HIP NEWS August 10th 2015

HIP NEWS August 10th 2015

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

H. Weigert 4.8. – 29.8.2015 (KR)

HIP NEWS July 27th 2015

HIP NEWS July 27th 2015

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

UNIBUDDY is a buddy programme for (new) international staff members and doctoral students.
Unibuddy programme has its own website at www.helsinki.fi/unibuddy

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

H. Weigert 4.8. – 29.8.2015 (KR)

HIP NEWS June 29th 2015

HIP NEWS June 29th 2015

HIP Staff in Kumpula
Please let me know of any absence for 2 weeks or more before August 31st. Office space for visitors is needed.
Thanks, Mikko

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

Check this link and save the number in your mobile phone! https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY339975

Always lock your door when you leave your office for even 15 seconds. Inform the janitors if you see suspect persons in the building.

UNIBUDDY is a buddy programme for (new) international staff members and doctoral students.
Unibuddy programme has its own website at www.helsinki.fi/unibuddy

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

13.7.-26.7.2015 open MORNINGS only.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

27.7.- 16.8.2015 Finnish Office is CLOSED.

NORMAL opening hours 17.8.2015 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12, 14-16.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

P. Dendooven 22.6. – 7.7. (PE)
M. Kawasaki 5.7.-15.7. (KE,TS)
S. Waeber 6.7. – 9.7. (AV)

HIP NEWS June 22nd 2015

HIP Staff in Kumpula
Please let me know of any absence for 2 weeks or more before August 31st. Office space for visitors is needed.
Thanks, Mikko

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

Check this link and save the number in your mobile phone! https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY339975

Always lock your door when you leave your office for even 15 seconds. Inform the janitors if you see suspect persons in the building.

UNIBUDDY is a buddy programme for (new) international staff members and doctoral students.
Unibuddy programme has its own website at www.helsinki.fi/unibuddy

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

13.7.-26.7.2015 open MORNINGS only.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

27.7.- 16.8.2015 Finnish Office is CLOSED.

NORMAL opening hours 17.8.2015 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12, 14-16.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

P. Bandyopadhyay 15.6. – 22.6. (KH)
P. Dendooven 22.6. – 7.7. (PE)
M. Frank 22.6. (KH)
M. Kawasaki 5.7.-15.7. (KE,TS)
S. Waeber 6.7. – 9.7. (AV)

HIP NEWS June 15th 2015

HIP NEWS June 15th 2015

Wednesday Jun 17 at 14:15 in A315
Francesc Ferrer (Washington University, St. Louis)
Searching for cosmological magnetic fields in the diffuse gamma-ray background

Abstract: Several CP violating processes occurring in the early universe could have produced weak-field helical magnetic seed fields that would have subsequently grown, amplified via different types of dynamo mechanism, accounting for the presently observed astronomical-sized fields. The structure of these large-scale magnetic fields is imprinted on the gamma-ray sky through secondary cascades. Using data from the Fermi satellite we evaluate a CP odd statistic and find it to be non-zero above the $2 \sigma$ level. This results indicate a left-handed helical magnetic field of $10^{-14}G$ on $~10$ Mpc scales.

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri

P. Bandyopadhyay 15.6. – 22.6. (KH)
F. Ferrer 16.6.-18.6. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS June 8th 2015

HIP NEWS June 8th 2015

Monday 8 June 2015 at 10:15 in A315
Alessandro Mirizzi (Bari University, Italy)
What Next on Axion-like Particles: Current Bounds and Discovery Opportunities

Abstract: Very light axion-like particles (ALPs) with a two-photon vertex are predicted in many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. Depending on the actual value of their mass, ALPs can play an important role in cosmology, being valuable dark matter candidates. The coupling with photons allows for ALP-photon mixing in external electromagnetic fields. This effect is exploited for direct searches of ALPs in laboratory experiments. The two-photon vertex would also induce the mixing with ALPs for photons emitted by distant astrophysical sources, and propagating in the large-scale cosmic magnetic fields. This mixing could produce signatures in astrophysical observations, ranging from the cosmic microwave background to the high-energy gamma-rays. In this talk I will present an overview of current bounds on ALPs and discovery opportunities in the planned laboratory and astrophysical experiments.

Tuesday 9 June 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Harvey Meyer (Mainz)
Real-time phenomena in finite-temperature QCD

Abstract: I present two topics in finite-temperature QCD: one concerns the pion quasiparticle and its dispersion relation in the low-temperature phase; the second concerns non-static screening masses in the high-temperature phase, the corresponding perturbative predictions and the relation of these masses to transport properties and the dilepton rate.

Wednesday 10 June 2015 at 14:15 in A315
Nelson Nunes (University of Lisbon)

Thursday 11 June 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Carlos Hoyos (Oviedo)
Ward identities and transport in 2+1 dimensions

Abstract: The Hall viscosity of chiral superfluids is determined by the angular momentum density. One can understand and generalize this relation using Ward identities of the energy-momentum tensor. Furthermore, the same identities connect viscosities and conductivities. A preliminary analysis in AdS/CFT reveals that the identities seem to be non-trivial in the sense that they cannot be derived simply from the asymptotic expansion of the solutions.

Unis svenska sommarfest

G. Bulmer 8.6. – 12.6. (KR,MH)
M. Hindmarsh 19.4. – 14.6. (KR)
C. Hoyos 8.6. – 12.6. (NJ,AV)
A. Mirizzi 8.6. (KE,SN)
N. Nunes 7.6. – 13.6. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS June 1st 2015

HIP NEWS June 1st 2015

Tuesday 2 June 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Stefan Pokorski (Warsaw)
Looking for hidden supersymmetry

Abstract: After a brief review of the state of supersymmetry after RUN I of the LHC, it will be argued that the supersymmetric electroweak sector may play the leading role in its discovery. Experimental signatures of electroweakinos and the prospects for their discovery will be discussed.

Unis svenska sommarfest

M. Hindmarsh 19.4. – 14.6. (KR)
C. Hoyos 8.6. – 12.6. (NJ,AV)
N. Nunes 7.6. – 13.6. (KE,SN)
S. Pokorski 2.6. – 5.6. (OL,KK)

HIP NEWS May 25th 2015

HIP NEWS May 25th 2015

Professorsinstallation / Inauguration of new professors /
Inaugural lectures
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Mark Hindmarsh was appointed Visiting Professor of Theoretical Physics from 1 June 2014 to 31 May 2019.

Wednesday 27 May 2015 at 14.15 hrs
Professor of Theoretical Physics Mark Hindmarsh: The first few picoseconds

Place: The University Main Building, Aleksanterinkatu 5. Lecture Room 6 (new side, 3rd floor).

CERN School of Computing 2015 in Greece
Few places available for the upcoming school in Kavala, Greece ( http://indico.cern.ch/e/csc2015 ) that has a registration deadline on May 30th.
Time: 14-26 September 2015
Place: The 38th CERN School of Computing will be held in Kavala, Greece.
The school will be organized by CERN in collaboration with the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology.

M. Hindmarsh 19.4. – 14.6. (KR)
N. Hopkins 4.5. – 29.5. (KR)
C. Hoyos 8.6. – 12.6. (NJ,AV)
N. Nunes 7.6. – 13.6. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS May 18th 2015

HIP NEWS May 18th 2015

Tuesday 19 May 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Yago Bea (Santiago de Compostela)
Massive study of magnetized unquenched ABJM

Abstract: We study the physics of a magnetized probe D6-brane in the ABJM theory with unquenched massive flavor. We analyze the effect of the mass of the background branes in the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking, and also the effect of the magnetic field on the meson spectrum. Besides, we obtain a non-commutative version of the background via a TsT rotation, which has an NSNS B2 field turned on, as an intermediate step towards a fully backreacted solution. In addition, we include new analytical solutions, perturbative in flavor, for the background functions.

Wednesday 20 May at 14:15 in A315
Mikolaj Korzynski (Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw)
Nonlinear effects and coarse-graining in general relativity

Abstract: I will discuss the nonlinear effects of general relativity which appear if we perform the coarse-graining of the fine structure of a solution. In particular I will discuss the effects of nested inhomogeneities extending over many scales.

Y. Bea 11.5. – 22.5. (NJ)
M. Hindmarsh 19.4. – 14.6. (KR)
N. Hopkins 4.5. – 29.5. (KR)
M. Ihl 18.5. – 22.5. (NJ)
M. Korzynski 18.5. – 21.5. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS May 11th 2015

HIP NEWS May 11th 2015

Tuesday 12 May 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Hans-Peter Nilles (Bonn)
Unification of Fundamental Interactions

Abstract: Symmetries have played a crucial role in the development of the standard model of particle physics. Moreover, they are believed to provide the key ingredients for a unified description of all fundamental interactions. We review the arguments that favour the investigation of these mathematical structures and explain possible consequences for particle physics and cosmology.

Watch online! Campus well-being event: Workplace free of harassment
Faculty of Science held a Campus well-being event under the theme Workplace free of harassment. You can view the event online at: http://video.helsinki.fi/Arkisto/flash.php?id=20442.

Y. Bea 11.5. – 22.5. (NJ)
M. Hindmarsh 19.4. – 14.6. (KR)
N. Hopkins 4.5. – 29.5. (KR)
M. Korzyński 18.5. – 21.5. (KE,SN)
H.P. Nilles 12.5. – 15.5. (OL)