HIP NEWS March 6th 2017

HIP NEWS March 6th 2017

Wednesday 8 March 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Tommi Tenkanen (Queen Mary U. London)
The many faces of the inflaton field.

Abstract: The minimal requirements for every inflationary model are that the inflaton field gives a long enough period of exponential expansion and subsequently reheats the universe, so that thermal equilibrium is attained prior to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. But could the inflaton be responsible for something else as well, namely the generation of dark matter or the electroweak phase transition? As a representative model example, we study these aspects in a scenario where the inflaton is a real singlet scalar. Requiring the model to describe inflation successfully, be compatible with the LHC data, and yield a) the correct dark matter abundance or b) a strong first order electroweak phase transition, we identify the regions of the parameter space where the model is viable.

New bilateral funding program for scientific cooperation between France and Finland
the Institut Français in Helsinki, the Embassy of France in Finland and the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research have partnered with the Finnish Society for Science and Letters and the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters in Finland to launch a new seed funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence.

Application deadline: March, 31st 2017

More information and applications here: http://www.france.fi/uncategorized/events/science-and-universities/new-bilateral-funding-program-for-scientific-cooperation-between-france-and-finland/?lang=en

Researchers / Research funding / Tekes
New knowledge and business from research ideas – call for research funding applications 1/2017

Through the “New knowledge and business from research ideas” application process, Tekes funds projects in which a project team is preparing to commercialise a research idea. Tekes funding will constitute 70% of the eligible costs.

Application period: Thu 15.12.2016 – Thu 09.03.2017

Online services https://www.tekes.fi/en/online-services/

More information https://www.tekes.fi/en/whats-going-on/application-schedules-2017/new-knowledge-and-business-from-research-ideas–call-for-research-funding-applications-12017/

The Maikki Friberg equality award: Suggest a candidate
The Maikki Friberg Award is granted annually for notable work towards the promotion of equality at the University of Helsinki. All members of the University community may suggest a candidate. Communities and units may also propose themselves for the award.

Submit your suggestions by 10th March 2017.

Instructions can be found in flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360853

Experiencing Finland Event
Aalto University and University of Helsinki invite the newly arrived international staff and their family members to the next Experiencing Finland event. The event is an opportunity to get some practical hints about forthcoming spring and summer, Finnish people and Finland.
More information: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY362037

P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
N. Haquel 12.3. – 14.3. (AV)
B. Oblak 19.3. – 26.3. (NJ)
T. Tenkanen 3.3. – 10.3. (FM).
T. Tram 27.3. – 30.3. (FM)
Y. Zhu 21.3. – 25.3. (AV)

HIP NEWS February 27th 2017

HIP NEWS February 27th 2017

Monday 27 February 2017 at 14.15 in E206
Nora Brambilla (TU München)
Quarkonium with Effective field theories

Abstract: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the sector of the Standard Model of particle physics that describes the strong interaction, deceptively simple to formulate but notoriously difficult to solve. Heavy quarkonium is a multiscale system that probes the different energy regimes of QCD, from the high-energy region, where an expansion in the coupling constant is possible and precision studies may be done, to the low-energy region, dominated by confinement and the many manifestations of the nonperturbative strong dynamics. Properties of production and absorption of quarkonium in a medium are also crucial for the study of QCD at high density and temperature. On the theoretical side, the construction of new nonrelativistic effective field theories for quarkonium has recently revolutionized the field providing both a conceptual framework and a powerful calculational tool. On the experimental side, the diversity, quantity and accuracy of the data collected in the last few years at B and tau-charm factories and at RHIC and LHC experiments is impressive, featuring the observation of new states and new unexpected processes. I will discuss these theoretical and experimental advancements and their implications for our understanding of strong interactions.

Tuesday 28 February 2017 at 10.15 in A315
Antonio Vairo (TU München)
Heavy Majorana neutrino production and decay in the hot early universe

Abstract: We compute thermal corrections to the production rate and CP asymmetry of heavy Majorana neutrinos in leptogenesis models of the early universe. We consider temperatures larger than the electroweak scale but smaller than the neutrino masses so that the computation may be performed in a non-relativistic effective field theory framework. We discuss different arrangements of the Majorana neutrino masses.

Wednesday 1 March 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Alexandre Barreira (MPA Garching)
Observational signatures of non-GR theories of gravity in cosmology.

Abstract: In this talk, I will use cosmological simulations to look into a few of the imprints that departures from GR can leave on cosmological observables. By using the simulation results we can construct controlled galaxy mock catalogues, which we can/should use to validate current data analysis methods, as well as to investigate the merits of new ways to constrain gravity. Specifically, I will test the validity of current redshift space distortion analysis pipelines in estimating the growth rate of structure in non-GR cosmologies. I will also show how departures from GR affect the lensing signal along underdense lines-of-sight (called troughs), for which the Dark Energy Survey has already provided the first measurements.

Grants for three-year research projects for funding period 2018–2020 are intended for promising researchers of the University of Helsinki. The funding is aimed to support future research leaders who are starting to conduct independent research and establishing a research group at the University of Helsinki.

The deadline for letters of intent is Tuesday, 28 February 2017 at 3:00 pm.
More information and application instructions: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360971

A. Barreira 28.2. – 3.3. (FM)
N Brambilla 26.2. – 28.2. (AV)
P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
A. Vairo 26.2. – 28.2. (AV)

HIP NEWS February 20th 2017

HIP NEWS February 20th 2017


Tuesday 21 February 2017 at 10.15 in A315
Anupam Mazumdar (Lancaster)
Infinite derivative ghost free and singularity free theory of gravity

Abstract: I will discuss how to construct ghost free and singularity free theory of gravity which can also ameliorate quantum aspects of ultraviolet gravity.


Wednesday 22 February 2017 at 14.15 in A315
22.02.2017 Ruth Durrer (University of Geneva)


Thursday 23 February 2017 at 10.15 in A315
Jorma Louko (Nottingham)
Waiting for Unruh

Abstract: How long does a uniformly accelerated observer need to interact with a quantum field in order to record thermality in the Unruh temperature? In the limit of large excitation energy, the answer turns out to be sensitive to whether (i) the switch-on and switch-off periods are stretched proportionally to the total interaction time T, or whether (ii) T grows by stretching a plateau in which the interaction remains at constant strength but keeping the switch-on and switch-off intervals of fixed duration. For a pointlike Unruh-DeWitt detector, coupled linearly to a massless scalar field in four spacetime dimensions and treated within first order perturbation theory, we show that letting T grow polynomially in the detector’s energy gap E suffices in case (i) but not in case (ii), under mild technical conditions. These results limit the utility of the large E regime as a probe of thermality in time-dependent versions of the Hawking and Unruh effects, such as an observer falling into a radiating black hole. They may also have implications on the design of prospective experimental tests of the Unruh effect. Based on arXiv:1605.01316.



Professor Paula Eerola will receive Lappeenranta University of Technology’s (LUT) honorary doctorate in technology. LUT’s new honorary doctors include also other notable figures. The conferment ceremony will be held in Lappeenranta on June 2017.



University’s own funding: Grants for three-year research projects for 2018-2020 / application period February 14-28, 2017

The application period for grants for three-year research projects for funding period 2018-2020 began on 14 February 2017. More information and application instructions here: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360971

The dead line for letters of intent is Tuesday, 28 February 2017 at 3:00 pm.

Nina Saris, PhD
Senior Adviser in Research Administration



Researchers / Research funding / Tekes

New knowledge and business from research ideas – call for research funding applications 1/2017
Through the “New knowledge and business from research ideas” application process, Tekes funds projects in which a project team is preparing to commercialise a research idea. Tekes funding will constitute 70% of the eligible costs.

Application period: Thu 15.12.2016 – Thu 09.03.2017

Online services https://www.tekes.fi/en/online-services/
More information https://www.tekes.fi/en/whats-going-on/application-schedules-2017/new-knowledge-and-business-from-research-ideas–call-for-research-funding-applications-12017/


Tekes / New business from digitalization

Call for applications aimed at research organisations and companies – New business from digitalization.
Application period: Tue 17.01.2017 – Thu 30.03.2017

This call is directed at joint projects between companies and research organisations, as well as multidisciplinary, networked projects between research organisations and the business community, grouped around the theme of digitalisation. The aim is to speed up the efficient utilisation of new knowledge and thereby boost the competitiveness of Finnish industry.




Barreira 28.2. – 3.3. (FM)
N Brambilla 26.2. – 28.2. (AV)
Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
Durrer 22.2. – 23.2. (FM)
Louko 22.2. – 27.2. (E K-V, KJ)
Mazumdar 21.2. – 23.2. (FM)
A. Vairo 26.2. – 28.2. (AV)

HIP NEWS February 13th 2017

HIP NEWS February 13th 2017

Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 10.15 in A315
Blaise Goutéraux (Nordita)
Bad Metals from Density Waves

Abstract: So-called ‘bad metals’ present a long-standing conundrum to theory. In particular, their electric resistivity is too high to be accounted for by weakly coupled quasiparticles as in conventional metals. In this talk, I will present a theory of hydrodynamic transport with spontaneous translation symmetry breaking, applicable to density waves and Wigner crystals, which have been detected in regions in close proximity to the bad metallic regime. I will argue that melting of these states by proliferating defects allows to reproduce bad metallic phenomenology and suggests that quantum fluctuations play an important role. I’ll conclude by mentioning how gauge/gravity duality can be used to efficiently perform calculations in the quantum critical regime.

CERN Roadshow in Finland
6 April 2017 @ Aalto Design Factory

CERN Roadshow in Finland is an all-day event on the 6th of April 2017, organised by Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) and CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The event brings CERN and HIP management, and experts of CERN procurement, knowledge transfer and human resources to Aalto University Design Factory in Otaniemi. The event is targeted to potential CERN business and R&D&I partners, career service professionals, and Finnish stakeholders for CERN relations and strategies.

Event will also be streamed online. For more information, visit the event website https://events.hip.fi/cernroadshowinfinland/

P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
B. Goutéraux 13.2. – 14.2. (NJ)
R. Durrer 22.2. – 23.2. (FM)
A. Mazumdar 21.2. – 22.2. (FM)

HIP NEWS February 6th 2017

HIP NEWS February 6th 2017

Thursday 9 February 2017 at 10.15 in A315
Timo Alho (Reykjavik)
Monopole correlation functions and holographic phases of matter in 2+1 dimensions

Abstract: The strong coupling dynamics of a 2+1 dimensional U(1) gauge theory coupled to charged matter can be holographically modeled via a top-down construction with intersecting D3- and D5-branes. I will talk about our recent paper 1607.04059, where we calculate the correlation functions of monopole operators, dual to magnetically charged particles in the bulk theory, in such a model. We explore the resulting phase diagram when the model is taken to a finite temperature and charge density.

J.V. Snellman Award: Nominate your candidate
Suggestions for the recipient of the J.V. Snellman Public Information Award are invited from the University community. More information in flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360676

P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
R. Durrer 22.2. – 23.2. (FM)
A. Mazumdar 21.2. – 22.2. (FM)

HIP NEWS January 30th 2017

HIP NEWS January 30th 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Guillermo Ballesteros (IPhT, Saclay)

J.V. Snellman Award: Nominate your candidate
Suggestions for the recipient of the J.V. Snellman Public Information Award are invited from the University community. More information in flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360676

The Maikki Friberg equality award: Suggest a candidate
The Maikki Friberg Award is granted annually for notable work towards the promotion of equality at the University of Helsinki. Instructions can be found in flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360853

Annual reporting on research
Remember to update your research activities on TUHAT database. Pay attention to information which is not centrally collected, especially international mobility and other publications than refereed journal articles. The library collects information on refereed journal articles and it will be checked in preparing the HIP Annual Report.

Reporting is requested by January 31, 2017.
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/reporting

In January 2017, offered support and TUHATin ORCIDin use
On line: The sessions will be held at https://connect.funet.fi/tuhat.
Online guide http://libraryguides.helsinki.fi/tuhat
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360190

Funding opportunities
Emil Aaltosen säätiö. Vuorineuvos Emil Aaltosen vuonna 1937 perustama Emil Aaltosen Säätiö tukee suomenkielisten tutkijoiden luovaa tieteellistä tutkimustyötä myöntämällä apurahoja.
Apurahojen hakuaika on vuosittain 15.1. – 15.2.2017. Lisätietoja: http://www.emilaaltonen.fi/

University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2017 is 24.1.2017 – 9.2.2017.
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying/during-your-studies/apply-for-a-grant

Researchers / Research funding / Tekes
New knowledge and business from research ideas – call for research funding applications 1/2017
Through the “New knowledge and business from research ideas” application process, Tekes funds projects in which a project team is preparing to commercialise a research idea. Tekes funding will constitute 70% of the eligible costs.

Application period: Thu 15.12.2016 – Thu 09.03.2017

Online services https://www.tekes.fi/en/online-services/

More information https://www.tekes.fi/en/whats-going-on/application-schedules-2017/new-knowledge-and-business-from-research-ideas–call-for-research-funding-applications-12017/

G. Ballesteros 30.1. – 3.2. (FM)
P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
T. Takahashi 28.1. – 4.2. (KE)

HIP NEWS January 23rd 2017

HIP NEWS January 23rd 2017

Wednesday 25 January 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Massimiliano Rinaldi (University of Trento)
The scale-invariant inflationary Universe.

Cosmological observations seem to reveal that the Universe evolved through a highly symmetric state during its inflationary phase. One possibility is that the inflationary Universe is fundamentally scale-invariant. In this talk, I will entertain the idea that the inflationary Universe is indeed described by a classically and manifestly scale-invariant scalar-tensor theory of gravitation. As I will show, there are ways to naturally break the symmetry and to generate physical fundamental masses. I will also show how these theories can be connected to other popular models, such as \alpha-attractors and Higgs inflation.

Annual reporting on research
Remember to update your research activities on TUHAT database. Pay attention to information which is not centrally collected, especially international mobility and other publications than refereed journal articles. The library collects information on refereed journal articles and it will be checked in preparing the HIP Annual Report.

Reporting is requested by January 31, 2017.
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/reporting

In January 2017, offered support and TUHATin ORCIDin use
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360190

International training for new staff
Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY360583

Funding opportunities
Emil Aaltosen säätiö. Vuorineuvos Emil Aaltosen vuonna 1937 perustama Emil Aaltosen Säätiö tukee suomenkielisten tutkijoiden luovaa tieteellistä tutkimustyötä myöntämällä apurahoja.
Apurahojen hakuaika on vuosittain 15.1. – 15.2.2017. Lisätietoja: http://www.emilaaltonen.fi/

University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2017 is 24.1.2017 – 9.2.2017.
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying/during-your-studies/apply-for-a-grant

Researchers / Research funding / Tekes
New knowledge and business from research ideas – call for research funding applications 1/2017
Through the “New knowledge and business from research ideas” application process, Tekes funds projects in which a project team is preparing to commercialise a research idea. Tekes funding will constitute 70% of the eligible costs.

Application period: Thu 15.12.2016 – Thu 09.03.2017

Online services https://www.tekes.fi/en/online-services/

More information https://www.tekes.fi/en/whats-going-on/application-schedules-2017/new-knowledge-and-business-from-research-ideas–call-for-research-funding-applications-12017/

P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
M. Rinaldi 23.1. – 27.1. (FM)
T. Takahashi 28.1. – 4.2. (KE)

HIP NEWS January 16th 2017

HIP NEWS January 16th 2017

Monday 16 January 2017 at 14.15 in E206
Matthew Lippert (Long Island University) Note new time and place!
Shining Light on Quantum Gravity with Pulsar-Black Hole Binaries

Abstract: Pulsars are some of the most accurate clocks found in nature, while black holes offer a unique arena for the study of quantum gravity. As such, pulsar-black hole (PSR-BH) binaries provide ideal astrophysical systems for detecting effects of quantum gravity. With the success of aLIGO and the advent of instruments like the SKA and eLISA, the prospects for discovery of such PSR-BH binaries are very promising. We argue that PSR-BH binaries can serve as ready-made testing grounds for proposed resolutions to the black hole information paradox. We propose using timing signals from a pulsar beam passing through the region near a BH event horizon as a probe of quantum gravitational effects. In particular, we demonstrate that fluctuations of the geometry outside a black hole lead to an increase in the measured root-mean-square deviation of arrival times of pulsar pulses traveling near the horizon. This allows for a clear observational test of the nonviolent nonlocality proposal for black hole information escape. For a series of pulses traversing the near-horizon region, this model predicts an rms in pulse arrival times of ~30 mus for a 3 M_sun black hole, ~ 0.3 ms for a 30 M_sun black hole, and ~ 40 s for Sgr A*. The current precision of pulse time of arrival measurements is sufficient to discern these rms fluctuations. This work is intended to motivate observational searches for PSR-BH systems as a means of testing models of quantum gravity.

Annual reporting on research
Remember to update your research activities on TUHAT database. Pay attention to information which is not centrally collected, especially international mobility and other publications than refereed journal articles. The library collects information on refereed journal articles and it will be checked in preparing the HIP Annual Report.

Reporting is requested by January 31, 2017.
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/reporting

In January 2017, offered support and TUHATin ORCIDin use
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360190

Visibility of Research and Management of Research Data
The library gives advice on archiving publications and is in charge of reviewing them.

Tuhat-research information system

Bibliometrics, reference analysis and altmetrics

Open Access -publishing and self-archiving

Research Data Management

More information in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pp_list&placeId=HY296998

International training for new staff
This is your Kumpula Campus – induction for new staff
Finnish Working Culture
Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY360583

Funding opportunities
Emil Aaltosen säätiö. Vuorineuvos Emil Aaltosen vuonna 1937 perustama Emil Aaltosen Säätiö tukee suomenkielisten tutkijoiden luovaa tieteellistä tutkimustyötä myöntämällä apurahoja.
Apurahojen hakuaika on vuosittain 15.1. – 15.2.2017. Lisätietoja: http://www.emilaaltonen.fi/

University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2017 is 24.1.2017 – 9.2.2017.
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying/during-your-studies/apply-for-a-grant

P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
M. Rinaldi 23.1. – 27.1. (FM)
T. Takahashi 28.1. – 4.2. (KE)

HIP NEWS January 9th 2017

HIP NEWS January 9th 2017

Monday 9 January 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Albert De Roeck (CERN)
Searching for exotic long lived particles with dedicated experiments at the LHC

Abstract: The Large Hadron Collider has opened a new energy frontier for searches for new physics. Initial results of the 13 TeV run have not yet revealed signals for new physics in ATLAS or CMS. Do these detectors allow us to search at all places where new physics could show up? In this presentation we look at some scenarios where small dedicated experiments will allow to considerably extend our search horizon. The explicate examples of the proposed MilliQan experiment – a search for millicharge particles- and the already approved and running MoEDAL experiment – a search for monopoles – will be presented. In addition there are even more recent ideas for new detection techniques at the LHC for new physics.

Tuesday 10 January 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Teemu Ojanen (Aalto)
Topological matter for pedestrians

Abstract: The last decade has witnessed a tremendous success in identifying novel phases of matter classified by the topological properties of their spectrum. Topological quantum matter comes in three incarnations, consisting of topological insulators, metals and superconductors. I will give (mostly) a non-technical introduction to this enormous research field which combines ideas from condensed-matter physics, high-energy physics and mathematics. Topological materials exhibit quantized responses, exotic emergent quantum particles and offer new platforms for future technology.

Annual reporting on research
Remember to update your research activities on TUHAT database. Pay attention to information which is not centrally collected, especially international mobility and other publications than refereed journal articles. The library collects information on refereed journal articles and it will be checked in preparing the HIP Annual Report.

Reporting is requested by January 31, 2017.
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/reporting

In January 2017, offered support and TUHATin ORCIDin use
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360190

Tutkimuksen näkyvyys ja tutkimusaineistojen hallinta
Kirjasto tarjoaa tutkimuksen tueksi palveluita seuraavista aiheista:

Bibliometriikka, viittausanalyysit ja altmetriikka

Open Access -julkaiseminen ja rinnakkaistallentaminen

Tutkimusdatan hallinta

Lisätietoja flammasta https://flamma.helsinki.fi/portal/home/sisalto?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pp_list&placeId=HY296998

Funding opportunities
University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2017 is 24.1.2017 – 9.2.2017.
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying/during-your-studies/apply-for-a-grant

P. S. Corasaniti 7.-10.2. (FM)
P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
A. DeRoeck 9.-10.1. (RO)
M. Rinaldi 23.1. – 27.1. (FM)

HIP NEWS January 2nd 2017

HIP NEWS January 2nd 2017

Annual reporting on research
Remember to update your research activities on TUHAT database. Pay attention to information which is not centrally collected, especially international mobility and other publications than refereed journal articles. The library collects information on refereed journal articles and it will be checked in preparing the HIP Annual Report.

Reporting is requested by January 31, 2017.
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/reporting

In January 2017, offered support and TUHATin ORCIDin use
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360190

A new Unibuddy progamme: Buddy programme for staff
If you are a newcomer and want a UniBuddy, please register here:

If you are already working at the University of Helsinki can act as a UniBuddy for a newcomer, please register here:

More information in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY336829

Funding opportunities
University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2017 is 24.1.2017 – 9.2.2017.
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying/during-your-studies/apply-for-a-grant