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Interested general public can view the public version of the news letter using the following links.
HIP NEWS May 27th 2013
HIP NEWS May 27th 2013 ============================ To HIP staff in Kumpula: ————————— To have office space for visitors and summer students please inform mikko.sainio@hip.fi for… Continue reading→
HIP NEWS May 20th 2013
HIP NEWS May 20th 2013 ============================ To HIP staff in Kumpula: ————————— To have office space for visitors and summer students please inform mikko.sainio@hip.fi for… Continue reading→
HIP NEWS May 13th 2013
HIP NEWS May 13th 2013 ============================ SEMINARS ———- Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 10.15 in A315 Laura Bethke (Imperial College) Anisotropic Gravitational Wave Background from… Continue reading→
For complete list of news, see full listing.