2019 report
2019 publications
A. López-Eiguren in A. Achúcarro et al.,
Cosmological evolution of semilocal string networks,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 377 (2019) 20190004
J. P. Beltrán Almeida, N. Bernal, J. Rubio, and T. Tenkanen,
Hidden inflaton dark matter,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 03 (2019) 012
D. Bettoni, G. Domènech, and J. Rubio
Gravitational waves from global cosmic strings in
quintessential inflation,
quintessential inflation,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 02 (2019) 034
J. Rubio in S. Casas et al.,
Scale-invariant alternatives to general relativity.
III. The inflation-dark energy connection,
III. The inflation-dark energy connection,
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 063512
T. Collett, F. Montanari, and S. Räsänen,
Model-independent determination of H0
and ΩK0 from strong lensing and type Ia supernovae,
and ΩK0 from strong lensing and type Ia supernovae,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) 231101
F. Montanari in E. Di Dio et al.,
The full-sky angular bispectrum in redshift space,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 04 (2019) 053
G. Domènech, J. Rubio, and J. Wons,
Mimicking features in alternatives to inflation with
interacting spectator fields,
interacting spectator fields,
Phys. Lett. B 790 (2019) 263
Y. Ema, M. Karčiauskas, O. Lebedev, S. Rusak, and M. Zatta,
Higgs-inflaton mixing and vacuum stability,
Phys. Lett. B 789 (2019) 373
V.-M. Enckell, K. Enqvist, S. Räsänen, and L.-P. Wahlman,
Inflation with R2 term in the Palatini formulation,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 02 (2019) 022
M. Fairbairn, K. Kainulainen, T. Markkanen, and S. Nurmi,
Despicable dark relics: generated by gravity with
unconstrained masses,
unconstrained masses,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 04 (2019) 005
M. Hindmarsh and M. Hijazi,
Gravitational waves from first order cosmological phase
transitions in the Sound Shell Model,
transitions in the Sound Shell Model,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 12 (2019) 062
M. Hindmarsh et al.,
Type I Abelian Higgs strings: Evolution and cosmic
microwave background constraints,
microwave background constraints,
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 083522
D. Iosifidis and T. Koivisto,
Scale transformations in metric-affine geometry,
Universe (Wszechswiat) 5 (2019) 82
T. Koivisto and G. Tsimperis
The spectrum of teleparallel gravity,
Universe (Wszechswiat) 5 (2019) 80
S. M. Koksbang,
Towards statistically homogeneous and isotropic perfect
fluid universes with cosmic backreaction,
fluid universes with cosmic backreaction,
Class. Quantum Grav. 36 (2019) 185004
S. M. Koksbang,
Another look at redshift drift and the backreaction
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 10 (2019) 036
S. M. Koksbang,
Light path averages in spacetimes with nonvanishing
average spatial curvature,
average spatial curvature,
Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 063533
S. M. Koksbang and C. Clarkson,
Accurately computing weak lensing convergence,
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Lett. 486 (2019) L41
S. Raatikainen and S. Räsänen,
Higgs inflation and teleparallel gravity ,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 12 (2019) 021
J. Rubio and E. S. Tomberg,
Preheating in Palatini Higgs inflation,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 04 (2019) 021
S. Räsänen and E. Tomberg,
Planck scale black hole dark matter from Higgs
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 01 (2019) 038
J. Rubio in S. Savastano et al.,
Primordial dark matter halos from fifth forces,
Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 083518
2019 conferences and visits
University of Stavanger,
7-8 January, Stavanger, Norway (talk by D. Weir)
6th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop,
14-18 January, Madrid, Spain (J. Dahl, talk by
M. Hindmarsh, K. Rummukainen, talk by D. Weir)
M. Hindmarsh, K. Rummukainen, talk by D. Weir)
CERN-TH Institute ”Scale Symmetry in Particle Physics
and Cosmology”,
and Cosmology”,
28 January – 1 February, Geneva, Switzerland (talk by
J. Rubio)
J. Rubio)
University of the Basque Country,
18-22 February, 21-27 March, 27-30 June, 24-31 July,
23-30 November, Bilbao, Spain (A. Lopez-Eiguren)
23-30 November, Bilbao, Spain (A. Lopez-Eiguren)
King’s College London,
27 February, London, UK (talk by S. Räsänen)
Imperial College London,
1 March, London, UK (talk by S. Räsänen)
University of Manchester,
7 March, Manchester, UK (talk by S. Räsänen)
University of Sussex,
18-19 March, Sussex, UK (talk by D. Weir)
IberiCOS 2019,
15-17 April, Bilbao, Spain (talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren, talk
by J. Rubio)
by J. Rubio)
University of Plymouth Centre for Mathematical
30 April – 1 May, Plymouth, UK (talk by O. Gould)
University of Nottingham,
8-10 May, Nottingham, UK (talk by O. Gould)
16-20 May, Geneva, Switzerland (K. Kainulainen)
7th RISE Collaboration Workshop: NonMinimalHiggs,
27-29 May, Helsinki, Finland (O. Gould, talk by
M. Hindmarsh, talk by K. Kainulainen, talk by S. Nurmi,
talk by S. Räsänen, talk by E. Tomberg)
M. Hindmarsh, talk by K. Kainulainen, talk by S. Nurmi,
talk by S. Räsänen, talk by E. Tomberg)
PHOTON 2019,
3-7 June, Frascati, Italy (talk by O. Gould)
Workshop: Inflation and the Dark Sector – Current
Challenges and Future Perspectives,
Challenges and Future Perspectives,
3-7 June, Jyväskylä, Finland (talk by O. Gould, talk by
M. Hindmarsh, K. Kainulainen, O. Koskivaara,
L. Laulumaa, J. Leskinen, talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren,
S. Nurmi, talk by J. Rubio, talk by S. Räsänen, L. Tenhu,
talk by E. Tomberg, N. Venkatesan, talk by D. Weir)
M. Hindmarsh, K. Kainulainen, O. Koskivaara,
L. Laulumaa, J. Leskinen, talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren,
S. Nurmi, talk by J. Rubio, talk by S. Räsänen, L. Tenhu,
talk by E. Tomberg, N. Venkatesan, talk by D. Weir)
ITP Heidelberg University,
10-14 June, Heidelberg, Germany (talk by J. Rubio)
Conference on Geometric Foundations of Gravity
17-21 June, Tartu, Estonia (S. Raatikainen, talk by
S. Räsänen)
S. Räsänen)
PASCOS 2019,
1-5 July, Manchester, UK (talk by J. Rubio)
Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV,
14-19 July, Torun, Poland (talk by S. M. Koksbang)
1 August – 31 December, Geneva, Switzerland
(K. Kainulainen)
(K. Kainulainen)
NORDITA Program, Gravitational Waves from the Early
26 August – 20 September, Stockholm, Sweden (talk by
O. Gould, organised and talks by M. Hindmarsh,
A. Lopez-Eiguren, talk by K. Rummukainen, talk by
D. Weir)
O. Gould, organised and talks by M. Hindmarsh,
A. Lopez-Eiguren, talk by K. Rummukainen, talk by
D. Weir)
Corfu Summer Institute 2019,
31 August – 11 September, Corfu, Greece (talk by J. Rubio)
2-6 September, Aachen, Germany (M. Hindmarsh,
A. Lopez-Eiguren, L. Tenhu, N. Venkatesan)
A. Lopez-Eiguren, L. Tenhu, N. Venkatesan)
Quantum Gravity and Matter,
9-13 September, Heidelberg, Germany (talk by J. Rubio)
Dirac Day,
12 September, Leicester, UK (talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren)
KTH-Project Evaluation Committee Meeting,
15-17 September, Stockholm, Sweden (K. Kainulainen)
18-26 September, Geneva, Switzerland (L. Laulumaa,
S. Nurmi)
S. Nurmi)
7th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop,
23-27 September, Padova, Italy (J. Dahl, O. Gould, talk by
M. Hindmarsh, K. Rummukainen, D. Weir)
M. Hindmarsh, K. Rummukainen, D. Weir)
Laboratory of High Energy and Computational Physics
25-29 September, Tallinn, Estonia (lectures by S. Räsänen)
Brda 2019: Selected Topics in High Energy Physics,
Astrophysics, and Cosmology,
Astrophysics, and Cosmology,
9-11 October, Goriška Brda, Slovenia (talk by L. Niemi,
talk by D. Weir)
talk by D. Weir)
Workshop on High Frequency Gravitational Waves,
14-17 October, Trieste, Italy (talk by M. Hindmarsh)
20-26 October, Geneva, Switzerland (H. Jukkala)
University of Salamanca,
21-25 October, Salamanca, Spain (talk by J. Rubio)
Queen Mary University of London,
23-24 October, London, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)
Imperial College London,
25 October, London, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)
University of Sussex,
28-29 October, Falmer, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)
University of Portsmouth,
30 October, Portsmouth, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)
University of Oxford,
31 October, Oxford, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)
Meeting on Particle Cosmology,
31 October – 1 November, Tampere, Finland (talk by
O. Gould, talk by S. M. Koksbang, talk by L. Laulumaa,
talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren, S. Nurmi, talk by J. Rubio,
S. Räsänen, talk by L. Tenhu, talk by N. Venkatesan)
O. Gould, talk by S. M. Koksbang, talk by L. Laulumaa,
talk by A. Lopez-Eiguren, S. Nurmi, talk by J. Rubio,
S. Räsänen, talk by L. Tenhu, talk by N. Venkatesan)
University of Manchester,
1 November, Manchester, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)
Second Conference of the Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics NORNDiP,
4-5 November, Helsinki, Finland (O. Gould, talk by
S. M. Koksbang, S. Räsänen)
S. M. Koksbang, S. Räsänen)
Particle Physics Day 2019,
7 November, Helsinki, Finland (talk by S. Räsänen,
N. Venkatesan)
N. Venkatesan)
Nordic Winter School in Theoretical Physics,
12-15 November, Odense, Denmark (lectures by
K. Kainulainen, talk by N. Venkatesan)
K. Kainulainen, talk by N. Venkatesan)
Meeting of Groupe de Recherche ”Ondes
13 November, Paris, France (talk by M. Hindmarsh)
24-30 November, Geneva, Switzerland (O. Koskivaara)
University of Tartu,
3 December, Tartu, Estonia (talk by S. Raatikainen)
King’s College London,
4-5 December, London, UK (talk by D. Weir)
University of Liverpool,
11-12 December, Liverpool, UK (talk by D. Weir)
30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics,
15-20 December, Portsmouth, UK (talk by E. Tomberg)