Marie Curie Linking Industry to CERN

WP 4 Brazing


The objective of this work package was to exchange knowledge and provide key information relating CLIC high vacuum component brazing between CLIC and Loval Oy. The information exchange benefitted both parties involved in the exchange by increasing understanding of the requirements and possibilities of different brazing technologies.

Specialist from Loval Oy took  part in the design and testing of CLIC RF component brazing to understand the specific needs of the project and to provide expertise on the subject relating to vacuum brazing and special materials. Also, detailed definition of the thermal cycles and modelling of corresponding stresses and deformation for different material as well as study of industrialisation and corresponding mass  production was part of the work.


Experienced designer from Loval Oy (FI) joined CLIC RF component production team for 18 months in 2013 and 2014. He was involved to WP's 4 and 5.