HIP NEWS August 12th 2013

Tuesday 13 August 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Jarno Rantaharju (Riken AICS, Kobe, Japan)
The Gradient Flow Coupling in Technicolor Models

Abstract: Lately, lattice field theory has been used to extensively study technicolor models, a class of candidate models for beyond the Standard Model dynamics. These models should lie close to the lower limit of the conformal window, where the running coupling acquires a nonzero asymptotic value at small energy scales. So far, the most common method for studying the running coupling on the lattice has been the Schrödinger Functional method. I present a study using a novel, Gradient Flow coupling measurement and compare it to the Schrödinger Functional in one prominent technicolor candidate model, the SU(2) gauge theory coupled to 2 fermions in its adjoint representation.

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
Dear all

this year we organize a particle/astro PhD school , sponsored by Dark/
Discovery/NBI , on supersymmetry

Date: October 28-November 1st

Location: Rockefeller building, Copenhagen

The two teachers will be Pascal Pralavorio (particle physicist) and
Dan Hooper (astrophysicist). They have taught similar subjects at SLAC
summer institute and other international schools in the recent past.

This PhD school promises to be quite interesting.

Registration is now open, for any questions please contact me,

Hope to see many of you there,


2.8. – 18.8.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30-12
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2013 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8.30-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

HIP NEWS August 5th 2013

Tuesday 6 August 2013 at 10.15 in E204
Jacob Bekenstein (Jerusalem)
Colloquium: Black hole thermodynamics – then and now

Abstract: Black hole thermodynamics was developed about 40 years ago in the wake of deepening the understanding of the black hole phenomenon. It has remained lively by ramifying into a few subjects which are active fields of research today. I will describe, from a personal point of view, how the subject started and show how it connects to some contemporary issues in theoretical physics.

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
Dear all

this year we organize a particle/astro PhD school , sponsored by Dark/
Discovery/NBI , on supersymmetry

Date: October 28-November 1st

Location: Rockefeller building, Copenhagen

The two teachers will be Pascal Pralavorio (particle physicist) and
Dan Hooper (astrophysicist). They have taught similar subjects at SLAC
summer institute and other international schools in the recent past.

This PhD school promises to be quite interesting.

Registration is now open, for any questions please contact me,

Hope to see many of you there,


2.8. – 18.8.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30-12
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2013 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8.30-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

HIP NEWS June 28th 2013

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

8.7. – 16.7.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 9-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.


1.8. Thur 14-16
2.8. – 18.8.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30-12
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2013 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8.30-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

HIP NEWS June 24th 2013

HIP NEWS June 24th 2013

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

HIP NEWS June 17th 2013

HIP NEWS June 17th 2013

Minicourses in Kumpula, June 18-20, 2013

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing in Kumpula a three days event of the NordForsk “Random
geometry” network, consisting of three minicourses during three days.
All interested participants are welcome, and the courses should be
particularly beneficial for Ph.D. students. The minicourses take place
in Exactum lecture hall D123, June 18-20. You will find more information
on the event on the web page:

http://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/mathphys/random_geometry_2013 .

The lecturers and topics of the courses are:

– Philippe Di Francesco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and
CEA Saclay):
“Integrable Combinatorics: Statistical Models and Cluster Algebras”
– Bergfinnur Durhuus (University of Copenhagen):
“Recurrence properties of random infinite graphs”
– David Cimasoni (University of Geneva):
“On the geometry of the dimer and Ising models”

With best regards,
Antti Kemppainen and Kalle Kytölä
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Helsinki

T. Sekiguchi 10.6 – 20.6. (KE)

Please send the material (preferably in English) meant for the newsletter to

HIP-NEWS June 10th 2013

HIP NEWS June 10th 2013

To HIP staff in Kumpula:
To have office space for visitors and summer
students please inform mikko.sainio@hip.fi
for any extended absence (two weeks or more
continuously) during 20.5.-31.8. Thanks.

Monday 10 June 2013 at 14.15 in A315
Jouni Niskanen (Helsinki) Special seminar!
Niskanen’s cat

Minicourses in Kumpula, June 18-20, 2013

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing in Kumpula a three days event of the NordForsk “Random
geometry” network, consisting of three minicourses during three days.
All interested participants are welcome, and the courses should be
particularly beneficial for Ph.D. students. The minicourses take place
in Exactum lecture hall D123, June 18-20. You will find more information
on the event on the web page:

http://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/mathphys/random_geometry_2013 .

The lecturers and topics of the courses are:

– Philippe Di Francesco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and
CEA Saclay):
“Integrable Combinatorics: Statistical Models and Cluster Algebras”
– Bergfinnur Durhuus (University of Copenhagen):
“Recurrence properties of random infinite graphs”
– David Cimasoni (University of Geneva):
“On the geometry of the dimer and Ising models”

With best regards,
Antti Kemppainen and Kalle Kytölä
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Helsinki

D. Ghosh 4.5. – 16.6. (KH)

Please send the material (preferably in English) meant for the newsletter to

HIP NEWS June 4th 2013

HIP NEWS June 4th 2013
To HIP staff in Kumpula:
To have office space for visitors and summer
students please inform mikko.sainio@hip.fi
for any extended absence (two weeks or more
continuously) during 20.5.-31.8. Thanks.
Workshop on Cosmology
Cosmological perturbations post-Planck, workshop on the impact of Planck
satellite and other recent data on the study of cosmological
perturbations, 4-7 June, 2013, Helsinki, Finland. Location: seminar room
E207. HIP seminar room A315 and the Multifunctional Room A311 will be at
the disposal of the participants.
Big Data Seminar Invitation
The seminar “Big data, great science, small Finland: Our role in Global
Research Data Exchange” will be arranged in Kumpula on the 4th of June
2013 during the time 12-16.
Modern scientific developments require large infrastructures and they
generate enormous amounts of research data. The problems of Big Science
and Big Data need international viewpoints and common practices for
solution. The recent launch of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) brought
to the surface many new opportunities for global collaboration in the
field of research data.
There is clearly now a need in Finland to continue the discussion
between the researchers, e-Infrastructure providers and funding bodies,
which has already started during the TTA process.
The aim of this meeting is to initiate discussion on the development of
big science and big research in Finland and find the ways how we can
interact with the international community and position ourselves in
respect to the recent and future developments on research data
challenges, such as building interoperable research data systems and
research data exchange.
We kindly invite you to the event on the 4th June from 12:00 to 16:00,
room CK112, in Exactum at Kumpula Campus, Helsinki.
For the programme see this link:
REGISTRATION to CSC2013, CERN School of Computing
The 36th main summer school 19-30 August, Nicosia, Cyprus
G. Bergner 30.5. – 4.6.(DW)
D. Ghosh 4.5. – 16.6. (KH)
Please send the material (preferably in English) meant for the newsletter to

HIP NEWS May 27th 2013

HIP NEWS May 27th 2013

To HIP staff in Kumpula:
To have office space for visitors and summer
students please inform mikko.sainio@hip.fi
for any extended absence (two weeks or more
continuously) during 20.5.-31.8. Thanks.

Tuesday 28 May 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Mario Schröck (Graz)
The effects of Dirac low-mode truncation on the hadron mass spectrum in lattice QCD

Abstract: Chiral symmetry breaking in Quantum Chromodynamics is associated with the low lying spectral modes of the Dirac operator according to the Banks-Casher relation. We investigate how removal of a variable number of low lying modes from the valence quark sector affects the masses of the ground states and first excited states of baryons and mesons in two flavor lattice QCD.

Wednesday 29 May 2013 at 10.15 in A315 (Note day!)
Owe Philipsen (Frankfurt)
Finite density QCD from an effective lattice theory

Abstract: QCD at finite baryon density is not amenable to Monte Carlo simulations because of the notorious Sign Problem. Apprxomiate methods to circumvent it have been developed but are restricted to small chemical potentials. Recently a new strategy utilising an effective theory has been presented, which is derived analytically from lattice QCD by combined strong coupling and hopping expansions. So far the effective theory is valid for heavy quarks only. However, its sign problem is mild and can be solved by complex Langevin methods. The deconfinement transition can be computed for all chemical potentials. Moreover, for the first time the transition to cold nuclear matter has been calculated from QCD directly.

REGISTRATION to CSC2013, CERN School of Computing
The 36th main summer school 19-30 August, Nicosia, Cyprus

G. Bergner 30.5. – 4.6.(DW)
D. Ghosh 4.5. – 16.6. (KH)
L. Marzola 28.5. – 30.5. (AH)
O. Philipsen 29.5. – 31.5. (KR)
M. Schröck 27.5. – 29.5. (DW)
H. Veermäe 28.5. – 30.5. (AH)

HIP NEWS May 20th 2013

HIP NEWS May 20th 2013

To HIP staff in Kumpula:
To have office space for visitors and summer
students please inform mikko.sainio@hip.fi
for any extended absence (two weeks or more
continuously) during 20.5.-31.8. Thanks.

Tuesday 21 May 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Simon Caron-Huot (NBI, CPH)
When does the gluon reggeize

Abstract: I will discuss a novel class of Wilson line operators that are supported on a natural ‘completion’ of light cones. By a simple conformal transformation, these operators are shown to govern the high-energy limit of scattering amplitudes (Regge limit), in any CFT or near-CFT such as QCD in the ultraviolet, and their anomalous dimension is the BFKL kernel. In the talk I’ll use these operators to answer some basic questions regarding the structure of the Regge limit — for example, when do gluon-exchange amplitudes exhibit pure power-law energy dependence (Regge pole behavior)?

Thursday 23 May 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Daniel Litim (Sussex)
Pulling oneself over the fence: a bootstrap for quantum gravity

Abstract: Asymptotic freedom is a key ingredient in the successful construction of the Standard Model. It has been conjectured long ago that metric quantum gravity may as well fit into the picture – despite its notorious perturbative non-renormalisability – provided that the theory turns out to be asymptotically safe. We recall the underlying ideas and challenges, and contrast asymptotic freedom with asymptotic safety. We also propose a self-consistent search strategy for the latter and show new results for a simplified version of quantum gravity. Implications for the asymptotic safety conjecture are discussed.

REGISTRATION to CSC2013, CERN School of Computing
The 36th main summer school 19-30 August, Nicosia, Cyprus

S. Caron-Huot, 20.5. – 21.5. (KK)

HIP NEWS May 13th 2013

HIP NEWS May 13th 2013

Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Laura Bethke (Imperial College)
Anisotropic Gravitational Wave Background from Massless Preheating

Abstract: Gravitational waves (GWs) are an exciting phenomenon in Cosmology. Although they are hard to detect, GWs from different sources have different spectral signatures and can travel freely to us from their emission until today, providing a new wealth of information about the early Universe. In this talk I will describe how massless preheating after inflation leads to a strongly anisotropic GW background, even on large angular scales. This effect is caused by the presence of a light scalar field and could therefore be expected in many different models. If future experiments are able to observe the GW background from preheating, these anisotropies could provide a way to distinguish different models of preheating and inflation.

Summer 2013 Finnish for foreigners courses, registration has started
University of Helsinki staff members may enrol, free of charge, in the
Language Services Finnish for Foreigners courses. Your participation
must be endorsed by your supervisor.

REGISTRATION to CSC2013, CERN School of Computing
The 36th main summer school 19-30 August, Nicosia, Cyprus