Marie Curie Linking Industry to CERN

WP 2 Materials


The objective of this work package is to exchange knowledge and provide key information relating CLIC high precision assemblies between CLIC and METSO (MMT). The knowledge exchange will benefit both parties involved in the exchange by increasing understanding of the requirements and possibilities of special materials.

A researcher from METSO took part in the research and development work of the matrials required for the CLIC project. The materials studied were Oxygen Free Electrolytic (OFE) Copper, Copper Zirconium (CuZr), Copper alloy Glidcop, molybdenum as well as other material combination.

CERN material Researcher took part in secondment to METSO by exchanging knowledge regarding CLIC requirements in materials and process related treatments of the materials and components.



Researcher from METSO was working 6 months at CERN material research team in 2012.

A CERN scientist was working 2 months at METSO (FI) in 2011.