilities.
This is the fifth of a cycle of workshops initiated by the European Spallation Source (ESS) and resumed by GSI, FAIR and the EU horizon2020 project IDEAAL.

Registration deadline: 04 March 2019

You are welcome to join and register through the website: https://indico.gsi.de/event/7805/


Invitation to Postdocs from across the university: 1st University of Helsinki Postdoctoral Symposium

Friday 1 March 2019 at 9.30-16.00 at Helsinki Think Corner (Yliopistonkatu 4).


The purpose of this symposium is to bring together postdocs from across the University, with opportunities to present your work and interact. The programme includes a plenary talk by Eero Castrén, a panel discussion on career issues facing postdocs, a poster/networking/drinks session to end the symposium and short talks by postdocs.


Submit your abstract by the 14th of February to be selected for a talk or poster.

Poster and talk prizes will be given!

Sign up here:  https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/95171/lomake.html

Organiser: The Viikki Postdoctoral Association. Further information: daniel.moore@helsinki.fi


1st UH Postdoc Symposium https://blogs.helsinki.fi/viikki-postdoc/1st-uh-postdoc-symposium/



The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) will take place from 13-17 May 2019 and will be hosted by ESA. The school sessions will be held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.


ESI, organised by the EIROforum – the top 8 European intergovernmental research organizations: CERN, EUROfusion, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL, XFEL – Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 is Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer.

For more information: https://www.eiroforum.org/esi2019


Mini-workshop on Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis

The X-ray Laboratory and Ion Exchange Group of the Department of Chemistry organize a “Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis” -miniworkshop between 12:00-16:00 on 4th March 2019 in Chemicum (Room A127) . The workshop is suitable for all interested in the use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in their research. The registration to the workshop can be done at: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/95383/lomake.html


The participation to the course requires a computer with Demeter program installed. Demeter is a freeware program for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data and it can be downloaded from https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/.


Further information from Prof. Simo Huotari (simo.huotari@helsinki.fi) or Dr. Risto Koivula (risto.koivula@helsinki.fi)



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.



(På svenska) Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse

Stiftelsens ändamål är att genom stipendier, belöningar och understöd åt enskilda finska medborgare eller i Finland verksamma samfund, föreningar och institutioner befordra vetenskaplig forskning samt belöna medborgerlig, fosterländsk och/eller kulturell gärning och att understöda socialt eller vetenskapligt inriktad verksamhet.

Ansökningar riktade till stiftelsen indelas i två huvudkategorier, “Vetenskapliga” och “Allmänna”, vilka behandlas av två skilda beredningsnämnder inom stiftelsen. Forskningsunderstöd beviljas enbart för postgradual forskning. Ansökningstiden utgår årligen den 15 mars.

Ansökningsblanketter, mm: Katariina Sulander e-post: katariina.sulander@nordea.com



HULib News: Make good use of Oxford University Press e-books now

All Oxford Scholarship Online e-books are available to the students and staff of the University until 31st March 2019.


The most popular books will be acquired permanently to the library’s collection in the spring 2019. (Further information on the acquisition model ->)

You can send feedback by e-mail: e-library@helsinki.fi



Making sense of Open Science jungle – optimizing your use of Open Science services

Tuesday 12 March 2019  from 10 AM to 4.30 PM, at Tarja Halonen room of Paasitorni (Paasivuorenkatu 5 A), Helsinki

Many services for Open Science are available on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) portal, which at first sight may seem like a real jungle. Come and join this event to take a closer look at the variety of services.

The event is organized by OpenAIRE, University of Helsinki and Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. Please notice that due to limitations of space, only the first sixty registered persons can participate the event at Paasitorni. The event will also be live-streamed.

Registration until 26th of February.


More information on Avointiede.fi website.

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY380238



The end of the negotiations means that access to Taylor & Francis journals has terminated on 1 February 2019.

The library is doing its best to help researchers to find alternative ways to access articles. The latest information about the negotiations and alternative access can be found on the library´s website.

Negotiations with Wiley are still ongoing for the time being. Access to Wiley journals will continue until 18 February 2019.

Any questions, please contact: e-library@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379988


Publish Open Access, Free of Charge in Copernicus Publications’ journals

The researchers of the Helsinki University including HU Central Hospital have the possibility to publish their articles free of charge in journals by open access publisher Copernicus Publications. The charges are covered by the Helsinki University Library’s agreement. Article is accepted for publishing after 1.12.2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact us: hulib-apc@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379112



HIP NEWS, 18 February 2019


HIP NEWS, 18 February 2019



Wednesday 20 February 2019  at 14.15 in A315

Shinsuke Kawai (Sungkyunkwan U.)

Dynamical systems in Gauss-Bonnet gravity


More information on http://research.hip.fi/hwp/cosmology/?page_id=206


IKBest5-the 5th international workshop on in-kind best practice
Big science facilities like CERN, ESA, ESS and European-XFEL are working more closely together in exchanging knowledge and resources. At IKBest5, we are going to have a close look at the pros and cons of international Big Science and models for co-operative research.

We will have a session dedicated to practical solutions for late-stage project management, installation and life-cycle management; and
We will have a session to develop concepts for an in-kind future of smaller and more flexible mobile devices post-AGATA and Euroball vis-à-vis large and monolithic facilities.
This is the fifth of a cycle of workshops initiated by the European Spallation Source (ESS) and resumed by GSI, FAIR and the EU horizon2020 project IDEAAL.

Registration deadline: 04 March 2019

You are welcome to join and register through the website: https://indico.gsi.de/event/7805/


Invitation to Postdocs from across the university: 1st University of Helsinki Postdoctoral Symposium

Friday 1 March 2019 at 9.30-16.00 at Helsinki Think Corner (Yliopistonkatu 4).


The purpose of this symposium is to bring together postdocs from across the University, with opportunities to present your work and interact. The programme includes a plenary talk by Eero Castrén, a panel discussion on career issues facing postdocs, a poster/networking/drinks session to end the symposium and short talks by postdocs.


Submit your abstract by the 14th of February to be selected for a talk or poster.

Poster and talk prizes will be given!

Sign up here:  https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/95171/lomake.html

Organiser: The Viikki Postdoctoral Association. Further information: daniel.moore@helsinki.fi


1st UH Postdoc Symposium https://blogs.helsinki.fi/viikki-postdoc/1st-uh-postdoc-symposium/



The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) will take place from 13-17 May 2019 and will be hosted by ESA. The school sessions will be held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.


ESI, organised by the EIROforum – the top 8 European intergovernmental research organizations: CERN, EUROfusion, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL, XFEL – Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 is Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer.

For more information: https://www.eiroforum.org/esi2019


Mini-workshop on Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis

The X-ray Laboratory and Ion Exchange Group of the Department of Chemistry organize a “Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis” -miniworkshop between 12:00-16:00 on 4th March 2019 in Chemicum (Room A127) . The workshop is suitable for all interested in the use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in their research. The registration to the workshop can be done at: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/95383/lomake.html


The participation to the course requires a computer with Demeter program installed. Demeter is a freeware program for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data and it can be downloaded from https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/.


Further information from Prof. Simo Huotari (simo.huotari@helsinki.fi) or Dr. Risto Koivula (risto.koivula@helsinki.fi)



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.



(På svenska) Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse

Stiftelsens ändamål är att genom stipendier, belöningar och understöd åt enskilda finska medborgare eller i Finland verksamma samfund, föreningar och institutioner befordra vetenskaplig forskning samt belöna medborgerlig, fosterländsk och/eller kulturell gärning och att understöda socialt eller vetenskapligt inriktad verksamhet.

Ansökningar riktade till stiftelsen indelas i två huvudkategorier, “Vetenskapliga” och “Allmänna”, vilka behandlas av två skilda beredningsnämnder inom stiftelsen. Forskningsunderstöd beviljas enbart för postgradual forskning. Ansökningstiden utgår årligen den 15 mars.

Ansökningsblanketter, mm: Katariina Sulander e-post: katariina.sulander@nordea.com



Expert services for the proposal and negotiation phases of external funding

Research Funding Services support researchers in obtaining competitive external research funding. Services are especially focused on the EU Horizon 2020 and other international funding proposals.

Senior advisors support researchers in finding funding opportunities, proposal preparation, and contract negotiations. They are the first contact point for support in Research Funding Services.

Grant coaches give in-depth support in the planning and writing process of selected major proposals, e.g., ERC and Horizon 2020 collaborative projects coordinated by the University of Helsinki.


Plan and contact them early !  researchfunding-services@helsinki.fi

Flamma  https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/Tutkimusrahoitus-Tutkimusasiat/expert-services



HULib News: Make good use of Oxford University Press e-books now

All Oxford Scholarship Online e-books are available to the students and staff of the University until 31st March 2019.


The most popular books will be acquired permanently to the library’s collection in the spring 2019. (Further information on the acquisition model ->)

You can send feedback by e-mail: e-library@helsinki.fi



Making sense of Open Science jungle – optimizing your use of Open Science services

Tuesday 12 March 2019  from 10 AM to 4.30 PM, at Tarja Halonen room of Paasitorni (Paasivuorenkatu 5 A), Helsinki

Many services for Open Science are available on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) portal, which at first sight may seem like a real jungle. Come and join this event to take a closer look at the variety of services.

The event is organized by OpenAIRE, University of Helsinki and Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. Please notice that due to limitations of space, only the first sixty registered persons can participate the event at Paasitorni. The event will also be live-streamed.

Registration until 26th of February.


More information on Avointiede.fi website.

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY380238



The end of the negotiations means that access to Taylor & Francis journals has terminated on 1 February 2019.

The library is doing its best to help researchers to find alternative ways to access articles. The latest information about the negotiations and alternative access can be found on the library´s website.

Negotiations with Wiley are still ongoing for the time being. Access to Wiley journals will continue until 18 February 2019.

Any questions, please contact: e-library@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379988





HIP NEWS, 11 February 2019

HIP NEWS, 11 February 2019



Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Ulf Gran (Gothenburg)

Dynamical symmetry enhancement near black hole horizons


More information on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/



Thursday 14 February 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Jugoslav Stahov (Tuzla)

The single energy partial wave analysis of scattering data with analyticity constraints


More information on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/



The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) will take place from 13-17 May 2019 and will be hosted by ESA. The school sessions will be held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.


ESI, organised by the EIROforum – the top 8 European intergovernmental research organizations: CERN, EUROfusion, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL, XFEL – Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 is Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer.

For more information: https://www.eiroforum.org/esi2019


Mini-workshop on Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis

The X-ray Laboratory and Ion Exchange Group of the Department of Chemistry organize a “Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis” -miniworkshop between 12:00-16:00 on 4th March 2019 in Chemicum (Room A127) . The workshop is suitable for all interested in the use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in their research. The registration to the workshop can be done at: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/95383/lomake.html


The participation to the course requires a computer with Demeter program installed. Demeter is a freeware program for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data and it can be downloaded from https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/.


Further information from Prof. Simo Huotari (simo.huotari@helsinki.fi) or Dr. Risto Koivula (risto.koivula@helsinki.fi)


Climate-KIC summer school 2019 is now open for applications

University of Helsinki will be hosting an international climate entrepreneurship course in collaboration with Aalto University in August 2019.

This is a great opportunity to internationalize, find new contacts, learn entrepreneurship and working life skills, and have fun! Please find more below and apply!

University of Helsinki students can get credits for example via “ATM303 Project course in atmospheric sciences”: https://courses.helsinki.fi/en/atm303



Twitter @PetriAllekotte @AaltoClimate

Twitter @LRiuttanen @INAR_fin



Please notice that the University of Helsinki internal deadline for the Academy of Finland FIRI 2019 research infrastructure call is earlier than previous years: Deadline for the preliminary proposals is Monday, February 18, 2019.

Take into account in your planning that there will not be a FIRI funding call next year, in 2020.

More on https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY379051&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



(In Finnish) Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Säätiön tarkoitus on tukea kotimaista yleishyödyllistä toimintaa jakamalla apurahoja henkilöille ja yhteisöille, jotka toimivat tieteiden ja kulttuurin eri aloilla. Vuonna 2019 apurahoja jaetaan tieteelliseen tutkimukseen seuraavissa kategorioissa: E. Bio- ja ympäristötieteet, F. Matematiikka, fysiikka ja kemia

Hakuaika alkaa 15. tammikuuta ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta.



(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.



(In Finnish) Emil Aaltosen säätiö

Nuoren tutkijan apurahat, osavuotiset työskentelyapurahat, kannustusapurahat, kohdeapurahat.

Apurahoja voivat hakea ainoastaan yksittäiset tutkijat. Erityisesti pyritään tukemaan väitöskirjatyötä tekeviä tutkijoita ja vastavalmistuneita tohtoreita heidän jatkotutkimustyössään.

Hakuaika on vuosittain 15.1.-15.2.



(På svenska) Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse

Stiftelsens ändamål är att genom stipendier, belöningar och understöd åt enskilda finska medborgare eller i Finland verksamma samfund, föreningar och institutioner befordra vetenskaplig forskning samt belöna medborgerlig, fosterländsk och/eller kulturell gärning och att understöda socialt eller vetenskapligt inriktad verksamhet.

Ansökningar riktade till stiftelsen indelas i två huvudkategorier, “Vetenskapliga” och “Allmänna”, vilka behandlas av två skilda beredningsnämnder inom stiftelsen. Forskningsunderstöd beviljas enbart för postgradual forskning. Ansökningstiden utgår årligen den 15 mars.

Ansökningsblanketter, mm: Katariina Sulander e-post: katariina.sulander@nordea.com




Call for proposals for UH three-year research grants (2020-2022) is now open

The University of Helsinki allocates yearly some of its funds to support research. This year €2.55 million will be reserved for three-year research grants. The funding decision will be made by the rector based on the Research Council’s proposal.

The grants for three-year research projects are intended for promising researchers of the University of Helsinki. The funding is aimed at supporting future research leaders who are beginning to conduct independent research and are establishing a research group at the University of Helsinki.

The application period is from 24 January 2019 to 14 February 2019 at 3:00 p.m.

More information and application instructions are available in Research Services Flamma. https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY371407






The Kumpula Physics Work Wellbeing group developed wiki pages gathering e.g., information for new employees, and links to the most important information on Flamma. Please visit the pages and link to your bookmarks! https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/WellBeing/Home+of+WellBeing









HIP NEWS, 4 February 2019

HIP NEWS, 4 February 2019



Thursday 7 February 2019 at 10.15 in A315

Lars Bergström (Stockholm)

Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter?

More information on http://www.hip.fifi/seminars/



The next Kumpula Physics colloquium will take place on Friday 8 February. Our speaker will be another new professor in our department, Peter Johansson. Peter is Professor of Astrophysics here in Helsinki. His research interests range from supermassive black holes to galaxy evolution. He recently received an ERC Consolidator Grant to study the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations and estimate their gravitational wave signatures. In his talk, titled “The birth, life and death of astrophysical black holes”, he will tell us more about his work.

The talk will last about 30 minutes, after which there will be a cocktail reception. Welcome!

For more information please visit: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/physics-colloquium/



The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) will take place from 13-17 May 2019 and will be hosted by ESA. The school sessions will be held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.


ESI, organised by the EIROforum – the top 8 European intergovernmental research organizations: CERN, EUROfusion, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL, XFEL – Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 is Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer.

For more information: https://www.eiroforum.org/esi2019


Mini-workshop on Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis

The X-ray Laboratory and Ion Exchange Group of the Department of Chemistry organize a “Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data analysis” -miniworkshop between 12:00-16:00 on 4th March 2019 in Chemicum (Room A127) . The workshop is suitable for all interested in the use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in their research. The registration to the workshop can be done at: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/95383/lomake.html


The participation to the course requires a computer with Demeter program installed. Demeter is a freeware program for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data and it can be downloaded from https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/.


Further information from Prof. Simo Huotari (simo.huotari@helsinki.fi) or Dr. Risto Koivula (risto.koivula@helsinki.fi)



Please notice that the University of Helsinki internal deadline for the Academy of Finland FIRI 2019 research infrastructure call is earlier than previous years: Deadline for the preliminary proposals is Monday, February 18, 2019.

Take into account in your planning that there will not be a FIRI funding call next year, in 2020.

More on https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY379051&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



(In Finnish) Pirkanmaan apurahat

Pirkanmaan rahaston apurahojen seuraava hakuaika on 10.1. – 8.2.2019.

Apurahaa voivat hakea pirkanmaalaiset tai Pirkanmaan hyväksi työtä tekevät yksityishenkilöt, työryhmät tai yhteisöt, yhteisöt lähinnä erilaisten tiede-, taide- ja kulttuurihankkeiden toteuttamiseen.


Rahoitamme suuriakin taiteen ja tieteen hakemuksia, kunhan työsuunnitelma on kiinnostava ja hankkeen budjetti mitoitettu realistisesti.



(In Finnish) Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Säätiön tarkoitus on tukea kotimaista yleishyödyllistä toimintaa jakamalla apurahoja henkilöille ja yhteisöille, jotka toimivat tieteiden ja kulttuurin eri aloilla. Vuonna 2019 apurahoja jaetaan tieteelliseen tutkimukseen seuraavissa kategorioissa: E. Bio- ja ympäristötieteet, F. Matematiikka, fysiikka ja kemia

Hakuaika alkaa 15. tammikuuta ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta.



(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.



(In Finnish) The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

Suomen Tiedeseuran tutkimusapurahat 2019 julistetaan haettaviksi matemaattis-fysikaalisen, biotieteellisen, humanistisen ja yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkimuksen aloilla.

Hakuaika on 7.1.–10.2.2019 ja hakemus tehdään sähköisesti oheisen linkin kautta.

Lisätietoja http://scientiarum.fi/fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/


Call for proposals for UH three-year research grants (2020-2022) is now open

The University of Helsinki allocates yearly some of its funds to support research. This year €2.55 million will be reserved for three-year research grants. The funding decision will be made by the rector based on the Research Council’s proposal.

The grants for three-year research projects are intended for promising researchers of the University of Helsinki. The funding is aimed at supporting future research leaders who are beginning to conduct independent research and are establishing a research group at the University of Helsinki.

The application period is from 24 January 2019 to 14 February 2019 at 3:00 p.m.

More information and application instructions are available in Research Services Flamma. https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY371407


University of Helsinki: Scholarships and grants

The University of Helsinki Funds offers grants and scholarships only to students and researchers of the University of Helsinki (the only exception is The Cooperative Teaching and Research Fund). All applications and recommendations are registered using the electronic application system Aava.


Application round: on 15 January 2019 from 9.00 am to 7.2.2019 at 15.00.








HIP NEWS, 28 January 2019


HIP NEWS, 28 January 2019



The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) will take place from 13-17 May 2019 and will be hosted by ESA. The school sessions will be held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.


ESI, organised by the EIROforum – the top 8 European intergovernmental research organizations: CERN, EUROfusion, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL, XFEL – Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 is Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer.

For more information: https://www.eiroforum.org/esi2019



Please notice that the University of Helsinki internal deadline for the Academy of Finland FIRI 2019 research infrastructure call is earlier than previous years: Deadline for the preliminary proposals is Monday, February 18, 2019.

Take into account in your planning that there will not be a FIRI funding call next year, in 2020.

More on https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY379051&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view




The University of Helsinki requires that its researchers adopt the ORCID identifier, link the identifier to their Tuhat profile and use it when publishing academic articles and other written work.

ORCID is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizational members.

Support and help with ORCID identifier: https://researcheridentifier.fi/,  openaccess-info@helsinki.fi





The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis. https://www.stvif.fi/forskarstipendier/


(In Finnish) Pirkanmaan apurahat

Pirkanmaan rahaston apurahojen seuraava hakuaika on 10.1. – 8.2.2019.

Apurahaa voivat hakea pirkanmaalaiset tai Pirkanmaan hyväksi työtä tekevät yksityishenkilöt, työryhmät tai yhteisöt, yhteisöt lähinnä erilaisten tiede-, taide- ja kulttuurihankkeiden toteuttamiseen.

Rahoitamme suuriakin taiteen ja tieteen hakemuksia, kunhan työsuunnitelma on kiinnostava ja hankkeen budjetti mitoitettu realistisesti.



(In Finnish) Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Säätiön tarkoitus on tukea kotimaista yleishyödyllistä toimintaa jakamalla apurahoja henkilöille ja yhteisöille, jotka toimivat tieteiden ja kulttuurin eri aloilla. Vuonna 2019 apurahoja jaetaan tieteelliseen tutkimukseen seuraavissa kategorioissa: E. Bio- ja ympäristötieteet, F. Matematiikka, fysiikka ja kemia

Hakuaika alkaa 15. tammikuuta ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta.



(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.



(In Finnish) The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

Suomen Tiedeseuran tutkimusapurahat 2019 julistetaan haettaviksi matemaattis-fysikaalisen, biotieteellisen, humanistisen ja yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkimuksen aloilla.

Hakuaika on 7.1.–10.2.2019 ja hakemus tehdään sähköisesti oheisen linkin kautta.

Lisätietoja http://scientiarum.fi/fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/


Women and Technology Media Work Contest

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering announces a contest, that looks for a video, animation, game, or other media work that brings up participation, skills and role model of women in technology or science.

The contest is open for everyone.

Works for the contest are to be submitted latest on January 31st, 2019.

Prizes are granted from Marja-Terttu Tanttinen’s fund and prize winners are decided by the dean of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering.

More details on https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12358111


University of Helsinki: Scholarships and grants

The University of Helsinki Funds offers grants and scholarships only to students and researchers of the University of Helsinki (the only exception is The Cooperative Teaching and Research Fund). All applications and recommendations are registered using the electronic application system Aava.

Application round: on 15 January 2019 from 9.00 am to 7.2.2019 at 15.00.




HIP NEWS, 21 January 2019

HIP NEWS, 21 January 2019



Please notice that the University of Helsinki internal deadline for the Academy of Finland FIRI 2019 research infrastructure call is earlier than previous years: Deadline for the preliminary proposals is Monday, February 18, 2019.

More on https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY379051&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view


Save necessary articles in case access to T&F and Wiley journals terminates

If you are using Taylor & Francis and Wiley e-magazines in your work, you should download and save the materials you need without delay. Access to the data is until the end of January.


Please be considerate of other users and do not use robots or other devices or coordinate activity to systematically download articles. See eResources Terms of Use.

Any questions, please contact: e-library@helsinki.fi

More information: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379629



Bilateral Funding Program for Scientific Cooperation Between France and Finland

For the third year the Institut Français in Helsinki, the Embassy of France in Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have partnered with the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters in Finland to open the call for proposals of the Maupertuis funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence between Finland and France.


There are four joint programs available:

1-French Renowned Scientist Conference Series (FRSCS)

2-Researchers Short Mobility program (RSM)

3- “Higher Education, Research and Innovation” Workshop (ERI-W)

4- NEW PhD cotutelle grant (PhD-G)


Deadline for the applications: 25 January 2019.


For more information: http://www.france.fi/uncategorized/science-and-universities/events-en/maupertuis-program-bilateral-funding-program-for-scientific-cooperation-between-france-and-finland-opening/?lang=en




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



(In Finnish) Pirkanmaan apurahat

Pirkanmaan rahaston apurahojen seuraava hakuaika on 10.1. – 8.2.2019.

Apurahaa voivat hakea pirkanmaalaiset tai Pirkanmaan hyväksi työtä tekevät yksityishenkilöt, työryhmät tai yhteisöt, yhteisöt lähinnä erilaisten tiede-, taide- ja kulttuurihankkeiden toteuttamiseen.


Rahoitamme suuriakin taiteen ja tieteen hakemuksia, kunhan työsuunnitelma on kiinnostava ja hankkeen budjetti mitoitettu realistisesti.



(In Finnish) Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Säätiön tarkoitus on tukea kotimaista yleishyödyllistä toimintaa jakamalla apurahoja henkilöille ja yhteisöille, jotka toimivat tieteiden ja kulttuurin eri aloilla. Vuonna 2019 apurahoja jaetaan tieteelliseen tutkimukseen seuraavissa kategorioissa: E. Bio- ja ympäristötieteet, F. Matematiikka, fysiikka ja kemia

Hakuaika alkaa 15. tammikuuta ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta.



(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.



(In Finnish) The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

Suomen Tiedeseuran tutkimusapurahat 2019 julistetaan haettaviksi matemaattis-fysikaalisen, biotieteellisen, humanistisen ja yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkimuksen aloilla.

Hakuaika on 7.1.–10.2.2019 ja hakemus tehdään sähköisesti oheisen linkin kautta.

Lisätietoja http://scientiarum.fi/fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/


Women and Technology Media Work Contest

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering announces a contest, that looks for a video, animation, game, or other media work that brings up participation, skills and role model of women in technology or science.

The contest is open for everyone.

Works for the contest are to be submitted latest on January 31st, 2019.

Prizes are granted from Marja-Terttu Tanttinen’s fund and prize winners are decided by the dean of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering.

More details on https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12358111


The University of Helsinki: Grants for three-year research projects for funding period 2019–2021

The grants for three-year research projects are intended for promising researchers of the University of Helsinki. The funding is aimed to support future research leaders who are starting to conduct independent research and establishing a research group at the University of Helsinki.


The applicant must hold a doctoral degree, completed between 1 January 2012 and 1 January 2017.


The application period begins on Thursday, 25 January 2018, and the deadline for letters of intent is Thursday, 15 February 2018 at 3:00 pm.

Letters of intent are submitted online at www.helsinki.fi/aava.


Please read carefully the application instructions before filling in the application form!

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY371408


University of Helsinki: Scholarships and grants

The University of Helsinki Funds offers grants and scholarships only to students and researchers of the University of Helsinki (the only exception is The Cooperative Teaching and Research Fund). All applications and recommendations are registered using the electronic application system Aava.


Application round: on 15 January 2019 from 9.00 am to 7.2.2019 at 15.00.




The Kumpula Physics Work Wellbeing group developed wiki pages gathering e.g., information for new employees, and links to the most important information on Flamma. Please visit the pages and link to your bookmarks! https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/WellBeing/Home+of+WellBeing



HIP NEWS, 14 January 2019

HIP NEWS, 14 January 2019


Our first Kumpula Physics colloquium of 2019 will take place on Friday. Our speaker is Eero Castrén, Academy Professor with the Neuroscience Center of HiLIFE here in Helsinki. His lab is investigating neuronal growth factors and their effects on brain development and plasticity. They have focused in particular on how neurotrophic factors are regulated by drugs used for the treatment of brain disorders. In his talk, titled Everything you always wanted to know about the Brain (but did not know whom to ask), he will introduce some of the current ideas around brain function—particularly from the point of view of brain development.

The talk will last about 30 minutes, after which there will be a cocktail reception. Welcome!

For more information please visit: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/physics-colloquium/

Save necessary articles in case access to T&F and Wiley journals terminates

If you are using Taylor & Francis and Wiley e-magazines in your work, you should download and save the materials you need without delay. Access to the data is until the end of January.

Please be considerate of other users and do not use robots or other devices or coordinate activity to systematically download articles. See eResources Terms of Use.

Any questions, please contact: e-library@helsinki.fi

More information: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379629


Please notice that the University of Helsinki internal deadline for the Academy of Finland FIRI 2019 research infrastructure call is earlier than previous years: Deadline for the preliminary proposals is Monday, February 18, 2019.

More onhttps://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY379051&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view

Bilateral Funding Program for Scientific Cooperation Between France and Finland

For the third year the Institut Français in Helsinki, the Embassy of France in Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have partnered with the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters in Finland to open the call for proposals of the Maupertuis funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence between Finland and France.

There are four joint programs available:

1-French Renowned Scientist Conference Series (FRSCS)

2-Researchers Short Mobility program (RSM)

3- “Higher Education, Research and Innovation” Workshop (ERI-W)

4- NEW PhD cotutelle grant (PhD-G)

Deadline for the applications: 25 January 2019.

For more information: http://www.france.fi/uncategorized/science-and-universities/events-en/maupertuis-program-bilateral-funding-program-for-scientific-cooperation-between-france-and-finland-opening/?lang=en

Who is good at popularizing science? Nominate your candidate!

The J.V. Snellman Public Information Award was granted for the first time in 1981 in connection with the University’s anniversary celebrations. The Rector of the University will make the selection from among suggestions received from the University community.

Name your candidate and give grounds for your suggestion: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/94817/lomake.html

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379589


The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.


(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.

(In Finnish) Pirkanmaan apurahat

Pirkanmaan rahaston apurahojen seuraava hakuaika on 10.1. – 8.2.2019.

Apurahaa voivat hakea pirkanmaalaiset tai Pirkanmaan hyväksi työtä tekevät yksityishenkilöt, työryhmät tai yhteisöt, yhteisöt lähinnä erilaisten tiede-, taide- ja kulttuurihankkeiden toteuttamiseen.

Rahoitamme suuriakin taiteen ja tieteen hakemuksia, kunhan työsuunnitelma on kiinnostava ja hankkeen budjetti mitoitettu realistisesti.


(In Finnish) Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Säätiön tarkoitus on tukea kotimaista yleishyödyllistä toimintaa jakamalla apurahoja henkilöille ja yhteisöille, jotka toimivat tieteiden ja kulttuurin eri aloilla. Vuonna 2019 apurahoja jaetaan tieteelliseen tutkimukseen seuraavissa kategorioissa: E. Bio- ja ympäristötieteet, F. Matematiikka, fysiikka ja kemia

Hakuaika alkaa 15. tammikuuta ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta.


(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.


(In Finnish) The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

Suomen Tiedeseuran tutkimusapurahat 2019 julistetaan haettaviksi matemaattis-fysikaalisen, biotieteellisen, humanistisen ja yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkimuksen aloilla.

Hakuaika on 7.1.–10.2.2019 ja hakemus tehdään sähköisesti oheisen linkin kautta.

Lisätietoja http://scientiarum.fi/fi/apurahat-ja-palkinnot/

Women and Technology Media Work Contest

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering announces a contest, that looks for a video, animation, game, or other media work that brings up participation, skills and role model of women in technology or science.

The contest is open for everyone.

Works for the contest are to be submitted latest on January 31st, 2019.

Prizes are granted from Marja-Terttu Tanttinen’s fund and prize winners are decided by the dean of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering.

More details on https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12358111

Publish Open Access, Free of Charge in Copernicus Publications’ journals

The researchers of the Helsinki University including HU Central Hospital have the possibility to publish their articles free of charge in journals by open access publisher Copernicus Publications. The charges are covered by the Helsinki University Library’s agreement. Article is accepted for publishing after 1.12.2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact us:hulib-apc@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379112

HIP NEWS, 7 January 2019

HIP NEWS, 7 January 2019


Please notice that the University of Helsinki internal deadline for the Academy of Finland FIRI 2019 research infrastructure call is earlier than previous years: Deadline for the preliminary proposals is Monday, February 18, 2019.

More onhttps://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=contentviewer&contentId=HY379051&lang=en&_pageLabel=content_view

Bilateral Funding Program for Scientific Cooperation Between France and Finland

For the third year the Institut Français in Helsinki, the Embassy of France in Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have partnered with the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters in Finland to open the call for proposals of the Maupertuis funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence between Finland and France.

There are four joint programs available:

1-French Renowned Scientist Conference Series (FRSCS)

2-Researchers Short Mobility program (RSM)

3- “Higher Education, Research and Innovation” Workshop (ERI-W)

4- NEW PhD cotutelle grant (PhD-G)

Deadline for the applications: 25 January 2019.

For more information: http://www.france.fi/uncategorized/science-and-universities/events-en/maupertuis-program-bilateral-funding-program-for-scientific-cooperation-between-france-and-finland-opening/?lang=en


The Foundations’ Post Doc Pool

The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland.

The spring application round takes place from 15 December 2018 until 15 January 2019.



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Donations and scholarships are available for application on a continuous basis.


(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.


(In Finnish) Osk. Huttunen Fellowship

Osk. Huttusen säätiö julistaa haettavaksi professoreille ja senioritutkijoille tarkoitetun Osk. Huttunen Fellowship –apurahan. Lukuvuoden 2019-2020 Fellowship-kauden hakuaika on 1.12.2018-15.1.2019.


(In Finnish) Pirkanmaan apurahat

Pirkanmaan rahaston apurahojen seuraava hakuaika on 10.1. – 8.2.2019.

Apurahaa voivat hakea pirkanmaalaiset tai Pirkanmaan hyväksi työtä tekevät yksityishenkilöt, työryhmät tai yhteisöt, yhteisöt lähinnä erilaisten tiede-, taide- ja kulttuurihankkeiden toteuttamiseen.

Rahoitamme suuriakin taiteen ja tieteen hakemuksia, kunhan työsuunnitelma on kiinnostava ja hankkeen budjetti mitoitettu realistisesti.


(In Finnish) Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Säätiön tarkoitus on tukea kotimaista yleishyödyllistä toimintaa jakamalla apurahoja henkilöille ja yhteisöille, jotka toimivat tieteiden ja kulttuurin eri aloilla. Vuonna 2019 apurahoja jaetaan tieteelliseen tutkimukseen seuraavissa kategorioissa: E. Bio- ja ympäristötieteet, F. Matematiikka, fysiikka ja kemia

Hakuaika alkaa 15. tammikuuta ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta.


(In Finnish) Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö

Ellen ja Artturi Nyyssösen säätiö on olemassa Jyväskylän yliopistossa ja sen erillislaitoksissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden ja jatko-opiskelijoiden tukemista varten. Apurahojen myöntämisen lisäksi toimimme linkkinä tutkimusmaailman ja liike-elämän välillä järjestämällä erilaisia verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia tukemillemme tutkijoille omistamiemme toimitilojen vuokralaisten kanssa.

Apurahojen hakukausi on 1.2.–28.2.2019.


Publish Open Access, Free of Charge in Copernicus Publications’ journals

The researchers of the Helsinki University including HU Central Hospital have the possibility to publish their articles free of charge in journals by open access publisher Copernicus Publications. The charges are covered by the Helsinki University Library’s agreement. Article is accepted for publishing after 1.12.2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact us:hulib-apc@helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379112

TUHAT-clinics during the January 2019

Library organizes support clinics for researchers and personnel focusing on reporting into research information system TUHAT.

Kumpula Campus library January 15th 13-15

No preregistration needed. You can just pop in or stay as long as you wish.

TUHAT-info: email: tuhat-info@helsinki.fi

TUHAT-guide: libraryguides.helsinki.fi/tuhat/

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379194

HIP NEWS, 17 December 2018

HIP NEWS, 17 December 2018

CMS achievement awards

Jaana Heikkilä and Santeri Laurila from HIP have obtained the CMS achievement award 2018

“for their exceptional work in establishing and running the Level-1 trigger Data Certification team”.


Bilateral Funding Program for Scientific Cooperation Between France and Finland

For the third year the Institut Français in Helsinki, the Embassy of France in Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have partnered with the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters in Finland to open the call for proposals of the Maupertuis funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence between Finland and France.

There are four joint programs available:

1-French Renowned Scientist Conference Series (FRSCS)

2-Researchers Short Mobility program (RSM)

3- “Higher Education, Research and Innovation” Workshop (ERI-W)

4- NEW PhD cotutelle grant (PhD-G)

Deadline for the applications: 25 January 2019.

For more information: http://www.france.fi/uncategorized/science-and-universities/events-en/maupertuis-program-bilateral-funding-program-for-scientific-cooperation-between-france-and-finland-opening/?lang=en

Publish Open Access, Free of Charge in Copernicus Publications’ journals

The researchers of the Helsinki University including HU Central Hospital have the possibility to publish their articles free of charge in journals by open access publisher Copernicus Publications. The charges are covered by the Helsinki University Library’s agreement. Article is accepted for publishing after 1.12.2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact us:hulib-apc [@] helsinki.fi

Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY379112

Expert services for the proposal and negotiation phases of external funding

Research Funding Services support researchers in obtaining competitive external research funding. Services are especially focused on the EU Horizon 2020 and other international funding proposals.

Senior advisors support researchers in finding funding opportunities, proposal preparation, and contract negotiations. They are the first contact point for support in Research Funding Services.

Grant coaches give in-depth support in the planning and writing process of selected major proposals, e.g., ERC and Horizon 2020 collaborative projects coordinated by the University of Helsinki.

Flamma  https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/Tutkimusrahoitus-Tutkimusasiat/expert-services