HIP NEWS April 25th 2016

HIP NEWS April 25th 2016

Tuesday 26 April 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Thomas Konstandin (Desy)
Effective actions in particle physics and cosmology

Abstract: Effective actions are an invaluable tool in particle physics and cosmology. For example, they are used to determine properties of the Higgs or the stability of the vacuum. Other applications include the sphaleron rate in the early universe or the characteristics of the electroweak phase transition. In this talk, I will give an extensive introduction to the topic and finally touch on some advanced questions as infrared problems or gauge-dependence.

Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 14.15 in A315
Steen Hansen (DARK, Copenhagen)
Pancakes in space

Abstract: The cosmological web consists of equilibrated galaxies and clusters of galaxies, one dimensional filaments, two dimensional sheets (also called Zeldovich pancakes) and three dimensional voids.

I will discuss the first detection of two Zeldovich pancakes near the Coma cluster. These sheets/pancakes, which are few Mpc wide and about 10 Mpc long, are very cold structures with velocity dispersion about 100 km/sec. In comparison, groups of galaxies have dispersions around 300 km/sec.

By measuring the departure from a pure Hubble flow of the galaxies belonging to the sheets/pancakes, one can determine the virial mass of the nearby galaxy cluster, and I will discuss how this method complements other methods.

Finnish for international personnel, summer 2016
The summer 2016 course programme is available at helsinki.fi/finnishcourses

S. Hansen 27.4. – 29.4. (FM)
L. Boldizsar 13.4. – 26.4. (EB)
M. Hindmarsh 29.4. – 12.6. (KR)
T. Konstandin 26.4. – 27.4. (OL)
A. Lopez 29.4. – 13.6. (MH, KR)

HIP NEWS April 18th 2016

HIP NEWS April 18th 2016

Tuesday 19 April 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Aurora Meroni (Odense)
Neutrino physics: status and quests for the future

Abstract: Neutrino physics has entered the precision era. Nevertheless many questions still remain without an answer. We know that the SM cannot be the ultimate theory, since a so-called “elusive” sector is completely missing: neutrinos are not properly included since we cannot describe their mass. Moroever, the nature, Dirac or Majorana, of the three light active neutrinos nuj (j = 1,2,3) with definite mass mj is unknown. I will review unknown properties of neutrinos and how possibly detect some of them. In particular I will define a theoretical framework and deduce the conditions under which multi-messenger astronomy can constrain neutrino masses and unveil their ordering. The framework uses time differences between the arrival of neutrinos and the other two light messengers, i.e. light and gravitational waves, emitted by astrophysical catastrophes.

Wednesday 20 April 2016 at 14.15 in A315
Adam Amara (ETH Zurich)
Cosmology and the Dark Energy Survey

Abstract: The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a 5000 square degree survey targeting dark matter and dark energy science. This year sees the release of the first science results from the DES collaboration using data taken during science verification. I plan to present these new results, which include dark matter maps, cosmology constraints and new discoveries such as the new strong lens systems being found. I will also give an update on the progress of the main science survey, which is still ongoing.

Finnish for international personnel, summer 2016
The summer 2016 course programme is available at helsinki.fi/finnishcourses
During the summers months the courses are intensive courses, with meetings four times a week. The first courses begin on 30 May. Courses are filled on a first-come first-served basis.

A. Amara 19.4. – 21.4. (FM)
L. Boldizsar 13.4. – 26.4. (EB)
A. Meroni 18.4. – 20.4. (AV)
F. Sannino 18.4. – 19.4. (KT)

HIP NEWS April 11th 2016

HIP NEWS April 11th 2016

Tuesday 12 April 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Louis Lyons (Imperial College)
Statistical Issues in Searches for New Physics

Abstract: Given the cost, both financial and even more importantly in terms of human effort, in building High Energy Physics accelerators and detectors and running them, it is important to use good statistical techniques in analysing data. This talk covers some of the statistical issues that arise in searches for New Physics. They include topics such as: Blind Analysis. How should we deal with the `Look Elsewhere Effect’? Should we insist on the 5 sigma criterion for discovery claims? Significance P(A|B) is not the same as P(B|A). The meaning of p-values. What is Wilks’ Theorem and when does it not apply? Dealing with systematics such as background parametrisation. Coverage: What is it and does my method have the correct coverage? Upper Limits. The use of p_0 vs p_1 plots. Higgs search: Discovery and Spin.

Thursday 14 April 2016 at 10.15 in A315: Guy Moore (Darmstadt)
Relating the Axion Mass and Dark Matter Density

Abstract: QCD appears to allow for large parity and time-reversal violating effects, which are in fact unmeasurably small. The simplest dynamical model to explain this predicts a new particle, the Axion, which is also an excellent dark matter candidate. Under reasonable assumptions it should be possible to predict the relation between the axion’s mass and its dark matter abundance. I will discuss the interesting physics we need to make this prediction concrete — axionic string networks and topological susceptibility.

Wednesday 13 April 2016 at 14.15 in A315
Matti Herranen (Jyväskylä)
Nonequilibrium QFT approach to leptogenesis
Abstract: he observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe may have been produced dynamically in the very early Universe by a baryogenesis via leptogenesis process from the CP- and lepton number violating decays of heavy right-handed neutrinos. For reliable calculations of the baryon asymmetry generated in leptogenesis first principle methods of nonequilibrium quantum field theory are required.

We construct a transport theory of leptogenesis based on the Schwinger-Keldysh or Closed Time Path (CTP) formalism of nonequilibrium QFT. The resulting kinetic equations incorporate finite density medium effects and quantum coherence effects and therefore provide a generalization to standard (quantum) Boltzmann equations. We find that the finite density corrections from loop integrals typically lead to an enhancement of the asymmetry. In the resonant regime with nearly degenerate right-handed neutrino masses, our results confirm the well-known resonant enhancement of CP-violation, however, novel effects from the flavour oscillations can be important in the dynamics.

Wednesday 13 April 2016, Upcoming events for international staff
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA) or via https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/48601/lomake.html

Last sign-up date: 17.04.2016: Completing Your Tax Return Form – Veroilmoitus in English
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)

L. Boldizsar 13.4. – 26.4. (EB)
M. Herranen 12.4. – 13.4. (FM)
A. Meroni 18.4. – 20.4. (AV)
G. Moore 13.4. – 15.4. (AV)
D. Varga 13.4. – 15.4. (EB)
M. Vargyas 11.4. – 15.4. (EB)

HIP NEWS April 4th 2016

HIP NEWS April 4th 2016

Monday 4 April 2016 at 10.15 in A315 Note Day!
Mirko Berretti (HIP/Totem)
Exclusive processes with TOTEM and CT-PPS: results, perspectives and experimental challenges

Abstract: The latest results and the physics potential of the TOTEM experiment at the LHC will be presented. This include searches for glueballs and new physics together with CMS and a deeper understanding of elastic scattering. For LHC RUN-2, a joint CMS-TOTEM project (CT-PPS) has been approved to study exclusive particle production at the highest LHC luminosity. With the recent indication by the CMS and ATLAS experiments of a possible resonance in the 750 GeV mass region, the CT-PPS, initially designed to search for anomalous gauge boson quartic couplings, will give a relevant contribution in a possible confirmation and study of this new resonance. I will review the CT-PPS status and plans for 2016 LHC running.

In the second part of the seminar I will concentrate on the new detectors designed to precisely measure the time-of-flight of the scattered protons produced in such exclusive processes at medium and high luminosity to be able to reject pile-up. Timing detectors based on diamond sensors have been developed by TOTEM and will be used in the first phase of the CT-PPS project. I will summarize the detector development, performance and perspective for this promising technology.

Wednesday 6 April 2016 at 14.15 in A315
Maria Archidiacono (Aachen University)
Efficient calculation of cosmological neutrino clustering

Abstract: Within the next few years cosmological structure formation will be probed in greater detail than ever before by new and very large surveys, most notably EUCLID and LSST. While this opens great possibilities for probing for example dark energy and the mass of neutrinos, it also puts very stringent requirements on theoretical calculations of cosmological observables, such as the matter power spectrum. In this regard, the treatment of massive neutrino is particularly challenging both in N-body simulations and in linear theory Boltzmann codes. In this talk I will present a new approximation to the third moment of the Boltzmann hierarchy and demonstrate that with this new approximation the neutrino power spectrum can be calculated with a precision of a few percent. Then I will discuss an extremely efficient way of calculating the neutrino power spectrum in the regime of non-linear dark matter clustering.

Wednesday 13 April 2016, Upcoming events for international staff
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA) or via https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/48601/lomake.html

M. Archidiacono 5.4. – 8.4. (FM)
P. Dendooven 24.2. – 6.4.
G. Moore 13.4. – 15.4. (AV)

HIP NEWS March 29th 2016

HIP NEWS March 29th 2016

Monday 4 April 2016 at 10.15 in A315 Note Day!
Mirko Berretti (HIP/Totem)
Exclusive processes with TOTEM and CT-PPS: results, perspectives and experimental challenges

Abstract: The latest results and the physics potential of the TOTEM experiment at the LHC will be presented. This include searches for glueballs and new physics together with CMS and a deeper understanding of elastic scattering. For LHC RUN-2, a joint CMS-TOTEM project (CT-PPS) has been approved to study exclusive particle production at the highest LHC luminosity. With the recent indication by the CMS and ATLAS experiments of a possible resonance in the 750 GeV mass region, the CT-PPS, initially designed to search for anomalous gauge boson quartic couplings, will give a relevant contribution in a possible confirmation and study of this new resonance. I will review the CT-PPS status and plans for 2016 LHC running.

In the second part of the seminar I will concentrate on the new detectors designed to precisely measure the time-of-flight of the scattered protons produced in such exclusive processes at medium and high luminosity to be able to reject pile-up. Timing detectors based on diamond sensors have been developed by TOTEM and will be used in the first phase of the CT-PPS project. I will summarize the detector development, performance and perspective for this promising technology.

I Stage: The application time ends on March 29, Tekes competition: Challenge Finland solves problems and makes the business
Finland Challenge is a competition where the retrieved commercialization solutions to major problems. The competition aims to effectively combine top Finnish research and business research and development.

The competition has two stages. Financing of the first phase of the competition is intended for research organizations. I Stage, the application time: 28.1.–29.3.2016.

More information about the application time


M. Archidiacono 5.4. – 8.4. (FM)
K. Boguslavski 4.4. – 5.4. (AV)
P. Dendooven 24.2. – 6.4.
G. Moore 13.4. – 15.4. (AV)

HIP NEWS March 21st 2016

HIP NEWS March 21st 2016

Wednesday 23 March 2016 at 14:15 in A315
Sami Nurmi (Jyväskylä)
On Higgs physics in the early universe

Abstract: I discuss the role of the Higgs field in the very early universe. Inflationary fluctuations of the Higgs field generically form a primordial Higgs condensate which might have left observable signatures. Stability of the SM vacuum against the fluctuations implies stringent constraints on Higgs couplings to spacetime curvature, or requires physics beyond SM. I review the stability constraints which may open interesting insights in probing new physics. I also discuss the decay of the primordial Higgs condensate which determines the duration of the early out-of-equilibrium epoch. If time allows, I comment also on the observational signatures of Higgs inflation.

Last sign-up date 21.03.2016, Staff training: Project Management Training for Researchers will begin on 5 April
Time: 05.04.2016 – 06.04.2016

Last sign-up date 21.03.2016. Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)
More information https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/osaaminen/hakemisto-ja-palvelut-henkilostoasiat-osaamisen-kehittaminen-ja-koulutus-staff-training-project-management-training-for-researchers-5-64

I Stage: The application time ends on March 29, Tekes competition: Challenge Finland solves problems and makes the business
Finland Challenge is a competition where the retrieved commercialization solutions to major problems. The competition aims to effectively combine top Finnish research and business research and development.

The competition has two stages. Financing of the first phase of the competition is intended for research organizations. I Stage, the application time: 28.1.–29.3.2016.

More information about the application time


M. Archidiacono 5.4. – 8.4. (FM)
K. Boguslavski 4.4. – 5.4. (AV)
P. Dendooven 24.2. – 6.4.
P. Montgomery 21.3. – 22.3. (IK)
G. Moore 13.4. – 15.4. (AV)

HIP NEWS March 14th 2016

HIP NEWS March 14th 2016

Tuesday 15 March 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Rauno Lauhakangas (HIP)
To the galaxy with the bubble chamber

Abstract: A few words about measurements from bubble chamber era to the large hadron colliders.

Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 14:15 in A315
Thomas Jacques (SISSA, Trieste)
Simplified models for DM searches at the LHC

Abstract: As the first results from Run II of the LHC are released, it is important to evaluate the ways in which we study DM at colliders. In the past we have used EFTs to constrain DM in a semi-model-independent way, but it is now clear that this approach has limitations. The community is moving full-speed into the usage of simplified models of dark matter, and it is important to approach them in a logical and consistent way so that we can learn as much as possible about the dark sector. Simplified models are designed to have fewer parameters than full, UV-complete models of dark matter, so that the full parameter space can be explored. At the same time, they are designed to still provide much the same phenomenology as full models, so that we don’t miss any potential signals. I will talk about some of the techniques and challenges we use to achieve these sometimes contradictory goals, and also how collider constraints fit into the broader search for dark matter.

PhD Career Course will begin on 1 April
Time: 01.04.2016 – 29.04.2016

Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)
More information https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/course-teaches-career-planning-to-doctoral-students

Staff training: Project Management Training for Researchers will begin on 5 April
Time: 05.04.2016 – 06.04.2016
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)
More information https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/osaaminen/hakemisto-ja-palvelut-henkilostoasiat-osaamisen-kehittaminen-ja-koulutus-staff-training-project-management-training-for-researchers-5-64

P. Dendooven 24.2. – 6.4.
M. Hindmarsh 5.3. – 20.3. (KR)
T. Jacques 12.3. – 16.3.;18.3. – 19.3 (FM)
S. Kawai 15.2. – 19.3. (FM)
J. White 8.3. – 15.3. (FM)

HIP NEWS March 7th 2016

HIP NEWS March 7th 2016

Tuesday 8 March 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Jarno Rantaharju (Odense)
Lattice Model of Ideal Walking

Abstract: We present preliminary studies of the SU(2) gauged NJL model with 2 flavors of fermions in the adjoint representation. The gauge model is infrared conformal and an additional NJL-type four fermion interaction, at large coupling, induces a chirally broken phase. In the symmetric phase the four fermion interaction is expected to influence the dynamics of the infrared fixed point and there may be a second order transition to the chirally broken phase. We study chiral symmetry breaking and the mass anomalous dimension at the infrared fixed point using the mode number of the Dirac operator.

Wednesday 9 March 2016 at 14:15 in A315
Jonathan White (KEK, Japan)
Gravitational reheating after multi-field inflation

Abstract: It has recently been highlighted that details of the reheating process must be properly taken into account when constraining individual models of inflation with current high-precision CMB data, even in the case of single-field models. As inflation models with a non-minimal coupling between the gravity and inflaton sectors have recently attracted much attention, in this work we discuss reheating in this class of models, allowing for multiple inflaton fields. In such models, even in the absence of explicit interaction terms the inflaton sector can decay into matter as a result of its non-minimal coupling to gravity, thereby reheating the Universe gravitationally. Using the Bogoliubov approach we evaluate the gravitational decay rates of the inflaton sector, and analyse the reheating dynamics.

Tuesday 8 March and Wednesday 9 March: Upcoming events for international staff
Experiencing Finland 8.3.2016. Sign-up https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Experiencing_Finland_Event_9136
Learn more about the Finnish culture and traditions, and meet colleagues from Aalto University and University of Helsinki.

Welcome to the University 9.3.2016. Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA) or via https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/52707/lomake.html
The event is a part of the University of Helsinki orientation and all new staff members are encouraged to attend the session.

PhD Career Course will begin on 1 April
Time: 01.04.2016 – 29.04.2016
Career planning courses provide doctoral students with information about their employment options. The aim of the course is to develop PhD students’ career planning and job-seeking skills.
Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)
More information https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/course-teaches-career-planning-to-doctoral-students

The second version of the Annual Report
(with language revision and updated links)
is available at www.helsinki.fi/~chelmine/annual15.
Please send possible (minor) corrections to Christina.Helminen[AT]helsinki.fi.

T. Alho 8.3. – 11.3. (KT)
P. Dendooven 24.2. – 6.4.
M. Hindmarsh 5.3. – 20.3. (KR)
C. Hoyos 6.3. – 9.3. (AV)
T. Jacques 12.3. – 16.3.;18.3. – 19.3 (FM)
M. Karciauskas 7.3. – 11.3.
S. Kawai 15.2. – 19.3. (FM)
J. Rantaharju 7.3. – 13.3. (KR)
D. Rodriguez 6.3. – 9.3. (AV)
J. White 8.3. – 15.3. (FM)

HIP NEWS February 29th 2016

HIP NEWS February 29th 2016

Tuesday 1 March 2016 at 10.15 in A315
K. Kajantie (HIP)
Physics of gravitational radiation

Abstract: The LIGO Laser Interferometer signal GW150914 was the first ever direct observation of gravitational radiation. This talk will review how you get gravitational radiation and black holes from general relativity and discuss the magnitudes of relevant physical parameters.

Wednesday 2 March 2016 at 14:15 in A315
Venus Keus (Helsinki)
Dark Matter in multi-inert doublet models

Abstract: Dark Matter (DM), arising from an Inert Higgs Doublet, may either be light, below the W mass, or heavy, above about 525 GeV. While the light region may soon be excluded, the heavy region is known to be very difficult to probe with either Direct Detection (DD) experiments or the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this talk I will discuss that adding a second Inert Higgs Doublet helps to make the heavy DM region accessible to both DD and the LHC, by either increasing its couplings to the observed Higgs boson, or lowering its mass to 360 GeV < $m_{DM}$, or both.

The deadline for letters of intent is Wednesday, 2 March at 3:45 pm.
Letters of intent are submitted online at www.helsinki.fi/aava.
Application instructions are available on intranet Flamma, at https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY278533

Monday 7 March at 12: Women in Science at HY: Kumpula Women’s Network
Professor Hanna Vehkamäki, Dept. of Physics, and Doctoral Student Paola Elefante, Dept. of Maths & Statistics, invite everybody to join them for an informal lunch & a discussion on Monday March 7th at 12, meeting in the Dynamicum lobby.
For more information about women in science at HY blogs.helsinki.fi/kumpulawomen/

HIP Annual Report 2015
Parts of the annual report are now available in
Please go and check the information for your part, in particular the publications. Thank you.

The Helsinki Workshop on Quantum Gravity
A workshop on quantum gravity will be held in the Physics department
the 1st to 3rd of June 2016. The idea of the workshop is to introduce
the subject of quantum gravity in Finland. In particular to the
interested student.
Homepage: www.hip.fi/qg_helsinki
Deadline for registration: 15th of May 2016
Further information: miklos.langvik[AT]helsinki.fi
The organizing committee
(Esko Keski-Vakkuri, Antti Kupiainen, Miklos Långvik, Kari
Rummukainen, Aleksi Vuorinen)

P. Dendooven 24.2. – 31.3.
C. Hoyos 6.3. – 9.3. (AV)
S. Kawai 15.2. – 19.3. (FM)
D. Rodriguez 6.3. – 9.3. (AV)

HIP NEWS February 22nd 2016

HIP NEWS February 22nd 2016

Tuesday 23 February 2016 at 10.15 in A315
Sven Moch (Hamburg)
Top-quark production at the LHC: Theory status and perspectives

Abstract: The current state of precision predictions for top-quark
production at the LHC will be reviewed. Special emphasis will be put on
the definition and the determination of the top-quark mass as a
fundamental parameter of the Standard Model. We will motivate, why
precision determinations of the top-quark mass are important in the
current high-energy run of the LHC and discuss the prerequisites in
theory for the extraction of a well-defined mass parameter in a given
renormalization scheme. We also discuss the implications for the
stability of the Higgs potential and the electroweak vacuum.

Wednesday 24 February 2016 at 14:15 in A315
Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (OATS, Trieste)
Massive neutrino signatures on the large-scale structure of the Universe

Abstract: Neutrinos are described as fundamental particles by the
standard model of particle physics. The fact that neutrinos are massive,
as demonstrated by neutrino oscillations experiments, point towards
physics beyond the standard model. One of the most important questions
in modern physics is: what are the neutrino masses? Current tightest
constrain on the sum of the neutrino masses arise from cosmological
observables. In order to extract the maximum information from current
and future surveys, as well as to avoid introducing biases in the values
of the cosmological parameters, it is of primordial importance to
understand, both at the linear and at the fully non-linear order, the
impact that massive neutrinos induce on the distribution of matter,
halos and galaxies. In this seminar I will present some of the effects
neutrinos induce on the Universe large-scale structure, among then the
clustering of matter, the clustering of dark matter halos, the abundance
of halos, the abundance of voids, their impact on the BAO peak and their
effects on the spatial distribution of neutral hydrogen in the
post-reionization era.

HIP Annual Report 2015
Parts of the annual report are now available in
Please go and check the information for your part, in particular the publications. Thank you.

Tekes competition: Challenge Finland solves problems and makes the business
More information about the application time (unfortunately the call
text etc are only in Finnish)


Application instructions are available on intranet Flamma, at

The Helsinki Workshop on Quantum Gravity
A workshop on quantum gravity will be held in the Physics department
the 1st to 3rd of June 2016. The idea of the workshop is to introduce
the subject of quantum gravity in Finland. In particular to the
interested student.
Homepage: www.hip.fi/qg_helsinki
Deadline for registration: 15th of May 2016
Further information: miklos.langvik[AT]helsinki.fi
The organizing committee
(Esko Keski-Vakkuri, Antti Kupiainen, Miklos Långvik, Kari
Rummukainen, Aleksi Vuorinen)

P. Dendooven 24.2. – 31.3.
M. Karciauskas 22.2. – 26.2.
S. Kawai 15.2. – 19.2. (FM)
S. Moch 23.2. – 24.2. (OL)
F. Villaescusa-Navarro 23.2. – 25.2. (FM)