HIP NEWS September 16th 2013

HIP NEWS September 16th 2013

Tuesday 17 September 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Aleksi Vuorinen (Helsinki)
Holographic thermalization at intermediate coupling

Abstract: I will review some recent progress in the use of holographic methods for the description of equilibration in strongly coupled field theory, having applications to heavy ion physics in mind. In particular, I will explain how supplementing the usual type IIB supergravity action with higher derivative corrections will enable one to proceed beyond the infinite coupling limit of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory, and how this can be seen to qualitatively change the thermalization properties of the system.

Wednesday 18 September 2013 at 10.15 in A315 (note day!)
Yoshitaka Kuno (Osaka, Japan)
Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC – the COMET Experiment

Abstract: Muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom is a process of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV). It is complementary to a rare muon decay to an electron and a photon both experimentally and theoretically. The COMET experiment aims to search for muon to electron conversion at J-PARC with single-event sensitivity of 3×10^(-17) which is about 10,000 improvement over the current limit. Recently COMET has taken a staged approach. COMET Phase-I as the first phase, aims at a single-event sensitivity of 3×10^(-15) with a portion of the full muon beam line and a dedicated detector in about 10^6 sec. The funding for COMET Phase-I was approved as the Japanese Government supplemental budget in 2012, and the construction has started in 2013. The physics run is expected to start in 2016 or so. The COMET Phase-II will follow immediately. In this talk, I will describe physics motivation of CLFV and COMET Phase-I / Phase-II.

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
A particle/astro PhD school, Copenhagen
on supersymmetry, October 28-November 1st


G. Bhattacharyya 9.9. – 9.10. (KH)
K. Fujikawa 3.9. – 20.9. (AT)
A. Golovnev 24.10. – 6.11. (KE)
S. Niyogi 15.9.-15.12 (KH)
T. Takahashi 9.9. – 29.9. (KE)

HIP NEWS September 9th 2013

HIP NEWS September 9th 2013

Dear HIP Personnel,

HIP Website will be updated soon.

The web pages will be moved to virtual servers,
and the old server becomes obsolete.

We will try to keep most of the old links working,
but some changes may occur. If you notice any abnormal
things/behavior in the new website, please do not
hesitate to send email to webmaster@hip.fi

HIP can provide webspace for the HIP projects, workshops etc.
(WordPress). If you need help, please contact support@hip.fi

The access to the old web server is restricted during the
transition. Again, if you have any questions, please contact

Best Regards,
Juha Aaltonen
Helsinki Institute of Physics
P.O. Box 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a)
00014 University of Helsinki
p. +358 9 191 50559
email juha.aaltonen@helsinki.fi

Tuesday 10 September 2013 at 14.15 in A315 (note time!)
Sabine Hossenfelder (Nordita, Stockholm)
News from Quantum Gravity Phenomenology

Abstract: I will talk about recent developments in the search for experimental signatures for quantum gravitational effects. Some of the topics that I will cover are the prospects of finding Planck scale effects in gamma ray bursts, in neutral Kaon oscillations, or with massive quantum oscillators. I will also comment on the possibility of finding holographic noise and, if time permits, on Bekenstein’s proposed table top experiment.This is not a review talk; it is a hand selected assortment of topics I think are interesting.

Wednesday September 11 at 14:15 in A315
Lingfei Wang (U. of Lancaster)
A new mechanism for curvature perturbations

I will explain the spectator scenario and show its advantages compared to the curvaton scenario, under the latest Planck constraints. The spectator scenario generates a smaller non-Gaussianity, negligible isocurvature perturbations, and less tuning. It agrees well with the current Planck data in the visible sector inflation setup, as an example. It also explains the CMB dipole asymmetry with a brief fast roll phase. I will close the talk by proposing the CMB power multipoles, as an alternative approach independent of the CMB dipole asymmetry model.

UPCOMING EVENTS: EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
A particle/astro PhD school, Copenhagen
on supersymmetry, October 28-November 1st


G. Bhattacharyya 9.9. – 9.10. (KH)
K. Fujikawa 3.9. – 20.9. (AT)
T. Takahashi 9.9. – 29.9. (KE)
L. Wang 9.9. – 13.9. (KE)

HIP NEWS September 2nd 2013

HIP NEWS September 2nd 2013

Invitation, 175th Anniversary Symposium
On 2-4 September 2013 the cross-disciplinary symposium “Randomness and order in the exact sciences” will take place in Säätytalo, Helsinki. The symposium is part of the 175th Anniversary of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters. Young researchers are especially welcome. Due to the limited size of the auditorium participants are asked to register using the form available at the website of the symposium, http://www.helsinki.fi/~hoyer/symp13/index.html . There is no registration fee.

With our best regards,
Paul Hoyer
Stig-Olof Londén
Heikki Tenhu
Mia von Knorring (secr.)

Tuesday 3 September 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Oleg Lebedev (Helsinki)
The different faces of the Higgs

Abstract: Last year was marked by an event of fundamental importance, that is, the discovery of the Higgs boson. In this talk, I will argue that the Higgs field enjoys a special status in the Standard Model and its extensions. It may provide us with a unique opportunity to probe the hidden sector. Furthermore, it may hold the key to the mysteries of dark matter and inflation, as well as other puzzles of particle physics.

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Details and registration in

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
A particle/astro PhD school, Copenhagen
on supersymmetry, October 28-November 1st


K. Fujikawa 3.9. – 20.9. (AT)

HIP NEWS August 26th 2013

HIP NEWS August 26th 2013

The 2013 Physics Prize of the High Energy and Particle Physics Board of the European Physical Society was presented in July in the International EPS HEP Conference in Stockholm:

The High Energy and Particle Physics Prize 2013

ATLAS collaboration (CERN, CH)
CMS collaboration (CERN, CH)

For the discovery of a Higgs boson as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism

Michel Della Negra (CERN, now at Imperial College London, UK)
Peter Jenni (CERN, now at Freiburg University, DE)
Tejinder Virdee (Imperial College London, UK)

For their pioneering and outstanding leadership rôles in the making of the ATLAS and CMS experiments.

The Finnish CMS Teams have been part of the CMS Collaboration from the beginning, contributing to the conception, design, and construction of the CMS detector as well as its analysis software and computing. Since 2009 the HIP CMS team has actively participated in the physics analysis of the data collected in the LHC runs.

For more information, see:


Academy´s ASK & APPLY ROADSHOW at the Kumpula Campus
Registration: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/43447/lomake.html

Time: Wednesday 28 August at 13-16
Place: Exactum, lecture hall B123

PROGRAMME (all in English)

13.15-14.30 Academy’s Science Advisors present:
– current matters in the September Call
– how to write a good application
– basics of the budgeting

14.45-16.00 Workshops on the following funding instruments:
– Academy Project
– Postdoctoral Researchers
– Academy Research Fellow
according to last year’s experience, these workshops were especially

MORE INFO: https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/suomenakatemia

Invitation, 175th Anniversary Symposium
On 2-4 September 2013 the cross-disciplinary symposium “Randomness and order in the exact sciences” will take place in Säätytalo, Helsinki. The symposium is part of the 175th Anniversary of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters. Young researchers are especially welcome. Due to the limited size of the auditorium participants are asked to register using the form available at the website of the symposium, http://www.helsinki.fi/~hoyer/symp13/index.html . There is no registration fee.

With our best regards,
Paul Hoyer
Stig-Olof Londén
Heikki Tenhu
Mia von Knorring (secr.)

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Details and registration in

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
A particle/astro PhD school, Copenhagen
on supersymmetry, October 28-November 1st


HIP NEWS August 19th 2013

HIP NEWS August 19th 2013

Invitation, 175th Anniversary Symposium
On 2-4 September 2013 the cross-disciplinary symposium “Randomness and order in the exact sciences” will take place in Säätytalo, Helsinki. The symposium is part of the 175th Anniversary of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters. Young researchers are especially welcome. Due to the limited size of the auditorium participants are asked to register using the form available at the website of the symposium, http://www.helsinki.fi/~hoyer/symp13/index.html . There is no registration fee.

With our best regards,
Paul Hoyer
Stig-Olof Londén
Heikki Tenhu
Mia von Knorring (secr.)

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Details and registration in

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
Dear all

this year we organize a particle/astro PhD school , sponsored by Dark/
Discovery/NBI , on supersymmetry

Date: October 28-November 1st

Location: Rockefeller building, Copenhagen

The two teachers will be Pascal Pralavorio (particle physicist) and
Dan Hooper (astrophysicist). They have taught similar subjects at SLAC
summer institute and other international schools in the recent past.

This PhD school promises to be quite interesting.

Registration is now open, for any questions please contact me,

Hope to see many of you there,


HIP NEWS August 12th 2013

Tuesday 13 August 2013 at 10.15 in A315
Jarno Rantaharju (Riken AICS, Kobe, Japan)
The Gradient Flow Coupling in Technicolor Models

Abstract: Lately, lattice field theory has been used to extensively study technicolor models, a class of candidate models for beyond the Standard Model dynamics. These models should lie close to the lower limit of the conformal window, where the running coupling acquires a nonzero asymptotic value at small energy scales. So far, the most common method for studying the running coupling on the lattice has been the Schrödinger Functional method. I present a study using a novel, Gradient Flow coupling measurement and compare it to the Schrödinger Functional in one prominent technicolor candidate model, the SU(2) gauge theory coupled to 2 fermions in its adjoint representation.

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
Dear all

this year we organize a particle/astro PhD school , sponsored by Dark/
Discovery/NBI , on supersymmetry

Date: October 28-November 1st

Location: Rockefeller building, Copenhagen

The two teachers will be Pascal Pralavorio (particle physicist) and
Dan Hooper (astrophysicist). They have taught similar subjects at SLAC
summer institute and other international schools in the recent past.

This PhD school promises to be quite interesting.

Registration is now open, for any questions please contact me,

Hope to see many of you there,


2.8. – 18.8.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30-12
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2013 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8.30-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

HIP NEWS August 5th 2013

Tuesday 6 August 2013 at 10.15 in E204
Jacob Bekenstein (Jerusalem)
Colloquium: Black hole thermodynamics – then and now

Abstract: Black hole thermodynamics was developed about 40 years ago in the wake of deepening the understanding of the black hole phenomenon. It has remained lively by ramifying into a few subjects which are active fields of research today. I will describe, from a personal point of view, how the subject started and show how it connects to some contemporary issues in theoretical physics.

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

Fall 2013 PhD school, “Supersymmetry or not, what is the evidence?”
Dear all

this year we organize a particle/astro PhD school , sponsored by Dark/
Discovery/NBI , on supersymmetry

Date: October 28-November 1st

Location: Rockefeller building, Copenhagen

The two teachers will be Pascal Pralavorio (particle physicist) and
Dan Hooper (astrophysicist). They have taught similar subjects at SLAC
summer institute and other international schools in the recent past.

This PhD school promises to be quite interesting.

Registration is now open, for any questions please contact me,

Hope to see many of you there,


2.8. – 18.8.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30-12
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2013 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8.30-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

HIP NEWS June 28th 2013

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

8.7. – 16.7.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 9-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.


1.8. Thur 14-16
2.8. – 18.8.2013
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8:30-12
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

NORMAL opening hours 19.8.2013 onwards.
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 8.30-12, 14-16
CLOSED on Wednesdays.

HIP NEWS June 24th 2013

HIP NEWS June 24th 2013

EDS 2013 in Saariselkä, September 9-13, 2013
Dear colleagues,

We are organizing Elastic and diffractive scattering conference in Saariselkä, Finland in September. The topics include

Elastic and total cross-sections
Soft diffraction
Hard diffraction
Central exclusive production & new physics with rapidity gaps
Heavy ions
Ultraperipheral physics
Low-x QCD
Cosmic rays

You can find more details and register in

Best regards,
Tuula Mäki and Risto Orava

HIP NEWS June 17th 2013

HIP NEWS June 17th 2013

Minicourses in Kumpula, June 18-20, 2013

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing in Kumpula a three days event of the NordForsk “Random
geometry” network, consisting of three minicourses during three days.
All interested participants are welcome, and the courses should be
particularly beneficial for Ph.D. students. The minicourses take place
in Exactum lecture hall D123, June 18-20. You will find more information
on the event on the web page:

http://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/mathphys/random_geometry_2013 .

The lecturers and topics of the courses are:

– Philippe Di Francesco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and
CEA Saclay):
“Integrable Combinatorics: Statistical Models and Cluster Algebras”
– Bergfinnur Durhuus (University of Copenhagen):
“Recurrence properties of random infinite graphs”
– David Cimasoni (University of Geneva):
“On the geometry of the dimer and Ising models”

With best regards,
Antti Kemppainen and Kalle Kytölä
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Helsinki

T. Sekiguchi 10.6 – 20.6. (KE)

Please send the material (preferably in English) meant for the newsletter to