HIP to host a Tekes FiDiPro research project

HIP to host a Tekes FiDiPro research project

Among the 12 new FiDiPro research projects, which Tekes have decided to fund, is the “Novel instrumentation for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards” (NINS3)  project hosted by HIP. The FiDiPro – Finland Distinguished Professor  – Programme facilitates bringing highly merited scientists to Finland as visiting professors.
The NINS3 project is led by the FiDiPro Professor Peter Dendooven from the KVI-Center for Advanced Radiation Technology (KVI-CART) at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Dendooven is a world-class expert on novel instrumentation for the detection of ionizing radiation. He will bring in new knowledge not available in Finland on advanced imaging and tomography techniques.

The project will perform top-level research and development in a few well-chosen and nationally important topics in nuclear safety, security and safeguards while strengthening the Finnish industry in this domain by transferring the knowledge gained to companies.
The topics cover tomography of spent nuclear fuel, radiation threat detection and imaging from a distance, and interrogation of unknown objects.
The complementary project partners are HIP, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK, Tampere University of Technology TUT, the FiDiPro, and a consortium of companies in Finland involved in or in need of radiation measurements.

Tekes announcement:


Peter Dendooven, KVI-CART, University of Groningen, dendooven [at] kvi.nl
Paula Eerola, HIP, University of Helsinki, paula.eerola [at] helsinki.fi

HIP NEWS November 10th 2014

HIP NEWS November 10th 2014

Experimental particle physics (tenure track)

Space physics (tenure track)

Experimental Aerosol physics (tenure track)

Senior lecturer positions open in Jyväskylä:
Senior lecturer in theoretical particle physics, in the field of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions:

Senior lecturer in cosmology:

Tuesday 11 November 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Diego Aristizabal (University of Liege, Belgium)
From neutrino masses to dark matter

Abstract: TBA

Thursday 13 November 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Tomas Brauner (Wien)
Applications of Galilei invariance in condensed matter physics

Abstract: I will discuss two directions of my recent work, connected by the notion of Galilei invariance and both motivated by condensed matter physics phenomena. In the first half of the talk, I will give an introduction to nonrelativistic general coordinate invariance, a concept that appeared in the context of effective field theories for quantum Hall systems. I will explain in detail how a given (not necessarily Galilei-invariant) nonrelativistic field theory can be coupled to background spacetime geometry, and mention possible use of such a construction. The second half of the talk will be devoted to magneto-optical properties of the topological insulator Bi2Se3. Upon a brief introduction to the subject, I will discuss a recent experiment which suggests that, despite being described at low energies by the Dirac equation similarly to graphene, this system features an emergent Galilei symmetry. Only basic knowledge of field theory and differential geometry will be required, and ignorance of condensed matter physics desired.

Wednesday 12 November at 14:15 in A315
Alkistis Pourtsidou (University of Portsmouth)

Fortcoming training for new international employees
10.12.2014 Welcome Breakfast
More info on Henkka:

T. Brauner 10.11. – 14.11. (AV)
A. Pourtsidou 11.11. – 13.11. (KE,SN)
O. Taanila 10.11. – 14.11. (AV)

HIP NEWS November 3rd 2014

HIP NEWS November 3rd 2014

Tuesday 4 November 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Per Osland (Bergen)
CP violation in the Higgs sector and LHC constraints

Abstract: I will describe CP violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet model, and how it can be identified experimentally. Also, I will show that in spite of having a Standard-Model-like Higgs particle at the LHC, there could still be room for CP violation. One manifestation is a triple-Z vertex. In this model, this would however be accompanied by some flavour-changing interactions.

Wednesday 5 November at 14:15 in A315
Cornelis Rampf (University of Portsmouth)

Fortcoming training for new international employees
5.11.2014 Finnish Working Culture
10.12.2014 Welcome Breakfast
More info on Henkka:

T. Brauner 10.11. – 15.11. (AV)
A. Pourtsidou 11.11. – 13.11. (KE,SN)
C. Rampf 4.11. – 6.11. (KE,SN)

HIP NEWS October 27th 2014

HIP NEWS October 27th 2014

Tuesday 28 October 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Tobias Zingg (Helsinki)
A holographic Model for strongly correlated Fermions

Abstract: I will give a brief outline of the concept of gauge/gravity duality and how it is used to study novel phases of metals, where a physical description via Fermi liquid theory and other prevalent methods breaks down. The main focus will be on my current and recent work on ‘electron star’ models and their potential to capture features of systems with strongly correlated fermions.

Fortcoming training for new international employees
5.11.2014 Finnish Working Culture
10.12.2014 Welcome Breakfast
More info on Henkka:

M. Hindmarsh 27.10. – 2.11. (KR)
T. Brauner 10.11. – 15.11. (AV)
A. Kurkela 27.10. – 31.10. (KR)
A. Pourtsidou 11.11. – 13.11. (KE,SN)
C. Rampf 4.11. – 6.11. (KE,SN)
S. Roy 1.10. – 31.10. (KH)

HIP NEWS October 20th 2014

HIP NEWS October 20th 2014

20.-24.10.2014 Finnish Office is CLOSED.

NORMAL opening hours 27.10.2014 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 8:30-12, 14-16.
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

Fortcoming training for new international employees
5.11.2014 Finnish Working Culture
10.12.2014 Welcome Breakfast
More info on Henkka:

S. Roy 1.10. – 31.10. (KH)

HIP NEWS October 13th 2014

HIP NEWS October 13th 2014

Tuesday 14 October 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Adam Falkowski (Orsay)
Higgs and electroweak precision data

Thursday 16 October 2014 at 10.15 in E206
Matthew Lippert (Amsterdam)
Holographic Anyonic Superfluidity

Abstract: This talk will be about an unusual type of superfluid, one made up of anyons. I will discuss anyons, their relation to the quantum Hall effect, and how an anyonic superfluid is unlike a typical superfluid. Then I will describe a holographic model of a strongly-coupled anyonic superfluid and the stability of its supercurrents.

Upcoming Event in Kumpula Campus
HIP/FIDIPRO workshop on nuclear isospin properties, Kumpula Campus, Helsinki Institute of Physics, 16. – 17.10.2014

Fortcoming training for new international employees
More info on Henkka: www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar

Be aware of changes to Occupational Healthcare on 1 January 2015:
More information and registration for the course is on Staff Training
Calender Henkka: www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar

A. Falkowski 14.10. – 15.10. (OL)
L. Laperashvili 23.9. – 14.10. (AT)
H.B. Nielsen 13.10. -14.10. (AT)
S. Roy 1.10. – 31.10. (KH)

HIP NEWS October 6th 2014

HIP NEWS October 6th 2014

Tuesday 7 October 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Sourov Roy (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata)
Phenomenology of U(1)_R -lepton number model

Abstract: In this talk I shall discuss light neutrino masses and mixing, phenomenology of a keV sterile neutrino dark matter and the Higgs boson signal rate in the di-photon channel at the LHC, in the framework of U(1)_R-lepton number model augmented by a right handed neutrino superfield. The lepton number of the standard model fermions are identified with the negative of their R-charges. As a result, a subset of leptonic R-parity violating operators can be present and are consistent with the U(1)_R symmetry. One of the sneutrinos might acquire a substantial vacuum expectation value leading to interesting phenomenological consequences. This model not only provides a small tree level mass to one of the active neutrinos but also renders a suitable warm dark matter candidate in the form of a sterile neutrino with negligible active-sterile mixing. This can explain the recent observation of an X-ray line signal at around 3.5 keV. In order to fit the experimental results involving light neutrino masses and mixing
angles we introduce a small breaking of U(1)_R symmetry. The lightest Higgs boson mass receives an additional tree level contribution proportional to the square of the neutrino Yukawa coupling f. This allows for a 125 GeV Higgs boson at the tree level for an order one f and still having a small tree level mass for the active neutrino.

Thursday 9 October 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Lauri Wendland (Helsinki)
New results on charged Higgs boson searches

Abstract: A scalar boson at mH = 125 GeV has been discovered, but is it the only one? The existence of further scalar bosons would represent unambiguous evidence for physics beyond the SM. In this seminar, the new preliminary CMS results on charged Higgs boson searches are discussed and compared with ATLAS results. Model-independent limits will be shown and an interpretation of them is given in the MSSM benchmark scenarios.

Wednesday 8 Oct 2014 at 14:15 in A315
Alexey Golovnev (Saint Petersburg State University)
Some thoughts on information paradox in Black Hole physics

I will briefly review the paradigm of Black Hole complementarity. Then I will discuss the recent AMPS paradox which amounts to putative incompatibility of equivalence principle and monogamy of entanglement. Finally, after presenting several proposed ways to surmount the contradiction, I will argue that tiny quantum gravitational corrections at local scales might prove to be an important ingredient to the physics of evaporating Black Holes.

Campus info sessions
on the new occupational health care agreement in November
Sign up through Henkka.

Networking – Strategic Theme of the Year:
Networking competencies
Sign up through Henkka.

Fortcoming training for new international employees
More info on Henkka:

A. Golovnev 17.9. – 10.10. (MK)
L. Laperashvili 23.9. – 14.10. (AT)
J. Rantaharju 6.10. – 10.10. (KR)
S. Roy 1.10. – 31.10. (KH)
D. Weir 6.10. – 10.10. (KR)

HIP NEWS September 29th 2014

HIP NEWS September 29th 2014

Upcoming events in Finland: CERN´s 60th anniversary
See the link http://www.hip.fifi/?page_id=1963

Tuesday 30 September 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari (IPM, Tehran, Iran)
The Quest for Quantum Gravity, the necessity and viewpoints

Abstract: Gravity is the only interaction which appears among all existing objects and in our current physics is formulated through Einstein theory of General Relativity (GR). Although it has many theoretical appealing features and successes with the current experiments and observations, GR suffers from theoretical shortcomings. The most common way to remedy these shortcomings comes through quantization of the theory. Despite of many efforts and trying various approaches, a consistently quantized gravity has remained elusive. In this colloquium talk I will review these shortcomings and some of the main approaches taken to formulate Quantum Gravity.

Tuesday 30 September 2014 at 14.15 in A315
Tuomas Hapola (Durham)
Higgs Plus Multiple Jets with HEJ

Abstract: The High Energy Jets (HEJ) framework provides an approximation to the all-order perturbative calculation of observables in processes with multiple hard jets. In this talk I will first introduce the framework, and discuss recent comparisons to the data from the LHC and Tevatron. Then I will discuss predictions for the production of Higgs boson with multiple jets using HEJ.

Thursday 2 October 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Arttu Rajantie (Imperial College)
Quantum field theory of elementary magnetic monopoles

Abstract: Ever since Dirac’s discovery that quantum mechanics allows magnetic monopoles, there have been attempts to add them to quantum electrodynamics as dynamical degrees of freedom rather than as a static classical background as in Dirac’s calculation. However, the proposed formulations have been impractical due to issues like lack of manifest Lorentz invariance or locality. When ‘t Hooft and Polyakov discovered topological monopole solutions in GUT-like non-Abelian theories, the attention shifted to them. However, there is no physical reason to rule out the possibility of elementary monopoles, and some of their key properties can be different from ‘t Hooft-Polyakov monopoles. In particular, their mass is a free parameter and can therefore be light. I present a lattice formulation of QED with light elementary magnetic monopoles and show simulation results which demonstrate that they behave as expected. This shows that magnetic monopoles do not have to be related to grand unification, and that they can be light enough to be produced at the LHC and detected at the new MoEDAL experiment.

Wednesday 1 Oct 2014 at 14:15 in A315
Florian Niedermann (University of Munich)
The Universe as a Cosmic String

We are investigating modifications of general relativity which are operative at the largest observable scales. In that context we are investigating the model of brane induced gravity in 6D, a higher dimensional generalization of the DGP model. As opposed to different claims in the literature, we have proven the quantum stability of the theory on a linear level. In particular, we have shown that the Hamiltonian of the linear theory is bounded from below (Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 124022). This result was a complete game changer: it opened a new window of opportunity for consistent modified Friedmann cosmologies.
Subsequently, it was shown that a brane with FRW symmetries necessarily acts as a source of cylindrically symmetric gravitational waves, so called Einstein-Rosen waves. Their existence essentially distinguishes this model from the DGP model and stimulated work on non-linear wave classification by virtue of the Weyl tensor (Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 064047). (It was shown that its standard interpretation in terms of in-coming and out-going wave components fails for cylindrically symmetric geometries.)
In our most recent work we have numerically solved the full dynamical system of modified Einstein equations. As a result we have found two qualitatively different and dynamically separated classes of cosmologies: degravitating solutions for which the Hubble parameter settles to zero despite the presence of a non-vanishing energy density on the brane and super-accelerating solutions for which Hubble grows unbounded. The parameter space of both the stable and unstable regime was derived analytically and the observational relevance of both solutions could be inferred. (This will be published soon.)

Campus info sessions
on the new occupational health care agreement in November
Sign up through Henkka.

Networking – Strategic Theme of the Year:
Networking competencies
Sign up through Henkka.

A. Golovnev 17.9. – 10.10. (MK)
L. Laperashvili 23.9. – 14.10. (AT)
F. Niedermann 1.10. – 3.10. (KE,SN)
S. Roy 1.10. – 31.10. (KH)

HIP NEWS September 22nd 2014

HIP NEWS September 22nd 2014

Upcoming events in Finland: CERN´s 60th anniversary
See the link http://www.hip.fifi/?page_id=1963

Campus info sessions
on the new occupational health care agreement in November
Sign up through Henkka.

Networking – Strategic Theme of the Year:
Networking competencies
Sign up through Henkka.

A. Golovnev 17.9. – 10.10. (MK)
L. Laperashvili 23.9. – 14.10. (AT)

HIP NEWS September 15th 2014

HIP NEWS September 15th 2014

Upcoming events in Finland: CERN´s 60th anniversary
See the link http://www.hip.fifi/?page_id=1963

A. Golovnev 17.9. – 10.10.