HIP NEWS August 11th 2014

HIP NEWS August 11th 2014

Thursday 14 August 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Timo Alho (Jyväskylä)
Thermodynamics of holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit

Abstract: We have studied the thermodynamics of a class of holographic bottom-up models for QCD in the limit where both Nc and Nf go to infinity such that their ratio is finite. These Veneziano QCD -models incorporate a gravity-dilaton system to model the glue dynamics and a scalar tachyon for the fermion degrees of freedom. We have solved the system with full backreaction at finite temperature and finite chemical potential, allowing a determination of the chiral and deconfining transitions. I will also discuss ongoing work in modeling the low-temperature hadron gas phase.

Thursday 14 August 2014 at 14.15 in A315
Matthias Ihl (Porto)
Holographic Bilayer/Monolayer Phase Transitions

Abstract: In the present talk, I will discuss the phase structure of bilayer and monolayer phases in the (2+1)-dimensional defect field theory whose gravity dual is obtained by embedding D5/anti-D5 probe flavour branes in the singular conifold. We study in detail the embedding equations and compare the free energies of the resulting
configurations at non-zero temperature and external magnetic field perpendicular to the defects. Moreover, we analyse the meson spectrum and confirm the stability of the single bilayer solution.

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014
Tekes, the Finnish technology funding agency, has several calls for research funding and workshops for information and networking in fall 2014. Some of the headlines are in Finnish only.
Please ask more information from Maarit Haataja. You can also find additional information on Flamma pages.

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun
Register in advance by 11 August.

D. Bödeker 13.8. – 16.8. (KR)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)
Y. Tada 19.8. – 24.8. (KE)
A. Tranberg 14.8. – 16.8. (KR)

HIP NEWS August 4th 2014

HIP NEWS August 4th 2014

Tekes: Calls for proposals in 2014

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun
Register in advance by 11 August.

D. Bödeker 13.8. – 16.8. (KR)
G. von Gersdorff 30.8. – 4.9. (AV)
Y. Tada 19.8. – 24.8. (KE)

HIP NEWS June 23rd 2014

HIP NEWS June 23rd 2014

Finnish for foreigners: registration for autumn 2014 courses has begun

J.S. Kim 24.6. – 28.6. (OL)

HIP NEWS June 9th 2014

HIP NEWS June 9th 2014

Monday 9 June 2014 at 14.15 in A315
Ioan Ghisoiu (Bern)
Three-loop Debye mass and effective coupling in thermal QCD

Abstract: QCD at finite temperature is afflicted with infrared divergences that can be cured in part in the framework of a dimensionally reduced effective theory, Electrostatic QCD. We determine the three-loop effective parameters of this theory as matching coefficients to full QCD.

Tuesday 10 June 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Aleksi Kurkela (CERN)
Bottom-up thermalization in heavy-ion collisions

Abstract: It is a commonly held belief that weak coupling dynamics are in contradiction with the apparently fast thermalization observed in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and at the LHC. This belief is based on solely parametric estimates and naturalness arguments in the “Bottom-up?? picture of thermalization of Baier, Mueller, Schiff, and Son. In my talk, I will discuss elevating this parametric picture into a numerical one through simulations in an effective kinetic theory. I discus how the numerical factors play an important role and show that the Bottom-Up scenario results in rapid thermalization at realistic couplings.

Wednesday 11 June 2014 at 14:15 in A315
Matti Herranen (NBI,Copenhagen)
Nonequilibrium QFT approach to leptogenesis

The observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe may have been produced dynamically in the very early Universe by a baryogenesis process. Baryogenesis via leptogenesis is among the most prominent candidates for a successfull baryogenesis scenario. For reliable calculations of the baryon asymmetry first principle methods of nonequilibrium quantum field theory are required. We construct a transport theory of leptogenesis based on the Schwinger-Keldysh or Closed Time Path (CTP) formalism of nonequilibrium QFT. The resulting kinetic equations incorporate finite density medium effects and quantum coherence effects and therefore provide a generalization to standard (quantum) Boltzmann equations. We find that the finite density corrections from loop integrals typically lead to an enhancement of the asymmetry. In the resonant regime with nearly degenerate right-handed neutrino masses, our results confirm the general structure of the resonant enhancement of CP-violation, however, novel terms related to flavour oscillations can be important in the dynamics.

I. Ghisoiu 7.6. – 11.6. (AV)
M. Herranen 9.6. – 11.6. (SR)
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
A. Kurkela 9.6. – 12.6. (KR)
R. Malik 12.6. – 18.6. (AT)

HIP NEWS June 2nd 2014

HIP NEWS June 2nd 2014

The HIP QCD-theory project leader Tuomas Lappi was awarded the 2014 Zimányi Medal for his pioneering independent and collaborative work on Color Glass Condensate and the Glasma models of initial conditions in high energy A+A reactions that provide theoretical foundations on which many current bulk viscous hydrodynamic and jet quenching opacity calculations depend. Tuomas received the medal and 2000 USD prize on 24 May at the nearly-900-participant Quark Matter 2014 -conference in Darmstadt. This medal is the most prestigious young-scientist (below 40) award in this field.

Tuesday 3 June 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Matti Järvinen (Heraklion)
New results from holographic V-QCD

Abstract: I discuss latest developments in holographic bottom-up models for QCD in the Veneziano limit (V-QCD) at finite quark mass. Masses, the S-parameter, and condensates have expected mass dependence for all values of x=Nf/Nc, and the axial anomaly of QCD is correctly implemented by a string-motivated CP-odd sector of the V-QCD action. Consequently, the pion and eta prime masses satisfy the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner and Witten-Veneziano relations. I also discuss how double trace deformations can be studied.

Thursday 5 June 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Santosh Kumar Rai (Allahabad)
Some Higgs studies after the “Higgs” discovery

Abstract: After giving a flavour of some basic extensions of the Higgs sector beyond the Standard Model, I will discuss two different Higgs physics scnenarios where the extensions to the Higgs sector are inherently chromophobic by construction and their implications in the context of LHC studies.

Friday 6 June 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Charles Bennett (Baltimore, Principal Investigator, WMAP)
Cosmology and the Cosmic Microwave Background

Abstract: Studies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) have led to major advances in cosmology. In this talk I will summarize recent CMB results and their implications for cosmology. I will compare and contrast select WMAP and Planck cosmological results. I will also discuss other some cosmological measurements, both past and future, that do not involve the CMB. I will focus on how these measurements help to test cosmological models and narrow the range off their associated parameters. Specific topics will include constraints on the Hubble constant and inflation models.

Staff Training 2014 (2015)
For new employees
For researchers and doctoral candidates
Registration on Henkka: www.helsinki.fi/trainingcalendar

C. Bennett 6.6. (H.K-S)
D. Figueroa 30.5. – 2.6. (KE)
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
T. Koivisto 21.5. – 4.6. (KE)
A. Rajantie 2.6. (KE)

HIP NEWS May 26th 2014

HIP NEWS May 26th 2014

May 30-31, 2014
University of Helsinki, Physicum, auditorium E204.
An international workshop to celebrate the occasion of Professor Kari Enqvist’s 60th birthday. The topics of the workshop include cosmological inflation, curvaton models, inhomogeneities and alternative theories of gravitation.

For a detailed program and schedule consult the conference web page

Seminar: How to utilize new CSC computing resources in your research
Monday, 26.05.2014, at 10 a.m.

Room Kvantti (Physicum C208), Kumpula campus, University of Helsinki, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a, Helsinki.

The 2nd phase of the CSC’s supercomputer (Sisu) and supercluster
(Taito) expected to be available for the researchers in Summer/Autumn
2014, are opening new possibilities for Finnish researchers – they will
increase the available computing capacity 5-fold.

Moreover, the activities of CSC have expanded during the last few years
from supercomputing to several new fields, like data management and cloud computing.

The CSC resources and services available to researchers will be presented, so that they can benefit from them from day 1. CSC will also collect feedback for configuring the systems according to the researchers’ needs.

Seminar program and Registration:

Tuesday 27 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Jacek Dobaczewski (Fidipro professor, Jyväskylä)
Nuclear density functional theory

In the condensed-matter, atomic, and molecular physics, density functional theory (DFT) is a universal approach to compute ground state and excited configurations of many-electron systems. At present, the DFT strategy is also intensely studied and applied in the area of nuclear structure. The nuclear energy density functional (EDF) – a natural extension of the self-consistent mean-field theory – is a tool of choice for computations of ground-state properties and low-lying excitations of medium-mass and heavy nuclei. Over the past thirty-odd years, a lot of experience was accumulated in implementing, adjusting, and using the EDF methods in nuclei, and this research direction is still actively pursued. In particular, current developments concentrate on (i) attempts to improve the performance and precision delivered by the nuclear EDF methods, (ii) derivations of density functionals from first principles rooted in the low-energy chromodynamics and effective theories, and (iii) including effects of low-energy correlations and symmetry restoration. The seminar will give an overview of foundations and recent achievements gained within the nuclear EDF methods.

Wednesday 28 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Mariana Frank (Montreal)
Charginos and neutralinos beyond MSSM

Abstract: After the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the LHC is poised to reopen, operating at centre of mass energy of 13 TeV, and to look for signals of physics beyond the Standard Model. Supersymmetry remains the favourite scenario, and if valid, it is likely to manifest itself in observations of signals coming from the production and decays of charginos and neutralinos. I analyse these in two models beyond the minimal scenario, one with extra higgsinos (fermionic partners of Higgs bosons), and one with extra gauginos (fermionic partners of gauge bosons), and show that the production is likely to be enhanced, and the decay modes altered. Investigating the final signal (into one, two, and three or more leptons) is likely to yield distinguishing signals for the models and offer indications of the extended gauge structure.

May 28 (Wed), 14:15 in A315
Federico Urban (Bruxelles)
Bubble observers in Bubbland

Inflation typically produces exponentially too many bubbles.
Having access to only one Hubble horizon, we (may) experience a bias
in cosmological observations, because modes whose wavelengths are
beyond our causal horizon today can have a distinct, quantitative as
well as structural, effect on observables. Nonetheless, despite our
local patch being only a limited sample of Bubbland, we are still
able to infer definite statistical predictions from within our
Hubble Bubble.

Sommarfest för personal och doktorander 11.6.2014
Anmälan till Unis svenska sommarfest har öppnats!
Hjärtligt välkommen – sydämellisesti tervetuloa, önskar Unis enhet för svenska ärenden!

C. Bennett 6.6. (H.K-S)
M. Frank 18.5. – 31.5. (KH)
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
T. Koivisto 21.5. – 4.6. (KE)
B. Mukhopadhyaya 14.5. – 29.5. (KH)
S.K. Rai 28.5. – 19.6. (KH)
O. Taanila 26.5. – 30.5. (AV)
F. Urban 28.5. – 30.5. (SN)

HIP NEWS May 19th 2014

HIP NEWS May 19th 2014

Tuesday 20 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya (Allahabad)
The Higgs Boson as the Gateway to New Physics

Abstract: The recent experimental results on the Higgs boson, while coming as confirmation of the standard electroweak theory, also encounter us with the potential of indicating new physics at the fundamental level hidden therein. Some recent efforts in this direction will be discussed in this talk, both emphasizing a model-independent approach and in the context of a specific scenario.

Seminar: How to utilize new CSC computing resources in your research
Monday, 26.05.2014, at 10 a.m.

Room Kvantti (Physicum C208), Kumpula campus, University of Helsinki, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a, Helsinki.

The 2nd phase of the CSC’s supercomputer (Sisu) and supercluster
(Taito) expected to be available for the researchers in Summer/Autumn
2014, are opening new possibilities for Finnish researchers – they will
increase the available computing capacity 5-fold.

Moreover, the activities of CSC have expanded during the last few years
from supercomputing to several new fields, like data management and cloud computing.

The CSC resources and services available to researchers will be presented, so that they can benefit from them from day 1. CSC will also collect feedback for configuring the systems according to the researchers’ needs.

Seminar program and Registration:

M. Frank 18.5. – 31.5.
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
N. Hopkins 28.4. – 23.5. (KR)
T. Koivisto 21.5. – 4.6.
B. Mukhopadhyaya 14.5. – 29.5. (KH)

HIP NEWS May 12th 2014

HIP NEWS May 12th 2014

Tuesday 13 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315:
Marco Panero (Madrid)
Real-time dynamics from a Euclidean lattice: The physics of jet quenching in high-temperature QCD

Abstract: When the “fireball” of deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in a heavy-ion collision expands and cools down, it produces hadronic jets with very striking features, including the suppression of large transverse momenta and of correlations between back-to-back particles. These effects are generically referred to as “jet quenching”, and give important information about the QGP: they indicate that, when a hard parton propagates through the deconfined medium, it undergoes multiple interactions with the plasma constituents, which lead to energy loss and momentum broadening. A theoretical study of this process is particularly difficult, because it involves both perturbative and non-perturbative physics. In addition, the dynamical, real-time nature of the phenomenon hinders a direct approach based on numerical simulation on a lattice. In this talk, however, it will be shown how one can tackle the problem, combining the lattice approach with ideas related to dimensional reduction in high-temperature QCD.

Wednesday 14 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Peter Dendooven (Groningen)
Proton therapy research at KVI-Center for Advanced Radiation Technology

Abstract: In cancer treatment, proton beam radiotherapy exploits the highly localized dose deposition of protons to minimize the dose delivered to healthy tissue surrounding a tumor. As a result, collateral damage to healthy tissue is less compared to photon radiotherapy: complications are reduced and the patient’s quality of life after treatment is improved. However, the more precise irradiation possible with protons means an irradiation with protons is less forgiving with respect to dose delivery errors such as proton range uncertainties, patient mispositioning and anatomical changes in the patient during the course of treatment. At KVI Center for Advanced Radiation Technology of the University of Groningen, we investigate several issues aiming at improved proton radiotherapy. Better knowledge of the patient in terms of proton stopping power by making use of dual-energy CT images and proton radiography is investigated. The clinical implementation of in-vivo dose delivery verification by imaging secondary radiation produced by the proton beam as part of quality assurance is being studied. Also, a better primary proton dose standard in terms of heat deposit in water is investigated. An overview of our proton-therapy related research, with some emphasis on in-vivo dose delivery verification will be presented.

May 14 (Wed) at 14:15 in A315
David Mulryne (Queen Mary, London)

P. Dendooven 12.5. – 14.5. (PE, JÄ)
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
N. Hopkins 28.4. – 23.5. (KR)
B. Mukhopadhyaya 14.5. – 19.5. (KH)
D. Mulryne 16.4. – 16.5. (SN)
M. Panero 12.5. – 18.5. (AV)

HIP NEWS May 5th 2014

HIP NEWS May 5th 2014

Tuesday 6 May 2014 in A315
Michal Heller (Amsterdam/Warsaw)
Gauge fields out of equilibrium – a holographic approach

Abstract: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collision programs at RHIC and LHC probe the properties of matter under extreme conditions in which quarks and gluons are liberated from hadrons and form the quark-gluon plasma. I will discuss the progress on theoretical understanding of the formation of the quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions, and related questions, coming from the first principle calculations in the models of strong interactions solvable using holography. This leads to a fascinating connection with gravitational physics, in particular black hole formation and dynamics, which I will discuss in detail.

Thursday 8 May 2014 at 10.15 in A315
Nick Evans (Southampton)
Dynamic AdS/QCD & the Conformal Window

Abstract: I introduce a simple holographic description of SU(Nc) gauge theory with Nf quark flavours. The dynamics of the gauge theory is input through the running of the anomalous dimension of the quark mass, gamma. The model predicts the on-set of chiral symmetry breaking when gamma=1. It then describes the hyperscaling relations in the conformal Window, a Miransky type phase transition, walking dynamics including a light sigma particle, and QCD-like behaviour at small Nf.

May 7 (Wed) at 14:15 in A315
Vincent Vennin (IAP, Paris)
Testing Inflation after Planck and BICEP2

An unprecedented opportunity to constrain the inflationary theory is
provided by the current flow of high accuracy astrophysical data,
among which are the Cosmic Microwave Background measurements.
This is however a challenging project given the size of the inflationary landscape which contains hundreds of different scenarios.
In this talk I will show how the simplest models (the slow-roll single
field models with minimal kinetic terms) can be studied one by one in a systematic way. By means of Bayesian inference and model comparison methods, I will explain how these models can be ranked.
From the Bayesian evidences and complexities of ~ 200 inflationary models, I will discuss which models are excluded and which are the best models of inflation.
In particular, I will comment on the recent B-modes detection by the BICEP2 experiment and on its implication for inflation and inflationary models.

P. Dendooven 12.5. – 14.5. (PE, JÄ)
N. Evans 7.5. – 9.5. (KT)
M. Heller 5.5. – 9.5. (KK)
M. Hindmarsh 22.4. – 15.6. (KR)
N. Hopkins 28.4. – 23.5. (KR)
D. Mulryne 16.4. – 16.5. (SN)
J. Serreau 4.5. – 6.5. (KR)