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Scientific ProgramThe workshop is devoted to cover different physics and technical aspects in the search for Higgs bosons, for supersymmetric particles and in B-physics using the decay channels including b's and taus in the LHC experiments. Contributions and ProceedingsContributed material should be provided before the presentation. Proceedings will be published after the workshop in ps and pdf formats through the workshop web-page. Participation FeeThe registration fee is 100 Euros. It includes lunches, the conference dinner and coffee served during the breaks. The participation fee is payable in cash only (no credit cards are accepted) on arrival time. Accompanying persons who want to participate in the Friday night conference dinner can do so, if their participation has been announced trough the registration page and their fee of 50 Euros is paid in cash on arrival. Supporters and sponsorsThe workshop is supported by HIP and M. Ehrnrooth Foundation, and
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DeadlinesDeadline for registration is May 10th. Please, note that to make hotel reservation from Hotel Sokos Vaakuna, you should contact directly the booking agency before 30th April. Computing servicesPlease look here for computer instructions. Social ProgramThe conference dinner is arranged on Friday night on a small ship Nikolai II sailing in the Helsinki archipelago. Accompanying persons can also participate, if their participation has been announced trough the registration page and their fee of 50 Euros is paid in cash on arrival. The Local Organizing Committee also arranges a visit to the sea-fortress Suomenlinna (Saturday June 1st). ParticipantsPicturesFor the pictures, see the links in program-section or pictures directory |