Programme Director: Aleksi Vuorinen

The aim of the Theory Programme is to conduct research of high standard in a few selected subject fields for which HIP can act as a center of excellence in Northern Europe.

Theory Programme is divided into projects, the leaders of which have the responsibility of coordinating the activities in their field.  There is a special emphasis on recruiting graduate students and supporting the career formation of young researchers. International collaboration is a high priority, as witnessed by the strong international ties of the Projects. Collaborative efforts between the Projects are encouraged.

Apart from the EU and Nordic networks, the main external funding source is the Academy of Finland, together with private foundations.


  • Fundamental particle interactions beyond the Standard Model (HEP BSM)    Personnel
    The project has a strong community component, covering the diverse theoretical particle physics research performed at the University of Helsinki. The broad fields of research are matter-antimatter asymmetry and the problem of dark matter.
  • Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter (QCD Matter)   Personnel
    This theory project focuses on studying quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory of strong interactions between the quarks and gluons. The complicated non-abelian nature of QCD requires different approaches to access QCD dynamics in different kinematical domains.
  • Theoretical Cosmology    Personnel
    The goal of the project is to connect the observed properties of our universe to fundamental theories of matter and gravity. We study the origin and evolution of the universe using a complementary set of theoretical methods, opening new connections between particle physics and cosmology.
  • Topological Matter    Personnel
    The notion of symmetry has traditionally served as a guiding principle in understanding ordered phases of matter. In the last two decades, topology has been recognized as complementary but equally fundamental concept.

Old Projects