Marie Curie Linking Industry to CERN

WP 6 Coordination


The objectives of the work package were to ensure effective project management and co-ordination, to assure a proper execution of the exchange of people, and to enable the effective and timely exploitation, transfer and dissemination of the knowledge based on the results of the project. These were achieved by appropriate scientific, technical, administrative and financial management of the project, and by well co-ordinated contacts with the EC. The Project management ensured the high quality and timely delivery of the results of the project. The organisation of the work enabled the monitoring of the progress on managerial, scientific and technical levels. The set-up of clear rules and policies for the intellectual property rights, for the publication of results, and for international communication standards, promoted good practices in these and helped in the resolution of potential conflicts and other situations with risk.


Annual project meetings

Monthly reviews with partners

Project steering commitee

Project administrative group


Daily management of the project.

Post-doc researcher was recruited to HIP as a project technical coordinator for 21 months in 2012-2014.