Marie Curie Linking Industry to CERN


The scientific objective of MeChanICs project is to contribute to the manufacturing RTD of CLIC enabling technologies. The focus is on the design, materials, machining, brazing and assembly of the machined components.

The technical objectives are to advance the Partners' on-going CLIC RTD on:

  1. R&D on performance and cost studies
  2. RTD on technical design and

engineering optimization and industrization, and to enchance new RTD in areas that have seen rapid development recently.

The project as a whole undertook to provide  of 105 person months through secondments and recruitments.

Man months:

18, 12 and 6 months secondments from 4 industrial companies to CERN

2 months secondments from CERN/HIP to 2 industrial companies

24 months recruitment to CERN

21 months recruitment to HIP (at CERN).