HIP NEWS September 21st 2015

HIP NEWS September 21st 2015

Wednesday 23 September at 14:15 in A315
András Kovacs (Barcelona)
Cold imprint of supervoids in SDSS, Pan-STARRS1, and DES

Abstract: Large-scale structures at low redshift leave their mark on the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation via the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe and Rees-Sciama effects, providing direct probes of the late time cosmic acceleration and the physics of Dark Energy. In practice, however, these imprints are small enough to be measurable sufficiently with currently available galaxy catalogues. Yet, striking correlations have been observed between cosmic super-structures in SDSS and the CMB, and there is evidence for a supervoid at redshift z~0.2 aligned with the Cold Spot suggesting a causal relationship. Accounting for these anomalies, N-body simulations and theoretical studies suggest that the signal can only arise from a different physical mechanism or is a statistical fluke. I will discuss an important piece of the puzzle that remains out of place: the effect of photometric redshift uncertainties. I will present the recent characterization of the three-dimensional properties of the SDSS super-structures using BOSS spectroscopy, details about the density mapping of the Cold Spot region, and specific void finding strategies designed for the Dark Energy Survey.

Väisälä Foundation grants
are open for applications until Sep. 28th., see www.acadsci.fi/scholarships.htm

A tenure-track faculty opening in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at the Department of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis, by Dec. 1st, 2015.

Fortcoming training for employees
Tervetuloa yliopistoon 07.10.2015 klo 08:30 – 14:00
Kohderyhmä: Yliopiston uudet työntekijät. Last sign-up date: 25.9.2015

Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)

A. Kovacs 22.9. – 25.9. (SR)

HIP NEWS September 14th 2015

HIP NEWS September 14th 2015

Wednesday 16 September 2015 at14:15 in A315
Seshadri Nadathur (Helsinki)
The nature of voids: simulations, theory, and use in cosmology

Abstract: Cosmic voids are an exciting tool which can potentially be used to test a number of different cosmological scenarios, including structure formation, dark energy and modified gravity. Yet voids are not well understood. I will discuss the general properties of voids in simulations show that they do not match the predictions of the standard theoretical model of voids based on the excursion set formalism. I will discuss the reasons for this discrepancy and argue that it points to the need for simulation-based calibration of void properties for comparison with observation. I discuss the dependence of void properties on those of the galaxies in which they are found, and identify some universal properties which are independent of these details. In particular I will focus on how voids trace maxima of the gravitational potential field, and the implications of this for lensing and ISW studies.

Fortcoming training for employees
Welcome to the University 30.09.2015 at 08:45 – 14:00
The course is targeted for all new international employees of the University of Helsinki.
Last sign-up date: 20.9.2015

Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)

Väisälä Foundation grants
are open for applications until Sep. 28th., see www.acadsci.fi/scholarships.htm

Y.C. Ong 7.9. – 14.9. (MC)

HIP NEWS September 7th 2015

HIP NEWS September 7th 2015

Tuesday 8 September 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Robert Fleischer (Nikhef, Amsterdam)
In Pursuit of New Physics with B Decays: Theoretical Status and Prospects

Abstract: The exploration of B-meson decays has reached an unprecedented level of sophistication, with a phase of even much higher precision ahead of us thanks to the next run of the LHC and the future era of Belle II and the LHCb upgrade. For many processes, the theoretical challenge in the quest to reveal possible footprints of physics beyond the Standard Model will be the control of uncertainties from strong interactions. After a brief discussion of the global picture emerging from the LHC data, I will focus on the theoretical prospects and challenges for benchmark B decays to search for new sources of CP violation, and highlight future opportunities to probe the Standard Model with strongly suppressed rare B decays.

Thursday 10 September 2015 at 10.15 in A315
Aleksi Kurkela (CERN)
Hydrodynamisation in high energy nuclear collisions from QCD Lagrangian?

Abstract: Thermalisation, isotropisation and hydrodynamisation in high energy collisions of large nuclei has been studied in numerous models. I present a computation which is as close as possible to a first principle one starting from the QCD Lagrangian.

Thursday 10 September 2015 at 14.15 in E206. Note place and time!
Yen Chin Ong (Nordita, Stockholm)
Hawking evaporation time scale of black holes in Anti-de Sitter spacetime

Abstract: If an absorbing boundary condition is imposed at infinity, an asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Schwarzschild black hole with a spherical horizon takes only a finite amount of time to evaporate away even if its initial mass is arbitrarily large. In fact this is a rather generic property for an asymptotically locally AdS spacetime: regardless of their horizon topologies, neutral AdS black holes in general relativity take about the same amount of time to evaporate down to the same size. We explain this surprising property in this talk.

R. Fleischer 6.9. – 9.9. (KK, AV)
P. Lehmann 8.9. – 11.9. (IK)

HIP NEWS August 31st 2015

HIP NEWS August 31st 2015

September 1, 2015 a one day mini-school will be organized to introduce the basics of computational methods applicable for simulation of onset of vacuum arcing.

Location: Physicum, room E207
Time: 1.9.2015 from 9:00 to 15:00

09:00 Basics of Molecular Dynamics simulations
(Prof. Kai Nordlund, University of Helsinki, Finland)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Simulation of plastic deformation in FCC structures
(Dr. Yinon Ashkenazy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Introduction to Collisional PIC Methods for Simulating Vacuum Arcs
(Dr. Matthew Hopkins, Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

If you are interested in vacuum arcing phenomenon and in the computational methods, which can be used to study it, you are welcome to join this minischool.

Doc. Flyura Djurabekova, PhD

University researcher
Department of Physics and Helsinki Institute of Physics

5th International Workshop on Mechanisms of Vacuum Arcs (MeVArc 2015)
September 2. – 4.2015 in Saariselkä.

G. Bulmer 1.9. – 30.9. (MH, KR)
R. Fleischer 6.9. – 9.9. (KJ, AV)

HIP NEWS August 24th 2015

HIP NEWS August 24th 2015

Wednesday 26 August 2015 at 14.15 in A315
Tommi Markkanen (Imperial College London)
Spacetime curvature and the Higgs stability before and after inflation

Abstract: The best fit values for the SM parameters imply that the potential for the Higgs boson developes a Planck-scale vacuum with negative energy, which may result in decay of the current vacuum state. In this talk we show the significance of backreaction from classical gravity for vacuum stability in the early universe. After introducing the topic of inflationary vacuum stability, we will concentrate on the non-perturbative effects during reheating and show that they may induce vacuum decay for large inflationary scales. In particular, we conclude that inflation and reheating constrain the non-minimal coupling between the SM Higgs and gravity to be close to 1/6. arXiv:1407.3141 and arXiv:1506.04065.

Fortcoming training for employees
Welcome to the University
The course is targeted for all new international employees of the University of Helsinki.

Tervetuloa yliopistoon
Kohderyhmä: Yliopiston uudet työntekijät

Finnish Working Culture
The course is targeted for all new international employees of the University of Helsinki.

Prepare for your doctoral defence
Those with dissertation in the near future.

Sign up in http://www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar ( Staff Training Calendar HENKKA)

H. Weigert 4.8. – 29.8.2015 (KR)

HIP NEWS August 17th 2015

HIP NEWS August 17th 2015

NORMAL opening hours 17.8.2015 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12, 14-16.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

H. Weigert 4.8. – 29.8.2015 (KR)

HIP NEWS August 10th 2015

HIP NEWS August 10th 2015

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

H. Weigert 4.8. – 29.8.2015 (KR)

HIP NEWS July 27th 2015

HIP NEWS July 27th 2015

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

UNIBUDDY is a buddy programme for (new) international staff members and doctoral students.
Unibuddy programme has its own website at www.helsinki.fi/unibuddy

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

H. Weigert 4.8. – 29.8.2015 (KR)

HIP NEWS June 29th 2015

HIP NEWS June 29th 2015

HIP Staff in Kumpula
Please let me know of any absence for 2 weeks or more before August 31st. Office space for visitors is needed.
Thanks, Mikko

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

Check this link and save the number in your mobile phone! https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY339975

Always lock your door when you leave your office for even 15 seconds. Inform the janitors if you see suspect persons in the building.

UNIBUDDY is a buddy programme for (new) international staff members and doctoral students.
Unibuddy programme has its own website at www.helsinki.fi/unibuddy

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

13.7.-26.7.2015 open MORNINGS only.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

27.7.- 16.8.2015 Finnish Office is CLOSED.

NORMAL opening hours 17.8.2015 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12, 14-16.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

P. Dendooven 22.6. – 7.7. (PE)
M. Kawasaki 5.7.-15.7. (KE,TS)
S. Waeber 6.7. – 9.7. (AV)

HIP NEWS June 22nd 2015

HIP Staff in Kumpula
Please let me know of any absence for 2 weeks or more before August 31st. Office space for visitors is needed.
Thanks, Mikko

NewsFlash – Newsletter for Staff
NewsFlash is an internal newsletter featuring links to Flamma in English.
Subscribe to the NewsFlash newsletter http://hy.etapahtuma.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=794

Check this link and save the number in your mobile phone! https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY339975

Always lock your door when you leave your office for even 15 seconds. Inform the janitors if you see suspect persons in the building.

UNIBUDDY is a buddy programme for (new) international staff members and doctoral students.
Unibuddy programme has its own website at www.helsinki.fi/unibuddy

FINNISH for international staff, autumn 2015: Register now
Registration starts 10 June.
Registration form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/21805/lomake.html

Flamma: Language courses for personnel, autumn 2015
Registration: http://www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri
If you cannot access HENKKA, please contact your supervisor or our course secretary at kielikeskus-kielipalvelut@helsinki.fi.

13.7.-26.7.2015 open MORNINGS only.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

27.7.- 16.8.2015 Finnish Office is CLOSED.

NORMAL opening hours 17.8.2015 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12, 14-16.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

P. Bandyopadhyay 15.6. – 22.6. (KH)
P. Dendooven 22.6. – 7.7. (PE)
M. Frank 22.6. (KH)
M. Kawasaki 5.7.-15.7. (KE,TS)
S. Waeber 6.7. – 9.7. (AV)