2018 report

2018 publications

F. Montanari in L. Amendola et al.,
Cosmology and fundamental physics with
the Euclid satellite,
Living. Rev. Relativ. 21 (2018) 2

J. Beltran Jimenez, L. Heisenberg, and T. S. Koivisto,
Teleparallel Palatini theories,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 08 (2018) 039
D. Cutting, M. Hindmarsh, and D. J. Weir,
Gravitational waves from vacuum first-order phase
transitions: From the envelope to the lattice,
Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 123513
V.-M. Enckell, K. Enqvist, S. Rasanen, and E. Tomberg,
Higgs inflation at the hilltop,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 06 (2018) 005
K. Enqvist et al.,
A novel way to determine the scale of inflation,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 02 (2018) 006
G. Gozaliasl and F. Montanari in G. Gozaliasl et al.,
Brightest group galaxies – II: the relative
contribution of BGGs to the total baryon content of groups at z < 1.3,
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 475 (2018) 2787
M. Hindmarsh
Sound shell model for acoustic gravitational wave
production at a first-order phase transition in the early
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 071301
M. Hindmarsh, A. Kormu, A. Lopez-Eiguren, and D. J. Weir,
Scaling in necklaces of monopoles and semipoles,
Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 103533
M. Karčiauskas et al.,
Slow-roll corrections in multi-field inflation:
a separate universes approach,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 05 (2018) 021
A. Tranberg, S. Tahtinen, and D. J. Weir,
Gravitational waves from non-Abelian gauge fields at
a tachyonic transition,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 04 (2018) 012
D. J. Weir,
Gravitational waves from a first-order electroweak
phase transition: a brief review,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 376 (2018) 20170126

2018 conferences and visits out

2nd IBS-KIAS Joint Workshop,
7-10 January, High 1, South Korea (talk by M. Hindmarsh)
Institute for Basic Sciences,
10-12 January, Daejeon, South Korea (seminar by M. Hindmarsh)
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics,
15-17 January, Kyoto, Japan (seminar by M. Hindmarsh)
RESCEU (Research Centre for the Early Universe),
17-19 January, Tokyo, Japan (seminar by M. Hindmarsh)
19-21 February, Hamburg, Germany (seminar by D. Weir)
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,
27 February – 2 March, Potsdam, Germany (seminar by D. Weir)
The Rencontres de Moriond,
17-24 March, La Thuile, Italy (talk by M. Karčiauskas)
McGill University,
19-21 March, Montreal, QC, Canada (seminar by D. Weir)
Dartmouth College,
22-23 March, Hanover, NH, USA (seminar by D. Weir)
Perimeter Institute,
26-27 March, Waterloo, ON, Canada (seminar by D. Weir)
XIIIth Iberian Cosmology Meeting,
26-28 March, Lisbon, Portugal (talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren

Dalhousie University,
28-29 March, Halifax, NS, Canada (seminar by D. Weir)
Euclid Theory Working Group Meeting,
16-17 April, Paris, France (talk by F. Montanari)
Particle Cosmology Meeting,
19-20 April, Tampere, Finland (talk by O. Koskivaara,
F. Montanari, S. Räsänen, talk by E.Tomberg, talk by
L.-P. Wahlman)
Kosmologietag Graduate School,
2-3 May, Bielefeld, Germany (lecture by M. Hindmarsh)
7-14 May, Madrid, Spain (talk by F. Montanari)
Primordial Versus Astrophysical Origin of Black Holes,
14-18 May, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (F. Montanari)
28-31 May, Marseille, France (talk by F. Montanari, talk by S. Räsänen)
PRACEdays 2018,
28-31 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia (talk by D. Weir)
Cosmology Summer School,
29 May – 1 June, Nuuksio, Espoo, Finland (organisers
K. Kainulainen, O. Koskivaara, L. Laulumaa, S. Nurmi)
LISA Cosmology Working Group Meeting,
11-15 June, Helsinki, Finland (K. Enqvist, O. Gould,
talk by M. Hindmarsh, K. Kainulainen, A. Lopez-Eiguren,
S. Räsänen, talk by D. Weir)
PACTS 2018: Particle, Astroparticle and
Cosmology Tallinn Symposium,
18-22 June, Tallinn, Estonia (O. Gould, talk by; M.
Hindmarsh, K. Kainulainen, L. Laulumaa, J. Leskinen,
A. Lopez-Eiguren, S. Nurmi, S. Räsänen, E. Tomberg)
9th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting,
23-25 June, Vaasa, Finland (talk by O. Gould)
Strong and Electroweak Matter 2018,
25-29 June, Barcelona, Spain (O. Koskivaara)
12th LISA Symposium,
9-13 July, Chicago, IL, USA (talk by D. Weir)
Science Foo Camp 2018,
22-24 July, Mountain View, CA, USA (D. Weir)
Sussex University,
30 July – 3 August, Brighton, UK (D. Weir)
Sussex University,
7-14 August, Brighton, UK (talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren)
COSMO-18: The 22nd Annual International Conference
on Particle Physics and Cosmology,
27-31 August, Daejeon, South Korea<
(talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren, talk by E. Tomberg)
Aspen Center for Physics Summer Program,
27 August – 14 September, Aspen, CO, USA (talk by D. Weir)
Birzeit University,
1 September – 20 December, Birzeit, Palestine
(lecture course by S. Räsänen)

University of Wurzburg,
2-14 September, Würzburg, Germany (O. Koskivaara)
Heraeus Summer School,
18-21 September, Heigenbrücken, Germany<
(lecture series by M. Hindmarsh)
The Universe as a Quantum Lab,
19-21 September, Paris, France (K. Kainulainen, S. Nurmi,
S. Räsänen)
25-28 September, Uppsala, Sweden (talk by D. Weir)
29 September – 3 October, Geneva, Switzerland
(K. Kainulainen)
Workshop, Interdisciplinary Approach to QCD-Like
Composite Dark Matter,
1-5 October, ECT*, Trento, Italy (talk by D. Weir)
Lorentz Center Workshop on Cosmic Topological Defects,
22-26 October, Leiden, the Netherlands
(M. Hindmarsh, talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren, talk by D. Weir)
Pair Production Mini-Workshop,
29-30 October, Jena, Germany (talks by O. Gould)

2nd Workshop on Current Challenges in Cosmology:
LSS, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity,
29 October – 2 November, Bogota, Colombia (talk by J. Rubio)
KU Leuven,
4-9 November, Leuven, Belgium (talk by S. Räsänen)
JGRG 28 (General Relativity and Gravity Japan),<
5-9 November, Tokyo, Japan (talk by M. Hindmarsh)
Universidad del Valle,
5-9 November, Cali, Colombia (seminar by J. Rubio)
Particle Physics Day 2018,
23 November, Jyväskylä, Finland
(talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren, S. Raatikainen)
Heavy Ions and NEw Physics,
4-5 December, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (talk by O. Gould)
12th Tonale Winter School on Cosmology,
10-14 December, Passo del Tonale, Italy
(co-organised by J. Rubio)
II Cosmological Olentzero Workshop,
19 December, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain
(talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren)
Visits to University of the Basque Country,
Leioa, Basque Country, Spain (A. Lopez-Eiguren)